Chapter 7

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Paityn's POV: "I just bought that phone a couple of months ago!" I yelled at him and pushed really hard on his solid hard chest and he took a step back. I reached down and picked up the pieces of my phone that were on the ground and put them in my purse. 'I'm sorry. I just, I was angry." He apologized. "You're sorry?" I asked in a raised voice and stood up to face him. "What gives you the right to just rip the phone out of my hand in the first place? Not to mention push me into this alleyway and pin me against the wall so you can almost shout into my phone at the person I was talking to?" I snapped at him. The darkness of the alley behind him, with the flicker of the lights on the street from the party, caused him to look almost evil yet extraordinarily handsome. It caused his scar to be shadowed, looking bigger than it was and his sharp facial features looked hardened. He looked extremely dangerous at the moment, as if he could murder me at any second, but yet I could see it in his eyes and I don't believe that he would hurt me. I don't know why, but I just don't think he would. "No one should talk to you and make you cry like that." He answered me and I just stood there staring at him. "You don't know me. It's none of your business!" I almost hissed at him. "We aren't friends, we aren't even acquaintances. You're just a man who gave me a ride one day. That doesn't give you the right to suddenly show up out of nowhere like you are and take my phone and smash it under your foot because you were angry." I said angrily. "But I want to get to you know you." He said and somehow my back was up against the wall again. "But you can't," I told him and he raised his hand and placed it on my cheek and rubbed the wet streak where the tears ran down from earlier with his thumb. "Why?" He asked softly. "Because I'm married and you seem to want more than just a friendship," I confessed to him. "Why, because I kissed you?" He asked and I slowly nodded. "Yet, you kissed me back." He said and a smirk played across his lips. "It was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened," I told him. "Maybe." He said and pulled his hand away from my cheek. I was going to slip out from between him and the wall when he started to speak again. "Why don't you tell me why you were crying." He said and I looked over at the street where all the people were still yelling, talking, and having a blast for the last few minutes before the New Year. I guess who better to talk to than a stranger right? I can't really say we are more than strangers because we have never introduced ourselves and we don't know each other's names. It would probably make me feel better if I just talked about it. Try to start my New Year on a better foot than what it ended on. "I was supposed to come here tonight with my husband," I said with a sigh. "He obviously didn't show since you are here alone." He said and I nodded. "He got a call from work stating that he needed to go back to the office. He said he would only be a little while and that he would meet me here. He gave me a kiss before he walked out but a few hours later he still wasn't here and hadn't called me. I was talking to him just now when you grabbed my phone, he's still not coming." I said and took a deep breath. I had actually felt quite a bit better telling him even though I felt that he didn't need to know. I was raised to not blab my personal life to everyone so for me to tell him it just didn't feel right but it felt better. "Any man who would choose to work at an office, that is probably closed anyway right now, instead of being here with a woman as gorgeous as you is a dumbass." He said and I laughed and then sniffled, not realizing that I had almost started crying again in front of him. "Thank you," I told him with a smile. "Now, why don't I take you out there to that party so you can enjoy the last few minutes of this year?" He asked and held his arm out for me to grab. Oh, Lord, please forgive me for the sin I feel that I am about ready to commit. I thought to myself and put my hand around his arm and he led me back out to the street. Maybe it was the alcohol that I have consumed that is causing me to act like this but I wanted to enjoy the last few minutes even if it was without Isaiah. We had to push our way through the best that we could and managed to find an area that was a little more open. "Look!" I said and pointed up at the ball that was starting to drop. "Just in time," I told him and looked up at him with a smile, feeling better already, and it was just a few minutes since that phone call. Suddenly everyone in the crowd started to yell the countdown when the ball reached ten seconds left of the year. I joined in and started to countdown with them and he just stood there with a smile on his face looking down at me. Just as the ball hit, the sounds of fireworks blasting into the sky and all the confetti were shot out from the tubes and were falling everywhere! I was laughing and stuck my hand out and caught some of the confetti that was falling. I felt his hands on my waist and he turned me around so I was facing him. My laughter stopped when I felt his hand under my chin and he lifted. I was scared and nervous about what he was getting ready to do. I knew what he was going to do and I wasn't sure if this is something I should do. This was wrong, it was a sin that I could go to Hell for but at the same time, regardless of what my conscience was screaming at me, I wanted to. I wanted this to happen and for some reason, I wanted it to happen with him. A man that I don't know, I just wanted to kiss a man that