Chapter 11

3000 Words

Anthony's POV: I just got off of the plane in New York. I really shouldn't be here but I can't get Paityn out of my head. Even when I was in the UK, doing my job, she was on my mind. Even when that Brooklynne stabbed me in the thigh, she was on my mind. I even went as far with this Brooke girl and tried to have s*x with her, just to try to get Paityn out of my head. I didn't end up having s*x with that Brooke because she wasn't interested and I'm not ever going to force a woman. I may be a murderer and do this for a living but I will never be a rapist. For me, that is just a different kind of low and I would be more than happy to strip someone of their manhood if they were to do that to a woman. I'm in a different hotel this time. I always go to different hotels and depending on

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