CHAPTER 36 A Home You Are Not Welcomed In.

3677 Words

"Who are you and how the hell did you get past my barrier spell? I don’t remember permitting you to enter my Queendom.” Flames dancing at her fingertips, the Queen of Wastelands had come to meet the one who was ludicrous enough to invade her Marked Territory. Esmeray’s head snapped towards the small woman standing at a good distance from them. 'Mother~' Esmeray’s lips moved in a soundless whisper as she stared at her in a daze. A shiver went down Esmeray's spine as the Cold Queen strode towards them, making the ground vibrate with each step she took. The Queen of Wastelands was channeling her dominance through the ground beneath, exhibiting a glimpse of the destruction she was capable of. Her jet black hair with red tips was bound in a high ponytail. Her ears with pointed tips were

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