Chapter 7 - Under Control

1913 Words

Chapter Seven Under Control  ***Lorana*** “Stay with me, hero beast.” I breathed into his lopped ear as I applied more pressure to the wound. “Please stay...” At my words, Onyx’s bloodshot eyes fluttered open. I saw the heaviness of pain clouding their once-alluring brightness—so much pain. The stabbing ache in my legs was nothing compared to what I saw in him. He cried. It was a suffering, mournful sound I had heard dogs do before—a grieving sound for their families. When you hear that heart-breaking sound once, you will never forget it. There was something so human beneath this animal exterior. It rattled me that I cared so much for this dog, and he wasn’t even mine. No, he’s not a dog... He’s a hero! “I’m right here...” I cuddled him into me as much as I possibly could, trying t

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