I don't even know the name of. He leaned down closer to me and placed his lips over mine softly. Just like the first time, he tasted of cigarettes but I did what I could to push that taste to the back of my mind. I just wanted to enjoy the kiss and the way he moved his lips over mine. He was amazing at it and he knew it. He lowered his hand back to my waist and he pulled me into him tighter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. The kiss was one of the most heated kisses I had ever felt and it was easily causing me to get aroused. I hadn't felt like this in a long time and I apparently missed it more than I thought I did. He pulled away from me and pecked my lips one more time before he gave me a smile. He reached down and grabbed my hand and he started to pull me through the crowd. I tried to ask him what he was doing but the crowd was still so loud from the New Year that he couldn't hear me. He pulled me to the other side of the street, pushing our way through the people till we got to the sidewalk. We weaved in and out of the stands and groups of people till we got to the end of the crowd and there sat a familiar motorcycle. I knew right away what he was thinking and I suddenly felt guilty for what I had just done and I didn't want to make it worse. I stopped in my tracks and he looked back at me. "I can't. I can't do this." I told him and he stepped back over to me. "Do what?" He asked me as if he had no idea what I was talking about. "I can't go home with you," I told him and he then realized what I was talking about. "I wasn't really thinking that. I thought I would take you on a ride unless you would rather just go back to a home that is probably empty and silent." He said. I stood there and thought about it for a moment. Maybe it's wrong to take revenge but Isaiah is the one who ditched me and then practically ignored me like the ass that he is right now. One ride isn't going to hurt anything. "Sure, what the hell. I'm a grown woman and if he chose to be at the office instead of with me, then why should I go back to an empty house and feel sorry for myself." I told him and he smiled. "That's my girl. Come on." He said and put his leg over his bike and revved it up. I laughed and pulled my tight skirt up so I could throw my leg over the seat behind him and put my arms around his body. I felt his hand grab my thigh through the stockings and squeeze, causing my heart to suddenly race. I felt excitement in his touch and was glad that he couldn't hear how fast my heart was racing over the sound of the bike. He took his hand away and he revved up the bike again, bringing the front tire off of the ground causing me to squeal, and took off down the street. The air was much colder once we got moving so I pulled myself tighter into him to try to stay warm. My upper body was actually fine but my legs were feeling a little cold. This time I wasn't quite as scared as I was the first time so I was able to look around as we rode. The wind was blowing in my hair and it felt amazing. Almost as if you were free. We drove around town for quite a long time and I started to feel my teeth chatter. I don't know if he heard them or not but he must have sensed that I was cold because he turned his head a little to say something to me. "You want me to drop you off at your place?" He asked me. "Yeah," I told him without thinking what I had just responded to. "Where do you live?" He asked and that's when it actually hit me that I don't think I want him to know where I live. He may seem nice here lately but what if that is just a cover-up? What if he is just doing this to learn where I live so he can come back later and rob me or kill me or kill my husband. I don't want any of that so I quickly changed my mind. "Ah, wait, no. Don't take me home. Can we just go back to your place?" I asked him. Okay, so no, maybe going back to his place is a bad idea as well but I didn't really want to get dropped off anywhere else. I wanted to get warmed up a bit before I went home and I was starting to really feel the alcohol kick in and I was getting really tired so I needed to get home so I could crash. "Are you sure?" He asked, unsure of my answer. "Yeah. I'm really cold and want to warm up before I call a cab or the subway." I told him and he just nodded and continued down the road. We must have not been too far from his place because it didn't take long and we pulled up to this hotel. It was one of the more fancy hotels in town. Ones that only I could ever dream about staying in and here he was, staying in this? How is this possible? He does not come across as a man of wealth which caused me to wonder where he gets the money for a room at a hotel like this. "You're staying in a hotel? Are you not from around here?" I asked him when we got off of the bike. "No, I do not live in this city." He told me and we headed towards the entrance. "Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking." I asked and he looked down at me and then moved to open the door for me. I walked in and the sight in front of me distracted me from the question I had asked him that he didn't answer. It literally looked like those luxurious hotels that you see in movies. Huge chandeliers, soft music playing in the background, real stone flooring throughout. Everything about it screamed money, money that I don't see him having much of. I walked with him to the elevator and he pushed the button for the top floor. I was shocked to see what floor was chosen. Unless I'm mistaken, but I always thought that the more luxurious rooms were at the top of the building. I've never been in one so I really wouldn't know. The elevator reached the designated floor and the doors opened. The hallways were very nice as well. They didn't feel at all dingy and they were wide enough to keep you from feeling claustrophobic. I followed him down the hallway and he turned down another till he stopped at his room and put his key in. The door unlocked and we walked in. My eyes widened at the room in front of me. It was literally the size of a decent apartment. There was actually a kitchen with a bar and barstools, a little dining area, and living space all open to each other. There were large pillars, probably to hold up the roof because of the span being so big. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked me, pulling me from my daze of looking at this room. "Ah, yeah, sure. What do you have?" I asked him and he walked over to the wet bar. "Looks like some whiskey, vodka, gin, a few beers, half a bottle of red wine, and some water." He told me. I wasn't sure if I wanted anymore to drink but I was still a little upset with Isaiah and even though I'm going to kick myself tomorrow for what I have done tonight, I chose to go with one of the liquors. "Vodka?" I asked and he looked over me a little shocked. I'm actually not really an alcohol drinker, I do like my champagne on special occasions and I have had some wines before. I just wasn't sure if I wanted any wine because all that does is make me want to have s*x and considering who I am in the room with, I would prefer not to let that happen even if it has been a long time since I have had any. I'm not a fan of beer and what's the point of New Year's Eve if I'm just going to drink water? So I just said the name of one I was more familiar with but not really. "Are you sure?" He asked and I just nodded. "Why?" I asked and sat in one of the barstools and leaned on the counter. "Because you don't really come across to me as someone who would drink that hard of liquor." He said and then I suddenly felt that maybe that was the wrong choice to choose. He grabbed the bottle and then pulled out two shot glasses from the rack and set them on the counter. He poured the vodka into them and pushed one over to me. I looked at it for a moment while he grabbed his and drank all that was in it. He didn't pour much in it but it still looked to me like it was going to hurt me somehow. I just shrugged my shoulders, grabbed the drink, and swallowed it. I started to cough and he laughed. "Oh wow! That burns!" I said as I coughed again which made him laugh harder. I glared at him and grabbed the bottle from his hands and poured another. "Hey, be careful how much of that you drink. That's straight vodka." He said and I took the cup and started to drink it. --- Anthony's POV: Watching her drink that vodka like she was, really told me that it was worse at home than what I originally thought. It didn't help any that once she was officially drunk off her ass, she started blurting out everything that was upsetting her. "He wants me to stay home. As if it's ancient times. Baking pies, popping out kids every year. Why not just send me back home to work on the farm or put me in an apron and shove me in the kitchen with bare feet!." She slurred her speech and I actually had trouble understanding what she was saying but I think I figured it out. "Hell! It's not like I've even had any s*x in almost a year!" She almost yelled and grabbed her glass and drank the last of what was in it. "I think you've had enough to drink," I told her when she reached for the bottle that was now almost empty. "I think I know when I've had enough," She slurred and tried to reach for it and I snatched it from her grasp. "Hey, don't be like that asswipe at home telling me when I've had enough." She said and pushed herself off of the stool. I saw her start to stumble and I dropped the bottle and it fell to the ground, shattering when it hit the stone floor. I caught her just in time before she fell face-first into the floor. I quickly scooped her up bridal style and she fell into my chest. I couldn't help but think how amazing it felt to have her in my arms like this. I carried her through the room and into the bedroom to lay her down on the bed. "What! Now you're going to tell me when I have to go to bed now too?" She complained and tried to sit up but fell back down to the bed. So much in her married life is hurting her more than she wants to admit and it's all coming out and hitting her like a ton of bricks right now. "I'm going to clean up," I told her. "Whatever." She mumbled and swung her hand towards me, indicating that she wanted me to leave. I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash and took a quick shower. I dressed back in the clothes I was wearing because I wasn't thinking and forgot to take clean clothes. I could claim her now if I wanted to but I wasn't that kind of man, I would never take a woman against her will. She's drunk and I wasn't going to take advantage of her and I wasn't going to let her see me in just a towel and try to do anything either. I stepped out of the bathroom and there she was, completely naked, laying on her stomach. Her clothes were thrown all over the floor, chair, and bed. I'm not going to lie, seeing her amazing plump ass like that was really getting me hard. I walked over and pulled the blanket the rest of the way down and covered her up. It looked like she was in the process of getting under the blanket when she passed out. I walked over and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and changed in the bathroom. I then walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up the broken bottle and got myself comfortable and fell asleep on the couch.
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