Chapter 10

3044 Words
Paityn's POV:     It's been over a month since that incident when I came home the following day after New Years.  Isaiah never brought it up again after that day and I haven't confessed my sins like the Father said I should.  I'm scared to.  I'm scared of losing Isaiah so I have done what I could to be on my best behavior after that.  I've made sure that I have gone to church every Sunday, I even took up a Wednesday night class as long as I get out of work on time.  Anything I can do to keep myself on track I have done it, it just doesn't seem to be helping my marriage any.  Isaiah and I share kisses every once in a while but not as often as we did several months ago and earlier in our relationship.  I'm not sure if it's what I did that's causing this or if he is hiding something.     I'm really glad that man has never shown up suddenly again.  He makes no sense to me at all.  One time he's here and then the next he doesn't show up for weeks or a month.  It's literally February now, Valentine's Day to be exact, and I haven't seen him.  I keep myself busy as much as I can to keep my mind off of him and luckily, as time goes on, I find myself thinking less and less of him.  I just really wish I never saw him without his shirt on.  That image of him I can't seem to get rid of.  Even though he is covered in tattoos and piercings, he is so the wrong man for me, married or not, I still can't get how sexy and strong his body is out of my head!     Ever since that man showed up in my life I feel like all I do anymore is sin.  My mind is never pure anymore and no matter what I do I can't seem to stop my mind from committing mental adultery.  Any adult thoughts anymore seem to consist of him instead of Isaiah.  I'm hoping tonight will help get my mind back on the right track again.  Tonight, Isaiah is taking me out for Valentine's Day.  I'm hoping tonight could be the night that our relationship starts its journey of healing and the love and sparks can begin to come back like they once were.     I'm quite excited.  He said to make sure I wear a dress for dancing but elegant enough for candlelight dinner.  The dress I bought was a light pink color with black lace over the chest and back area with no sleeves and thick straps.  The front of the skirt goes to my knees and then gets longer in the back.  The black lace outlines the end of the skirt and it moves and flows beautifully.  I bought a decorative clip to match to put in my hair after I pull it back into a french twist.  I absolutely love the dress and think it looks amazing on me and I sure hope that Isaiah thinks so too.  I would love it if we were to have some intimacy tonight.  It's just been so long and I don't really understand why.     I was fully dressed and just finished putting my winged eyeliner on along with some lip gloss.  I spritz myself with some perfume and then walked out into the bedroom to grab my purse.  I grabbed my phone and put it in and zipped up the compartment that I slid it into in hopes that this time it won't get knocked out of my hands and break.  This time I had to buy a new phone.  Isaiah said he's bought the last three, this time it was my turn even though he makes a lot more money than I do at his job.     I walked out into the living space and looked around, hoping to see him waiting for me but it doesn't look like he's gotten back from work yet.  He told me this time he would be here on time but I guess he got held up again     I heated up some water to make a cup of tea while I waited.  I sat down at the small dining table and sipped at it.  I looked over at the clock and it was already showing thirty minutes after six.  I sure hope we make it to the restaurant in time for the reservations.  I don't know what time he set it for but I would think it would be here pretty soon since he told me to be ready by six.     Just as I was finishing my cup of tea the door opened and he walked in, looking tired.     "Sorry, I'm late.  I tried to leave as soon as I could."  He told me and I got up and rinsed out my cup and set it in the sink.     "It's okay.  You're here now."  I told him with a smile and he gave me one back.     "So, you ready then?"  He asked and I nodded and with not being able to hide my excitement, I was a smiling fool again.     "You look really lovely tonight."  He told me and I felt the heat in my cheeks as I blushed.     He hasn't complimented me in a while now.  It brought back memories of when we first started dating.     "Thank you,"  I responded to him and we walked out of the building.     "Thank you for saving me time getting my key, "  I heard a familiar voice say as we opened the exterior door.     "No problem,"  I said in response and turned my head to see who it was that I said that to.     He was fully covered with a coat, scarf, hat, and sunglasses even though the sun had already set.  I swore that was that one man but there were no tattoos, no piercings and I couldn't see if he had that scar or not.  I felt Isaiah tug on my arm so I turned back around and continued our way to the cab.  Once my door was shut I looked back over at the building but that man was gone.  