39. Cleaned Up

1185 Words
"It'll take me some time to get the tub filled and warm. Can you make a fire?" "Yes sir, I can." "Right over there are the supplies. Get the fire going and I'll get a bath ready for you." I could love everything about this. He smiles at me after a couple of seconds. "Well get to it then." "Sorry, I'm going now." By the time he comes back, I have the fire going good. He puts some meat on it. "You did good with the fire." "Thank you." "I'll show you where the bath is. And I found a dress. It may not fit perfect but it will be better than this one." "Anything would be better than this holey dirty thing." I hear him laugh as I say it. "Here's the bath miss. I put the clothes over here. Get cleaned up. I'm going to keep an eye on the meat." I wait for him to leave and take off my nasty clothes. I step into the bath. It's so warm. He put something in the water and it smells so good. I lay back and relax. After I get all washed, I find a comb he left for me. I haven't done this in so long. It feels amazing to be cleaned up again. I get back outside and he's by the fire. He gives me a double take. "You clean up well." "Thank you and thank you for the bath. I haven't had one in so long. And this dress fits fairly well. I really can't thank you enough for everything." "Go pick some vegetables out of the garden. You can pick the ones you like and then I think we'll be about ready to eat." It's perfect. Peppers, onions, beans, corn, some I don't even know what they are. I get some peppers for us. "Good. Put those on that table." I sit the peppers beside the meat and bread. This is amazing. "Let's eat, miss." I make a plate of food for myself. "This is really good." "How long have you been running?" "I don't remember. I've lost track." "You going to stop soon?" "I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. They'll find me if I hold still." "Have you met nice people on your journey?" "1 lady. The first night. She gave me food and a dress. And you seem nice." "You're awful young to be out on your own like this. You can stay here tonight." I freeze up. He must of sensed it. "I have a room you can stay in. It'll be quiet. I'm the only one here. You'll be able to get some good sleep." I feel the tears filling my eyes. I know if I try to talk I'll start sobbing. I stare at my plate and nod. "Alright, I'll show you to the room. I know you're tired." He stands up and puts his hand out to me. I take it. I don't know what else to do. We go into the cabin and he opens a door off to the side. It has a bed and a table in it but not much else. "You can sleep in here. I'm going to clean up some stuff outside. If you need anything, yell out the door. I'll be able to hear you." "Yes sir, thank you." I take off the dress and lay down in my underwear. I really don't want to mess this one up as bad. I fall asleep within minutes. I don't know how long I sleep but I wake up and it's late morning. I put the dress back on and start roaming. He's not in here. I go outside and see him in the distance fixing part of the horse fence. I sit on the step and watch him. A bird lands on the porch rail. I look at it. It's all black. "Is this what it's like to have a mate little birdy? Someone that will watch over you sleeping and make sure you have something to eat? Maybe I could just stay here forever. It's perfect here." A horse runs out of the barn and straight for me. He jumps the fence and doesn't stop. I let it get closer and jump from the top step straight onto the horse. "Easy boy." He keeps going and jumps another fence. Then a rock. "Easy. Easy." I pet the horse. "Easy. It's ok. I wonder what scared you. Did you see a snake or mouse or something? We can go back together. I will check the barn for you." I ride back to the front of the house and the man is standing there. "Something scared him but he's ok now." I pet his neck a few times. Oh no. I need blood soon. "Did not expect any of that... You can really ride though." "Thank you and yes. I've loved and ridden horses since I was a child." He helps me off the horse. "Go get something to eat off that table. I'm getting ready to go fishing if you want to join me. Need to finish the fence first." "I'll try it." "Go eat. It'll probably be another hour before we leave. Stay where I can hear if you yell." I really need blood. I grab some food and take off. Lots of trees here. There has to be something I can get blood from. I see a raccoon. "No, not that. To mean." I see a bunny in the distance. I speed to it and grab it. Drink it. Then I do it again and again. "Well guess I figured that part out at least." I have some more breakfast and the horse comes flying out of the barn again. This time I stand in front of it and talk. He calms down quick and I take him back to the barn. "I will check the barn. See what's scaring you." The man is still fixing the fence. This seems like a normal barn. "Where were you scared at?" The horse seems completely fine. "I'm not finding anything horsey." I go back a little further and there is a horse on the ground. She looks horrible. I don't think she can get up and there is snot and drool coming out her face. I think she may be dead. Then her eyes meet mine. I scream and run out. The man catches me around my waist at the door. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about her being in there. That's the sick horse I'm going to have to put down. I was waiting. Hoping she would get well. But I don't think she will. I'm sorry you seen that." I wipe the tears off my face. "I shouldn't have came in here. I'm sorry." "Nonsense. Where else would you have put my horse? But did you see what was scaring it?" "Not at all. I didn't see any mice or snakes or anything." "Maybe Betty's condition has the other horses worked up too. I'll deal with it tonight. Let's go fishing."
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