Chapter 2-4

859 Words

After a tense hour, the surgeon finally came through those double doors, smiling. My grandma started weeping with relief before he even spoke. I listened, I really did, but I made out only about every other word. Something about “doing well,” “sleeping,” and “come back tomorrow.” We couldn’t see her yet, but my grandparents were smiling, so I knew it was going to be okay. Grandma and Grandpa decided to stay at the nearby Hampton Inn for the night instead of making the forty-five minute drive back home. Pamela and I would stay with them, but I wasn’t looking forward to all four of us in a cramped hotel room. Jeff grabbed my arm, pulling me aside. “Stay at my house,” he whispered. I looked up at him. That was the best idea I’d heard all day. I’d stayed at his house all the time, so much

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