Chapter 2-5

1583 Words

Surprisingly, I slept through the night. Even more surprising was that it was a deep, rejuvenating sleep with no nightmares in sight. Usually when my dad had an episode, I shook in fear for hours. Not this time, though. The blended scents of freshly brewed coffee and warm cinnamon rolls filled the air and I turned over to shake Jeff awake, finding instead an empty space in the bed. Odd, he never woke up before me when I spent the night. He usually liked to sleep as late as possible. I got up and looked around for my uniform. I needed to dress and get to the hospital as soon as possible. In the chaos of last night, I had not thought to grab anything extra to wear. My work clothes were nowhere to be found, however. Instead, I saw a stack of my clothes folded neatly on Jeff’s desk. He must h

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