Something to talk about

1323 Words

Alpha Lorenzo I woke to the first light of dawn filtering through the heavy curtains, its gentle warmth a stark contrast to the cold knot forming in my stomach. Something felt wrong. An uneasy tension hung in the air, one that couldn't be ignored. I threw off the covers and dressed quickly, each movement driven by an unspoken urgency. Stepping outside my room, I was met by Conan, his usually calm face marked by a grim expression. "Lorenzo," he began, his voice low, "There’s been an attack." The words hit me like a blow. "Who?" I asked, already fearing the answer. "One of our own. The rogue witches struck in the night. We've lost Seth." Seth. A loyal pack member, always ready to protect his kin. The pain of his loss gripped my heart, but I couldn't afford to let it show. Not no

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