Chapter 8

3040 Words
Anthony's POV:     I woke up suddenly to the sound of my cell phone going off.  I  fell off of the couch as I was grabbing my phone and then looked at the time.  It was only about five in the morning.  Damn, I was only asleep for maybe three hours if that.  I rubbed my eyes and swiped the phone to answer it.     "Yeah,"  I answered.     "I have a job for you,"  The man on the other side said.     "Who is this and who am I?"  I asked, wanting to make sure that who is calling me is the one who had my card.     I have two phones, the one that rang is the one specifically for my job and my job only.  You only get this number if you happen to have one of my cards and my cards don't have my name on them.  Just a number.     "Stetson Tracey and you go by the name of Jackal.  I got your card from a man named McLin.  He told me that you were one of the best for the job that I need to have done."  He said.     "Are you aware of my cost?"  I asked him.     You'd be surprised how many people who call me, back out once they know what I charge.     "You're price varies depending on the job.  50K for a kidnap and 80k for a kill."  He said.     "I require the money before I do the job.  What is it you need to have done?"  I asked him in a hushed tone and walked over to the other side of the room.     I had forgotten that Paityn was in my hotel suite and needed to make sure she didn't hear my conversation.  She can never know what I do for a living.  Telling a woman I was interested in about my job was the biggest mistake I have ever done and I won't do it again.     "I need someone killed."  He said.     "Send me the information about the target.  Everything about the person.  A picture of them if you have one otherwise I will need a very detailed description along with their name and last known place of residence.  When do you need this done by?"  I asked him.     "Before next week.  He's a witness who could put my boss in jail for life and he is scheduled to be at trial on Wednesday at one in the afternoon."  He told me.     "Send me everything.  You are cutting it close on payment.  That's only four days from now."  I told him.     "You will have the money."  He said disconnected the call before my phone could.     I have it set to cancel any call that reaches a certain call time.  I can't be having anyone trace my phone which is why this one is a prepaid phone only.  Easily disposable.  I waited until the information for the job was sent to me, turned it off, and then walked over to my bag and opened it up.  I pulled out a small case full of new sim cards and changed out the one that I had in the phone.  That one will get burned.  All of these are set up to be used but each are under different information to make it harder to trace.  Actually, I'm almost impossible to trace and locate, this just helps me stay that way easier.     Once that was changed I turned the phone back on and took a look at the target.  Looks like I will be traveling to Arizona later today. --- Paityn's POV:     I slowly wake up and stretch.  I haven't slept that well in such a long time!  Maybe I need to drink more often so I can get a better night's rest.  I roll over and pull the pillow under my head more and open my eyes.  The view in front of me was beautiful except for the fact that this was not my bedroom!     I shot up quickly in the bed, heart racing like crazy, and looked around the room.  My head started to pound and I winced in pain and put my hand on my head.  s**t, maybe drinking isn't a good idea!  This awful headache along with the fact that I'm not at home all points to a big mistake!  Huge mistake!     I threw the blanket off of myself and went to move when I noticed that I was fully naked!     "Oh s**t!"  I whisper yelled and grabbed the blanket and threw it back over my body and held it tight.     "What did I do?"  I said in worry.     I tried to remember what happened last night but it was so fuzzy.  I remember going to Times Square.  I had a few glasses of champagne but that's not enough for me to forget what I did.  Oh no!  Did someone put something in my drink!  I looked around the room and saw my clothes scattered all over the place which really started to get my heart thumping.  My whole body felt hot with worry and guilt for whatever it is I did last night.        I slid off of the bed, taking the blanket with me, and picked up all of my clothes, and ran into the bathroom.  I dropped the blanket right before the door and quickly shut it and locked it.  I went to the sink and splashed cold water on my face several times thinking that maybe that would wake me up from this nightmare but it didn't work.  I finished washing the rest of my makeup off and grabbed the towel and patted my face dry.  I then grabbed my clothes from the night before and got dressed.     I continued to think about the night before to try to remember.  I slowly made my way back to the bedroom to look for my purse but didn't see it anywhere in the room.  I have to have it somewhere!  That's when I stopped mid-walk to the door that led out of the bedroom and remembered that I had gotten on the back of the bike of that stranger!  Oh s**t!  Double s**t!  