When you left me behind

1538 Words
Mellione’s POV Even with my eyes closed, everything is spinning around me and I feel terribly nauseated. A throbbing headache makes me want to go back to sleep, but against my better judgment, I open my eyes, the dim light of the morning unexpectedly friendly with my hungover. As I blink a few times and reach my hands up to rub my eyes, something feels strange. Not just that this is definitely not my room, but there was someone in bed with me... As I realize this, I’m not sure what hits me next. The urge to vomit or the maddening and absolutely exhilarating vetiver and tobacco scent that seems to absolutely engulf the whole room. Both afraid and burning to know whose room this was, I turn my head and look to the side. My heart implodes instantly, making all the color from my cheeks drain. I’m not sure if I should feel thrilled or absolutely terrified when the man moves an arm over his eyes to block the morning sun from waking him up when a stray ray of light found its way on his face as the sun continued to rise. I keep quiet as a mouse because I decide I'm mortified by this and continue watching him without moving a single muscle. I soon realize I forgot to breathe and I’m overtaken again with the urge to get up and run away like a scared stray animal. But instead of that, I sit still and watch him as he continues to sleep, unbothered by my unhinged staring. The warm light that rests on his face draws me in and I stop myself before touching his flawless face. His full and fleshy lips seem to be as dry as I remember them, but now, they seem more inviting than menacing. His shaved face is already growing stubby and, this close, I can see how much his hair resembles ash rather than old gray hair. The piercings in his ear shine and spark in such a dull and elegant way I can’t help but speculate it’s platinum he’s wearing, and not mere street corner shop jewelry. His strong jaw seems relaxed for once and I can tell he’s still in deep sleep, so I take a bit more to watch him sleep, my eyes following the contour of his greek like nose and slide down to his lips, chin and slowly down his neck. The blanket is pulled all the way to his shoulders and I stop there, a little disappointed. With all the courage I can muster, I slowly start slipping out of bed and as the blanket leaves my body I make another mortifying discovery. I’m naked! I’m butt naked! I’m wearing absolutely nothing! Panic floods me and shame creeps up from the pits of my stomach, making me feel light headed and even more nauseated than I already was. As I sit on the edge of the bed, trying to convince myself this was a simple, stupid, unexisting, unreal dream, behind me, Seth stirs again, turning on his side, facing my bare back. Without an ounce of sane thoughts in my head, I immediately sink to my knees on the floor, sliding off of the bed and hiding behind the bed in hope he wouldn’t wake up and see me there. But there is no feedback from the sleeping man. Minutes seem to pass and I brace myself to gather my scattered clothes from the floor, still refusing to believe this was real. There was no way in hell I spent the night with him! There was no way in hell I was naked in his bed! I have little to no memory from last night, so yes! This was all a dream! A mercilessly sexy and cruel dream that my brain made up for me to forget Zeke- Zeke… I pause, as I find my underwear and stare at the white buttoned down shirt discarded on the floor. The dreamlike feeling slowly washes away, making room for the aching heartbreak from last night. I pick my dress up in a rush and get up, grab my boots from the foot of the bed and ready myself for the walk of shame back to my room. I truly and deeply hope no one was up and I can get it all together before anyone sees me. I dress as fast as possible and hold my boots in one of my hands, as I try to tiptoe around the room, as quietly as possible, but as I approach the door, a low, loud groan fills the room and my memory is suddenly flooded with last night's events. More or less detailed, a complete mess of images and sensations that now make me unsure if I want to leave this room at all. His lips on mine, his tongue between my legs, that strange and exciting piercing in his tongue, him deeply sheathed inside me, his rough, wild and unsatiated moves, his fierce eyes and the utter possessiveness written in them as I stared at him... My knees feel weak and I’m not sure I can take another step. “Mellione?” the way my name rolls off of his tongue sends a delightful shiver all over my body. His voice is husky and I can tell even without looking at him that he’s merely awake. And yet- he’s asking for me? My name on his lips feels decadent and I want to hear him speak it more often. Only now I understand this is the first time he’s actually spoken to me. It was the first time I actually heard his voice. His deep, sultry and alluring voice. And once again, I’m overtaken with the need to turn on my heels and walk back to him, but I quickly decide against it, and run out of the door, slamming it behind me as I exit, before running as fast as I can towards my bedroom. My heart is beating so fast I can hear my own pulse, my breath is uneven and I can’t even think clearly. I shut the door of my room with enough force to wake up the whole house and I can’t even get a full breath, before from my bathroom, Annais rushes out with wide and terrified eyes. Our eyes lock and I feel my cheeks drain of any color and I push by her, hurrying to the toilet, where I crouch down and finally throw up whatever little was left in my stomach. Was it the alcohol? Was it the insane amount of butterflies I keep feeling? My anxiety? “What happened?” her voice rings in my ears like a bunch of way too jolly bells. “Where have you been? I’ve been searching for you all morning!” I gesture for her to shut up as I get up and flush the toilet and move to the sink to brush my teeth and clean my mouth of this foul taste. “My head feels like it’s about to burst…” I mutter, half surprised at how tired I sound. Now that I look in the mirror, I notice the smudged make-up and, once again, I feel eternally shameful. How could I have allowed such a thing to happen? How could I have allowed myself to be seen like this?! Just at the thought of Seth, I feel warm and insecure. “Zeke told me you were drinking quite a lot last night.” Annais lowers her voice, leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed on her chest. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I immediately eye her with round eyes filled with shame. “Alright!” her hands go up in the air and she seems to accept it immediately. “Maybe we can talk about it some other time, when I get the balls to tell you about my last night too.” I can notice a playful smirk draw on her pink tinted lips. Right! She had been gone most of the night and I barely caught any glimpse of her after! I watch her walk back into the room. “Now hurry and get ready. We’re leaving in half an hour!” she announces to me and from nowhere, a feeling of emptiness and longing seems to wrap around me, pulling me to a dark corner of my mind. We’re leaving for college today. We’re leaving for a completely new town I’ve never even dreamt about. I’m not even sure I want to leave anymore. The secluded pack territory suddenly felt much more interesting than they did when I applied for med school. A faint memory of the vetiver and tobacco scent springs back to memory, filling my belly with warmth and fuzzing my mind. Maybe leaving this place for a while won’t be as bad as I think it is. With all of yesterday, definitely getting away was for the best. Away from Zeke, away from all the rumors that surely are already spreading, away from uncomfortable meetings with Zeke, and furthermore, away from those icy blue eyes that seemed to have burnt their way into my head.
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