Goodbye, I guess...

1168 Words
Seth’s POV It takes me hours to fall asleep. My mind can’t wrap around this all. Such a thing never seemed possible for me. Even my father seemed disgusted by everything I never was and not only once, did he take the opportunity to tell me my chances of having a mate of my own are slim if not actually nonexistent. But she was here, in my arms. And what a small and fragile thing she was- Nothing even close to what women in my world were. There was nothing fierce about her and I feared. For the first time in my life, I was afraid about something. That my life was not suited to be hers as well. But I couldn’t bring myself to deny both of us this. I also couldn't deny that from the very first moment I met her, I felt attracted to her. Her innocence, her playful eyes, her enticing curves and luscious lips. How natural she was and how well all this fitted her. These past few days have been rather silent and comfortable. I didn’t have to constantly pick up my phone or do much but read and enjoy the countryside. The occasional absurd calls from home didn’t seem as insufferable as they usually were, but now, with her sleeping beside me, with her warmth and scent wrapping around me like a fuzzy blanket, I could actually say I felt relaxed and at peace. Eventually, my mind drifted off and I fell asleep, most likely still holding her. A dreamless and soundless sleep. That until a strange feeling of coldness and emptiness seemed to creep into my heart. With a groan, I try to push away the sleep that seems to stick to me, I rub my face and open my eyes. The bed was empty and I push myself up on my elbow, to look around the room. I spot her near the door, dressed, her hair a mess, her back turned towards the bed. “Mellione?” I call out her name, my husky voice reverberating in my chest. Now that her name rolled off my tongue, a strange sense of guilt resurfaces as I realize this is the first time I have spoken to her. She stiffens, and as I imagined, it doesn’t take long until she’s out the door like a scared cat, running for her life. I fall back into the pillows, knowing better than chasing after her. I’m not even sure she figured it out yet. With all the heartbreak, alcohol and messy thoughts that were pilled in her mind. She wouldn’t have run like this if she had it figured out. I was almost sure about it. Both my hands brush my face again as I groan and roll out of bed. I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. I’m not even sure how long I slept for, but when I checked my phone, I noticed the abundance of messages that filled my screen and understood there was little concern about my sleep now. I had far more important things to figure out than my lack of sleep or comfortable rest. I look at the door once again and can’t help but feel a hint of regret about having to part from her like this. But maybe it’s for the best. Maybe I’ll be able to avoid her until later when we finally leave. And as soon as I get home I can start making a place for her there and come back and- My thoughts spiral out of control and, thankfully, I’m pulled out of there when the door opens and Callix walks right inside. He stops and hesitates, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen me like this. The room was a mess, there were clothes still scattered on the floor and most likely I looked like s**t. “Have you been drinking again?” he asks, a little bothered by his own assumption. “Don’t be a fool, Callix.” I mutter, running a hand through my hair, combing it backwards with a sigh, my eyes closing slowly, thoughts drifting towards the siren eyed beauty. “Right.” Callix seems uncertain about it. “I’ve got the car ready. I thought we might want to leave a little early since we were invited to stop by the Camfield’s before we reached home. “Camfield?” I repeat a little taken aback, my eyes opening and immediately reaching for the phone. “Amara Camfield insisted on stopping by-” “Of course she did.” I hiss between my teeth as I scroll through the messages. *** As I dress, I make my way to the window, looking down at the small group of people that seemed to hurry for the parking lots. I notice the blonde from last night, dragging after her two large luggage, a boy I’m not sure I’ve seen before, Zeke and a handful of worried parents. At the end of the group, a certain raven haired seemed to hesitate. My heart skips a beat as Marcus walks beside her, with two large luggages in his hand, seemingly talking to her. Mellione seemed confused, as if she didn’t know where she was. She seemed heartbroken still and I couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. I now remember I’ve heard them several times talking about college and never did I take a moment to understand they were leaving just today. Maybe if I would have known sooner, or realized it sooner, I would have done a better job at keeping myself away from her. Just for her own sake. Yet, I'd be a bit too selfish to not admit this was for myself too. I was not sure I could handle a mate with all that was going on at home. With the attacks, with the failing trades and the police suddenly switching sides. As I tie the knot of my tie, Mellione stops for a brief moment and turns towards the house, eyeing the upper levels, as if searching for me. I’m more than sure she can’t see me through the thick glass, as I watch her. I guess my wish to keep myself away from her was going to be fulfilled far more easily than I wished for it to be done. Her heart fills with bitterness and I feel it too. Like a hole in my chest that only grows bigger. When she turns around and soon vanishes in one of the cars, I’m overtaken with the need to run after her and tell her she’s mine. That I’ll be back for her as soon as I can, that I'll be there for her, that I’m sorry I was selfish … But I sit there, staring out the window and watch the cars drive away, while a sense of worry embraces me. Was this truly the right choice? Maybe Rejecting her was far easier. Good thing I was an emotional masochist-
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