#5 - Always, My Amelie

1488 Words
"It's been a while." "Forgive me." Romaldo took a few more steps forward, his eyes focused on the beautiful flower that had always had his heart beating with so much love each time he saw her face. Her long hair was flowing gracefully with the forest breeze and he wished he could run his fingers through it. "I would have come sooner--" "No need to apologise. I know how busy you are and being alpha king is no easy task either. Even though I must say, you do make it look pretty easy." Romaldo's eyes lit up when she got up and revealed her beautiful figure that was covered in a light free flowing gown. Against the forest green background she was the prettiest flower in the subtle shade of scarlet and with the bright sun's rays hitting her at the perfect angles, she was a breath taking sight. "You look good." Romaldo looked up at her and her big doe eyes instantly captured his gaze and he got lost in there with no hope of getting out. "I wish I could say the same, but that would be the understatement of the year." Romaldo smiled subtly as he approached the love of his life. "You are simply breath taking my love." He stretched out his hands to take her in his arms but she moved away, giggling, and he ended up grabbing onto air. "You always knew how to flatter me." "With you I only speak the truth my love. You know that." Romaldo followed in her footsteps as she kept collecting more of her favourite flowers. "It's just the mate bond, nothing more. You know that." "Since when did you begin doubting my love for you?" Romaldo's heart hurt at that thought. He hated that she'd even think for one second that his love was not true. "I would never doubt your love for me, I just think that our mate bond has a lot to do with it." "Well...mate bond or not, I love you very much and I always will. There will never be any other for me." Romaldo drew closer and her intoxicating smell of roses filled up his senses making him want to claim her right there and then. "Never say never, my love." She flashed him her sweet smile but he only glared at her. "I told you before, you are the only one for me. I don't and will never desire another apart from you. Why don't you believe me?" Romaldo reached for her but she evaded him again. "And why won't you let me touch you Amelie?" He growled, frustrated that once again she slipped out of his hands. "Because she's just in our head." His wolf sighed while Romaldo's chest tightened. Amelie...always loved and cherished even in death. Her headstone read, and Romaldo's hands clenched tightly around the flowers he held, so much he could feel them being crushed to pulp. Daisies... Amelie's favourites, but not even he could recognize them now. He dropped them on her headstone without a care in the world. He figured she wouldn't care either because she was still gone...dead. She didn't even bother looking back to see how much he'd suffered. How much he missed her. How much her death changed him. "How could you do this to me, to us?" He asked, his voice bitter, sad and broken. Even after so long, that hadn't changed. Her death still stung like hell and standing in front of her grave still brought the worst pain he had ever faced. He had thought it would be different this time around. Now that he was getting married and moving on, but he was wrong. And for the longest while, he just sat there, staring and picturing her beautiful face until suddenly his wolf felt agitated. Something wasn't right and Romaldo stood on guard. "Well, well, well. If it's not our mighty ruler. How are you doing your highness?" A roguish looking wolf bowed in front of him. But instead of answering Romaldo scanned his surroundings and counted at least a hundred or more wolves with one sweep. He was surrounded but still remained composed. "Congratulations on managing to sneak up on me." He said nonchalantly and the wolf he assumed to be the leader laughed. "Oh, it was pretty easy with you crying over your dead girlfriend. Such a sorry sight really." The wolf scoffed, a definite insult to Romaldo and he already decided to kill him last, just so he could have him live long enough to see his pack members destroyed. And just so he could send him straight to hell with all the pain of causing their death haunting him. "You know strangers are not welcome in my territory." He warned. "And who's going to stop us, you? From what I can see, there is only one of you and well, I'm guessing the big powerful alpha king knows how to count." The wolf laughed, while his pack cheered and Romaldo couldn't decide who was more stupid between the wolves that followed this clown or the alpha who actually thought this was about numbers. "Pa...maybe we should go. He looks too confident. His pack soldiers might be nearby for all we know." "Shut up!" The clueless alpha roared while Romaldo smirked. The kid was right, but only on one thing. He was confident, but not because his pack members were nearby. "I'd listen to your filthy pup if I were you." "How thoughtful of you, but you only stir my determination even more. I've waited for this day, for this chance to end you for all you've done and I'm afraid I don't intend to waste it. Today you'll die by my hands. Kill him!" "There is definitely going to be death today, but you are mistaken to think its mine." Romaldo roared as he tore through his clothes and shifted into his wolf. They were both ready and before his enemies realized, ten wolves lay at his feet and he lunged at another, slashing its throat too easily. He knew he didn't need to shift to take them all but after a visit to Amelie's grave his thirst for blood had his wolf thirsting for revenge. It didn't even matter that this pack was not responsible for her death. Two wolves came at him from the side and he caught one by its throat and sunk his huge canines in while his claws ripped the other's chest apart in one swift motion. It was all too easy and just as he thought they were stupid. Coming at him one after the other was their biggest mistake and he picked them off one by one like apples from a tree. Dead bodies remained in his wake as he ripped through their ranks heading towards their alpha. "What are you waiting for? Get him!" The alpha roared and Romaldo smirked. "That's more like it." He watched as all the remaining wolves came at him from all sides. He admired their stupid courage that was about to get them all killed before he broke out in a vicious victorious howl that sent birds flying off the trees. The first wolves reached him and his wolf was more than ready. Cutting down his enemies like a skilled dancer showing off his moves under the bright shinning sun. "Now what were you saying again?" Romaldo curled an eyebrow at the alpha as he dropped the last wolf on the pile of dead bodies that surrounded him. "You killed my son!" The anguished wolf lunged at him but he simply caught it mid air by its throat and the look of surprise in its eyes satisfied him. "You really should have listened to your pup." Romaldo grinned. "And honestly, I think he would have been a better alpha than you ever were." "You know nothing!" The wolf bared it's teeth and struck at him but Romaldo avoided his blow easily. Even after shifting back into his human form he still was no match for the alpha. "You are truly a demon." The alpha shifted too and coughed out blood, his eyes bearing the common look of defeat Romaldo had seen countless number of times. "Again, you are wrong." Romaldo tightened his hold. "I'm no demon. I'm the devil himself." He whispered before snapping the man's neck and dropping the limp body on the forest floor. "And I don't appreciate my personal moments being disturbed." He hissed as his eyes travelled back to his dead mate's grave. "Always, my Amelie." He mumbled before turning away. "Ken." He mind linked his beta while he stared at more than a hundred dead wolves scattered on the ground. "Yes alpha." The reply was instant and he gave his orders just as quickly. "What, a clean up crew? What did you do?" His beta sounded horrified. "I got us a new pack."
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