Something about that didn't sit right with me.     The restaurant was nearby, it only took us a few minutes to get there.  He let me put my arm around his and we walked into the restaurant together.     "A reservation for Thompson."  He told them.     The young man in front of us started to look at the listing and then looked back up at us.     "Your reservation was for 6:30.  You are a half-hour late and we gave your table to someone else.  The wait will be 45minutes."  He told us.     Isaiah let go of my arm and got a little closer to the young man and pulled his wallet out and handed him a few hundred dollar bills.  My eyes widened at the amount of money I saw in there and the fact that it was of no problem for him to bribe the person with a few hundred.     "I think you can make arrangements,"  Isaiah said softly but I heard him clearly.     "Ah, yes sir."  He told us and grabbed two menus.     "Right this way."  He said and we followed him.     I looked up at Isaiah in question but he never looked at me.  He had this expression on his face as if he was better than anyone else in this room, including me, yet he really was no different than anyone else.     "Where did you get all that money?"  I asked him after we were sat at our table and the young gentlemen walked away.     "It doesn't really matter where I got it but if you must know, I've been saving it for today just in case I needed it.  I wanted to make today special."  He told me with a smile and I just nodded.     I wasn't really sure if I believed him.  Maybe if he didn't seem like we were drifting farther apart and that the love that we shared when we were first married was still there then maybe I would be more believing that he saved this money for us to enjoy this day.  But for the last year, he has been acting strange and it just seems to be getting worse.     Not long after our order was taken and Isaiah stood up from the table and walked around to my side.  I felt nervous like a schoolgirl on her first date.  He reached his hand out and gave me a smile.     "Would you like to dance?"  He asked and I smiled big as I placed my hand in his and he led me out to the small area where some soft music was playing.     We got into position, his hand on my waist, mine on his shoulder, and our hands together to the side.  I felt like I was falling back in love with him again.  I had always loved him but these past several months have been really difficult and we seemed to fight over everything.  The smallest and stupidest things ever seemed nonexistent now as we danced.     I brought my body closer to his and rested my head on his shoulder as our bodies swayed side to side to the music.  I took in the scent of his cologne and the warmth of his body.  I had missed this so much and didn't want to let him go.  I felt like I could fall asleep I was so calm and relaxed but then he pulled away from me and I looked up at him.     "Our food has arrived."  He told me and I nodded and we pulled apart and walked back over to our table.     He pulled my chair out for me and I sat down and he walked back over to his seat.     "Thank you, Isaiah, this has been wonderful,"  I told him.     "You're welcome.  My wife deserves the best."  He told me and I felt all warm inside.     I'm really starting to think that tonight might get a little heated in the bedroom and I'm really looking forward to it.  Maybe all these prayers and going to church are really helping and our marriage really can be saved.  Maybe this slump or whatever this has been for almost a year is finally going to be put behind us and we can really be that happy loving couple that we used to be.  The marriage I had always dreamed of as a little girl.     We had some small talk like we used to have all the time and the subjects that usually put us in a bad mood or caused an argument was never started.  The dinner was quite delicious and we continued to do more dancing as the night went on.     After dinner, he took me to another place that also offered dance, and this time we did a little ballroom dancing.  Neither of us actually knows anything about it but we still had a lot of fun.  He would periodically spin me and my dress would flare up and look beautiful.  Sometimes I would spin back to him laughing.  It didn't help any that we were also drinking champagne and some wine so we, or at least I was, a little tipsy by the end of the night.     When we finally decided to call it a night and my feet were killing me in these heels, we decided to head home.  We laughed and joked on the way home and it really did feel like when we were dating and he was taking me back to my dorm room.  Being a little drunk probably helped make us feel more alive with each other but I wasn't going to complain.     `We stumbled into the apartment and I laughed when I almost fell but caught myself on the island before I finished walking into the living area.  Isaiah was laughing at my clumsiness as well.     "You always were a clumsy ox."  He said and I turned and gave him a mischievous glare with the corners of my lips raised in a smirk.     "If I remember correctly, aren't you the one who thought you were late for class and came running out of the bathroom when I came over and you tripped over your towel, pulling it completely off of your body?"  I teased and he started to laugh as he remembered it as well.     I grabbed the side of the counter and I pulled my heels off, almost stumbling again in the process.  He grabbed my arm to keep me from falling as I pulled the last shoe off.     "I think you've had more than enough to drink tonight."  He continued to tease.     I spun around quickly in front of him and my dress fanned out before I fell into his chest and he put his hands around my body.  I was laughing and so was he but I soon stopped and looked up at him.  It felt good to be in his arms again.  I wanted more, I wanted to do more.  It's been over a month since we last kiss and I wanted to taste his lips.  I put my hands on both sides of his face and pulled him down and placed my lips on his.     His hands squeezed my waist a few times and I pushed my tongue into his mouth.  I heard him moan deep in his throat as he continued to deepen the kiss.  I started to push his jacket off of his shoulders so I could start to undress him but he pushed my hands back and pulled away from the kiss.  I opened my eyes quickly to look at him because I was confused as hell.  I thought we were actually going to get intimate with each other like we used to almost every day when we first got married.     "What's wrong?"  I asked him and took a step back away from him.     "Paityn, I think we need to talk."  He told me and I felt like all my blood was draining from my body.     "What do you mean?"  I asked him.     Nothing is ever good when someone starts the conversation with that line. That always means something is wrong or not going to end the way you wanted it to.     "I want a divorce."  He said bluntly to me.     "What?"  I asked, feeling like I was just kicked in the stomach.     "I think it's time....."  He was going to try to say again but I cut him off.     "I heard you the first time Isaiah."  I snapped at him and glared at him before turning and taking a few steps away from him.     "Why the hell would you tell me this on Valentine's day?  I mean, you took me out to dinner and we danced and we were having fun!  Weren't you having fun?"  I asked him as I turned back around.     "Yes, I did have fun."  He told me and I felt like punching the snot out of him right now.     "Then why?  I thought today we were on our way to fixing our marriage."  I told him as the breaking of my heart started to show.     "I met someone else."  He told me and my breaking heart turned into anger.     I slapped him hard in the face as the first tear fell down my cheek.     "You're having an affair?"  I practically yelled at him.     "Yes, for almost a year now and I want to marry her."  He told me as if he didn't care how it was making me feel.     "Well, you know what!"  I shouted at him.     "You remember New Year's?  I didn't stay at Becca's!  You're right, I hate Becca!"  I started to shout at him.        Now I'm so pissed off at him I just want to hurt him like he was hurting me.  I didn't care if whatever I said was a lie or not. I just wanted to say it.  I want him to feel pain too!     "I stayed the night with a man!  I f****d him all night long!  It was the best s*x I've ever......"  I started to shout at him and that's when his hand came up and smacked me hard in the side of the face.     I stumbled to the side and placed my hand on my cheek.  My lip was feeling huge and I could taste the blood as it seeped into my mouth.  I pulled my hand away and there was some blood on my hand where my teeth busted my lip open.  He has never hit me before!     "You skanky b***h!"  He shouted at me.     "Me?  You're the man w***e who can't keep your pint-sized d**k in your pants for the last year!"  I shouted back at him while glancing where his c**k would be at and then back up at his face.     "At least my d**k makes her c*m!  Unlike your defective p***y that can't seem to orgasm!"  He shouted at me and waved his hand in my direction.     It happened so fast.  So fast that I felt like I never saw what actually happened yet at the same time, all in slow motion.  The sounds of a window shattering, the honking of the horns from cars out front that were now able to get into the apartment from the broken window.  The loud echoing sound of what sounded like gunfire and Isaiah falling to the ground.     "Isaiah!"  I screamed and ran to him where he laid on the floor.     "No!  Wake up!"  I shouted as I grabbed him and placed his head on my lap.     Blood was splattered all over the counter, the side of the counter, pooling on the floor and his head was soaked.  I was screaming and crying and rubbing my hand through his blood-soaked hair.     "I didn't mean it!  It was a lie!  Please come back!  Baby, please!"  I shouted as the tears flooded my face and I leaned forward and pulled him closer to my body as I rocked back and forth on the floor.     "I love you, baby, please!"  I cried out into the dead air around me and lowered my head as I pulled him closer to me.
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