
1700 Words
Raelynn With my head still spinning from the shock of the night before, I ran a weary hand through my hair. It still amazes me that last night, I almost slept with a stranger. With a sulky tone, my wolf Lynn interrupted, saying, "He is not a stranger, that is our mate." I rolled my eyes at her, "He is still a stranger, we do not even know his name.” I can not believe I acted like a dog in heat yesterday. That is so not like me; typically, I am the cool-headed kind. I never do anything rash; I suppose I can blame it on my wolf. Not wanting to be late for my first day of classes, I quickly changed into my favorite pair of skinny jeans and hoodie and got ready for school. As I walked from my dorm to class, the warm sun shone down on my face, relieving some of the mental turmoil I was experiencing. I stopped as soon as I stepped foot on school property; something about the entire arena made me feel nostalgic. I took a deep breath and made my way down Stonehart Academy's hallways to my locker, carrying my schedule and map. The school is very large. At my locker, a pink-haired girl about my height was on her phone. Although I have never seen someone wear pink hair, she looked amazing. She raised her head, greeting me with the sight of pink eyes as I loudly cleared my throat. Enthralled beyond belief. Her words did not reach my ears until she raised her voice and asked, "Can I help you?” “Right…Yeah, you are standing in front of my locker," I said timidly. "Oh, my bad, my locker is right next to yours. By the way, my name is Alison. She held out her hand to me, and I firmly shook it, saying, "Raelynn.” Turning to my locker, my fingers fumbled with the lock combination, and frustration bubbled through. "Having trouble?" I heard Alison say which startled me. “The combination is usually the first 3 letters of your school ID,” I smiled, “Thanks.” “What’s your major?” I asked to start a conversation, “Biochemistry, what about you?” With a wide smile, I said, “I have double majors; Biochemistry and Genetics,” done arranging my books, “I guess we should head to class. I heard our analytical chemistry professor is a hard ass, I wouldn’t wanna get on her bad side.” As we ascended the stairs, I read my schedule and said, "The class is scheduled for room 104. According to the map, it is meant to be here." Glancing at the doors, I said, "105, 106, 107," and then I asked, "Where is 104?" with a slight frown. Alison laughed so hard that tears were streaming from her eyes at that very moment. With a raised eyebrow, I asked, "What is funny?If you had not noticed, we are currently lost and late for class.” "Gosh, I really needed that, man, you are so funny," she said between laughs. "You are reading the map the wrong way.” I observed the said map and it was upside down, I can’t believe I’m so dumb. Turning around, we proceeded upstairs, stopping in front of the room. Luckily, we made it just before the professor entered the class, Alison walked towards some ladies, I guess they all reserved a seat for her because she took the last one there. I moved to the last seat in the class that was open and sat down next to a guy who was all black—black jeans and a black hoodie.After taking a seat, I turned to face my neighbor and said, "Hey, my name is Raelynn, but my friends call me Rae.” Since he made no effort to answer, I assume he did not hear me. Just then, our professor entered the class, with the same unwavering presence as a chemical reaction reaching equilibrium. Her starched lab coat hung impeccably, mirroring the rigid order she expected in her classroom. Her steely gaze, framed by silver spectacles, swept across the rows of students, sending a ripple of nervous energy through the room. This was Analytical Chemistry 101, Professor Barnes’ domain, and her reputation for meticulousness preceded her. The silence that ensued was a complete contrast to the noise and rowdiness that existed a few seconds ago. On instinct, I held my breath to prevent myself from making any sounds. With firm steps, she walked around the class and then stopped at her desk. With a finger resting on her desk, her voice, a low contralto that resonated with authority, filled the room. “Welcome to Analytical Chemistry 101, I am Professor Bailey Barnes and we’re going to be delving into a world of titrations.” “You all would be shared after this class into a group of 2 for your practical, this pairing is final for this semester, I don’t want to hear any side comments,” she said as she walked to the board, writing the topic for today down. The lecture continued for the next hour. I made side glances every so often around the class and noticed how everyone paid rapt attention during the lecture. The bell rang signifying the end of the class and boy was I glad. "Your seat partners will be your practical partners, and the topics you are working on in the next class will be presented to you. Have a lovely day." Professor Barnes said as she gathered her things and left the class. I turned to my right hoping to speak to my neighbor only to find his seat empty. **** As soon as the lunch bell rang, I hastily followed the mass of students out of the classroom. Since Alison was preoccupied with her friends, I did not bother waiting for her. Quickly, I made my way through the lunch hall, to the lunch line. Fortunately, there were only a few people on the line. I quickly perused the menu and decided to get just a burger and some fries. Fortunately, I did not run into anyone I knew as I made my way down the halls to the library. Since what I was doing was personal, I did not want to start explaining it to other people. Hurriedly munching on the burger, I stopped in front of a large oak door, I’d never seen anything as intricate as this before. Not only was it stunning, but it was probably one of the oldest doors with the initial markings of the moon goddess. I traced the markings of the moon on the door, and I felt a spark, instantly I removed it. There was no scorch mark on the door or any mark on my hand. Shrugging, I pushed the door open and stepped into the dome-like room, I could smell it all; the homely smell of new and old books. My lips stretched into a wide smile, this place was going to be my favorite place in this school. “Good afternoon young lady, it’s nice to see some young and fresh minds eager for some knowledge.” With a smile on my face, I briskly approached the librarian and said, "Good afternoon, Miss. Where can I get books on Alphas?” “She responded with a smile, "As you walk down the shelves you will see them labeled with directions, the northern wing contains everything about alphas." I thanked her right away and headed towards the shelves. I scanned the shelves as I walked past them, making a silent promise to see them all. Turning to the northern wing, I noticed this part of the library was completely different from the other parts, it even smelled different. I sighed and began glancing through the books in search of a book with information on the latest alphas. What I wasn’t expecting was to find the brooding guy from class who became my lab partner for the rest of the semester. He left the classroom, literally, without even attempting to engage in conversation about our practical. What was he doing here? I wondered, and I quickly avoided him because he had not noticed me yet. “Finally!” I cried out as I took out a big book—possibly the biggest one I have ever seen on Alpha's. This book was the only one on the shelf that was dust-free and clean. Running my fingers on the cover page, luckily I noticed that there was a picture attached to each alpha’s name. The first alpha from the 16th century is alpha Henri Martin of the Blue Stone pack. He was the first alpha to be crowned the title of supreme alpha due to his numerous achievements. I continue flipping until I get to the 21st century where we currently are. Immediately I saw his name. I knew he was the one, I didn’t even have to look at the picture to confirm it was him, I felt it in my bones. Alpha Lorenzo Sinclair of the Lakeview pack. I ran my fingers on his picture and felt a spark, I guess that's a sign of our eternal connection. Just then I noticed words written under his name, my mouth hung open as I let out a gasp. "Supreme alpha Lorenzo Sinclair," I read the words out loud to confirm what I just read. "Lynn, what just happened?" I asked my wolf, "I guess he just got promoted to supreme alpha," she replied with a shrug with a shrug in my mind's eye "Does that make me a supreme Luna?" I frantically asked my wolf and as always she replied with the same lack of enthusiasm as earlier, "Don't give me a headache Rae with all your worrying. When we see our mate, we would talk." A crash came from the direction where I had seen the moody guy earlier, and as I turned to investigate, the light went out, turning the library into a pitch-black maze of silence. I knew right then that I was not safe.
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