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Alpha Lorenzo To say I was enraged would be an understatement of the storm brewing inside of me right now. When Conan called, I assumed it was a minor issue, not the full-fledged war I had come to witness here at my pack. I snarled as my wolf Max took over, and my clothes ripped, revealing my midnight black wolf. I let out a deafening roar as I charged headfirst into the battle. I relentlessly attacked any unlucky rogue who dared to challenge me, and I did not stop until I reached my beta, Conan. Together, we are a formidable force.We fought so well together that we earned the nickname "dynamic duo.” We had a reputation for being vicious and savage all over the world.Not without reason, I was dubbed the savage alpha. Tearing rogues apart is what I do for fun. We mercilessly ripped across the field, eliminating each rouge until there was only one straggler left. From his wolf size, I could tell that he was the rogues’ leader. Since he has been terrorizing the wolf packs in this district for years—since my father, the previous alpha, was alive—tearing apart the rogue leader would be beneficial to me. We circled each other, sizing each other up. I snarled in his face and threw the first punch. It was a well-timed blow to his lower abdomen which had him dodging to the right to avoid my blow. With a powerful snap of my jaws, I clamped down on his ear, eliciting a painful yelp. Enraged, the rogue lashed out, but I was faster. I darted around him, delivering a swift bite to his flank. The blow sent him staggering back, his eyes burning with a mixture of rage and fury. The tide had turned. I seized the moment, letting out a thunderous roar that echoed through the valley. It was a primal challenge, a declaration of dominance that resonated through every fiber of my being. The rogue faltered. His initial arrogance had evaporated, replaced by a burning need for revenge. Butting his head to my abdomen, he plunged his claws into my left hind limb. With a grunt of pain, I staggered back. Glancing at the injury, I realized that his claws were laced with wolfsbane and there would be grace consequences if this battle was prolonged. With the determination to end the battle early, I went in for the kill shot. I lunged for his neck, but he sidestepped into my trap. With his left limb caught in my mouth, I ripped it off the socket with so much voraciousness. Not giving him any time to recover, I lunged at his neck, ripping his head off his body in one fluid motion. His body dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I spat out his blood from my mouth. Silence descended upon the pack once more, broken only by my ragged breaths. I stood tall, my body battered but my spirit unbroken. I had defended my pack, my leadership, and our right to live freely. The scars from my leg would serve as a constant reminder of this battle, a testament to my unwavering courage and the fierce loyalty within the pack. With the wolfsbane still in my system, I was unable to transform back to human form, so I staggered to the pack house in wolf form. Suddenly, a power surge shot through my body, blinding me. I felt my body become stronger, and I noticed my wounds already beginning to heal, confused I asked my wolf, “Max, what just happened?” He replied with a grunt, “I have no idea Enzo, maybe it’s the effect of the full moon.” I nodded my head in agreement as I slowly transformed back into my human self. One of my warriors threw me a pair of shorts which I put on as I walked to the pack clinic. Mind linking Conan, ”Round up all the bodies both rogues and pack wolves, and give them a proper funeral. I’d be in my office.” I heard his curt reply before I strode to Dr Heather’s office. Immediately I entered, she quickly rose to attend to me. “Alpha, I thought your leg was badly injured?” She asked as she ushered me to a bed to sit, “It was but now it’s healed.” I said as I exposed my leg for her to see, “Here take a look.” She touched the leg with her gloved hand.I felt uncomfortable right away, so I withdrew my leg.She gently walked to her desk, rummaging through it as I strode to the door. “I’d need to check your vitals to verify that you’re okay alpha,” she said with her back to me. I reached for the doorknob, turned it, and faced her, “That would have to wait Heather I have important pack matters to attend to,” I said as I slammed her door closed. I heard the phone ring loudly as soon as I arrived at my office, where I was going to talk to my friend Romeo Black about the rogue issue. In a fluid motion, I closed the door, picked the phone up, and sat down with a writing pad. “Alpha Sinclair here who’s this?” I answered as I saw the number was an unfamiliar one, “Alpha Sinclair, I’ve been trying to get you on the line, this is Alpha Peters,” I let out a sigh as I ran my hands through my hair, “I’ve been busy alpha Peters, what do you want?” “Right, I’m calling to inform you about the next council meeting which is tomorrow at my pack, normal time,” I hung up the phone, saying, "I would be there as usual.” I immediately called Romeo's phone number.He picked on the second ring, “My man, how are you doing,” Romeo’s voice carried a note of curiosity. “Peters just called me now about the Council meeting and it’s at his pack, what game is that asswipe playing?” I heard him sigh before he replied, “Honestly I have no idea man this meeting gives me a very bad vibe.” “It’s funny how I got this call right after I dealt with the rogue problem here.” I said annoyed, “Wait, what!” He exclaimed, “You heard me, I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.” We spoke some more on the phone before we bid each other goodbyes because we had work to do. Dropping the phone, I pinched the bridge of my nose to relieve some of the tension I felt. My mind immediately drifted to my beautiful innocent mate, her honeysuckle and strawberry scent was like a drug to me, I just met her and I couldn’t stop myself from craving her. I swiveled the chair to face the window, my mind still drifting on the thought of my mate when I smelt her. With my eyebrows pulled up, I wondered “what was she doing here?”
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