I put my hand to my forehead and looked back at the bed.  I felt like bawling my eyes out for committing such a sin.  I'm never going to forgive myself for sleeping with a man that isn't my husband let alone a man I don't even know.     I could feel the tears want to be expelled but I took a deep breath to hold them in and wiped any remnants of them from my eyes before I slowly opened the door and walked out of the room.  It opened up right into the main living area and bits and pieces of last night started to come back to me.  He brought me here and I drank more!  What the f**k was I thinking!     I stopped in my tracks when I heard him getting into the cupboards.  I walked around the partial wall and there he was pouring two cups of coffee.  My eyes were wide and I'm sure a bird could make a nest in my mouth it was open so wide.  I was just shocked and disappointed with myself for what I did but I was also having a hard time taking my eyes off of him!  My eyes were sinning but I couldn't stop staring.     His back was turned towards me and the only thing he had on was a pair of sweatpants, sitting low on his hips, indicating he may not have anything on underneath them.  Which just added more sinful thoughts to my mind!  His back was very muscular looking, with broad shoulders, large rib span and there were even more tattoos!  His whole right shoulder was covered in them and they went over part of his back.  He also had another long one on his lower back.  It looked like a word but the letters were so fancy that I couldn't read it.  They were thick and black and went from one side to the other.  I've seen lettering like this on the back of cars but I don't know what they say or mean.     He turned around and my eyes were glued to his chest.  Holy f*****g s**t he looks amazing without a shirt on!  The muscles were very toned even with the tattoos everywhere.  My eyes went straight to his n*****s the moment I saw them,  both were pierced as well!   f**k that would hurt like a b***h and he got both of them done!  Just looking at them made me feel pain in my own!     My eyes continued down and his torso was sporting a perfect six-pack and his v-line was amazing with a deep indentation.  I couldn't stop my eyes from traveling lower, almost imagining what a member on a man his size would be like, wishing I could remember last night!  I would not be surprised if I was standing here right now drooling over the sight in front of me.     "How do you take your coffee?"  He asked me and my eyes shot to his eyes immediately.     I could see it in his expression that he was soaking up my reaction to seeing him with no shirt on.  He loved how his body was making me feel.     "I don't, um.  I think I, ah...."  I started to say and looked around all over for my purse, causing me to stop mid-sentence.     "You don't drink coffee?"  He asked and I looked back over at him.     "I do, but I.....ah....."  I continued my pathetic use of words as if I was just learning to put words together for the first time.     "Ah, where's my purse?"  I finally asked him.     He turned and grabbed from the counter behind him and held it by the strap out from his body.  I walked over and tried to grab it but he pulled it back.  I tried to grab it again but I missed because he lifted it higher than what I could reach.     "Why are you doing this?"  I asked him in an angered frustrated voice.     "Maybe I don't want you to leave yet."  He said and a smirk appeared on his lips, those very kissable lips that I suddenly remembered kissing last night after the ball dropped.     I suddenly gasped at my thoughts and he laughed.  That's when I jumped a little on my toes and was able to grab the purse and started to walk towards the door that I believed was the exit.     "Why are you doing this to me?"  I asked him suddenly in anger and pain when I turned around before opening the door.     "What do you mean?"  He asked in confusion.     "This?"  I asked again and waved my hands in front of him to indicate the way he was dressed and what happened last night and what he was trying to do again this morning without actually saying it.     Instead, he just looked down at himself as if something was out of place and then back at me in confusion.  I sighed in defeat and decided to just say it.     "You know that I'm married!  I told you this the first day in the elevator yet you continue to pursue me as if I'm single.  You bring me back here, get me drunker than what I already was and then I go and commit adultery by having s*x with you and. then...."  I was telling him almost all in one breath as the pain of me cheating started to create tears but then he cut me off suddenly.     "Whoa!  Back the liquor train up a second here.  You think we had s*x last night?"  He asked all in surprise     "Well, ah, yeah.  I mean we kissed last night and then I wake up completely naked in your bed, indicating that you saw me naked and then  I come out here and you're only in a pair of sweatpants.  I don't fully remember last night and this feels as if I had s*x with you."  I told him and the tears of guilt started to make their appearance by falling down my cheeks.     "Do you feel sore.....between your legs?"  He asked.     "What kind of question is that?"  I shouted at him but even that wasn't making my heart feel better.     "Just answer the question."  He practically ordered me and I felt heat rising in my cheeks and I looked away from him.     I then kind of moved a little and thought about it for a second before I looked back over at him.     "No,"  I confessed and then sniffled as I held back the remaining tears.     He walked over to me and placed his hands on my upper arms, rubbing them with his thumbs and I looked up at him with my teary eyes.     "Oh, babe, no, we did not have s*x last night because if we did, you would be sore."  He said with a small smile, indicating that he is either really rough in bed or he's trying to tell me that his member is really big.     Men, always thinking that they have the biggest c**k, yet don't realize that we women squeeze babies out so they have a long ways to go to compete with that!     "I never saw any more of your body than what I can see of it now."  He told me and his smile grew more into a smirk on one side of his face since the scar restricted the other side.     Although, it doesn't really look like it would prevent a smile, almost as if he does that because he doesn't like how it looks if he tries to smile on that side.     "Are you sure?"  I asked him and he chuckled     "Yes, I'm sure.  I would never take advantage of a woman."  He told me and I suddenly felt embarrassed and stupid, causing me to chuckle a little with him.     "Now, would you like a cup of coffee before you head out and maybe some aspirin for that hangover?  You drank almost an entire bottle of vodka all by yourself."  He said with a laugh afterward.     "Maybe a little,"  I told him and lifted my fingers to show a tiny amount.     "That's my girl."  He said and I suddenly remembered that he said that same thing to me last night.     Why is he saying that I am his girl?     "Why do you say that to me?"  I asked him when I grabbed the cup of coffee from the counter and the two aspirin that he got out for me and took them quickly.     "Say what?"  He asked as he took a sip of his black coffee.     "You said it last night and then again just now.  You said 'that's my girl' but I'm not your girl."  I told him and he set the cup down on the counter.     "I don't know.  I just do I guess."  He told me.     "Well, don't.  I'm not you're girl and I never will be."  I told him as if I was scolding him and turned and headed towards the door.     He didn't say anything to stop me and I just walked out of the room and down the hall, looking for the elevators to get out of here.  It wasn't too hard to find, just around the corner and there they were.  I pushed the button to go down and I leaned up against the wall.  What am I doing?  Why am I acting like a schoolgirl with her first crush?  Why do I feel like I'm sneaking out of my parent's house to get with the bad boy from school?  Whatever this is it has to stop now and this time I'm going to make sure it never happens again.     The first place I went after leaving the hotel room was to the church.  The only way I can end this and get my soul to cleanse is by confessing and asking for forgiveness.  Then I will do what the Father tells me to do even if I don't like the result of it.  ---     "Father, I have been unfaithful to my husband."  I started my confession.     "My child, what has happened for you to believe that you have broken the sixth commandment?"  He asked me and I felt myself start to tear up which just hurt my head even more.     This is not at all how I pictured my marriage to be like.  I'm not one to be like this, to act like this.  I've always considered myself a good person.  One who would cherish my husband and love him.  Not one that would do things that could destroy my marriage.     "Last night, I had a few glasses of champagne and then I kissed a man that I don't even know the name of.  I then went back to his hotel room and drank even more.  He claims we didn't have s*x but I woke up naked in his bed.  This man has been on my mind since the first time I saw him and I can't seem to shake these sinful thoughts from my head."  I told him and placed my forehead in my hand because of my disappointment in myself and because my head was really starting to kill me.     I wish the asprin would start to work soon!  I felt horrible, almost sick to my stomach for the actions I have done but I did feel better getting this off of my chest.     We did our prayer after my confession.     "Father?  Can you give me advice?  I still feel guilty even after my confession."  I told him.     "My child, you have been forgiven but you also need to heal your heart.  Confessing your sinful acts to your husband will help cleanse your conscience and heal your heart but it may not save your marriage.  Marriage counseling would be my advice after you confess your sins to your husband."  He told me and I looked over at the screen on the window.     "Okay, Father.  I know that my actions have potentially ruined my relationship and my marriage but I'm willing to do my best to fix my wrongdoings."  I told him and we went into the final prayer together.
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