Chapter 4

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Paityn's POV:     The next morning I woke up and rolled over and hit my alarm.  Five in the morning just comes way too early when you are out too late.  I slowly rolled out of bed and stretched.  I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of running pants and a short tight crop top.  I got changed and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up a bit.  I took a hair tie and pulled my chin-length black curly hair back in a high pony, with several strands falling out in the back, the best that I could.  I grab my tennis shoes, earbuds, and a pair of no see socks and head out to the main living space.     I look over and see that Isaiah is still on the couch asleep.  I hate it when we fight.  That conversation always ends like this.  If it wouldn't have come up when I came home, maybe we could have ended our night differently.  Maybe for once, we could have made love with each other.  It feels like it's been so long probably because it has been like six months since the last time.  Nothing like it was when we first met or married.  I'm only on birth control now because of that slim chance that we may have s*x together, I don't want to get pregnant.  Not yet.  We've only been married for four years, we should still be more intimate with each other than this.     I just don't understand why he wants me to stay home so bad.  Both of his parents work, both of mine worked until my father passed away so it's not like he was raised that way.  I don't want to rely on him for everything.  I want my own money and just be able to get out and socialize with other people.  I don't want to feel trapped here at the house because he wants me to become a housewife.  Nothing wrong with those who are housewives, it's just not for me.     I softly walk over and open the door, locked it from the inside, and slowly close it so I don't wake him up.  Once I was in the hallway, I slipped my socks on and my shoes, and I headed out of the apartment.   I got out onto the small sidewalk before the gate and did my stretches before I left on my jog.     We live several blocks from Central park because it's cheaper, but I don't mind.  That just adds to the amount of running I do each morning.  I get my earbuds in place and I start my run.  This is usually the time where I relax and just listen to my music.  I try to keep my mind clear and free of anything that may irritate me, like that fight I had with Isaiah last night.     The problem, though, is now I can't get that man out of my head!  I tried doing a confession last night in hopes to cleanse my thoughts but I'm wondering if since something seemed off about my confession that maybe that is why I can't get him out of my mind.  I even found myself closing my eyes for a moment just so I can see his face better.     I made good timing to the park and did my usual route.  The whole time he was on my mind.  I couldn't stop imagining his lip ring, the way his scar changed the way he looked.  It almost gave him a sexier look yet at the same time it was enough to make a woman turn their heads away from him.  It was awful but yet it made him look like him and in my mind I almost liked it.  I wanted to run my fingers over it and kiss the area around it, that is, as long as he was okay with that.     I shook my head a little as I ran towards the edge of the park to head back to my building.  I needed to get him out of my thoughts, out of my mind.  I increased my speed and pushed myself harder.  I ran up the last hill before I headed to the street.  I pushed my legs so hard they started to burn.  I haven't felt this in a long time because I'm used to my route, but I kept going.  The pain will help keep my mind off of him.  I have to stop thinking about him, stop wanting him, and feeling as if I am lusting over him.  I can't let my mind commit adultery.      I ran to the gate and opened it and then unlocked the door to the building.  I charged up the stairs for my final burst.  I got to my floor and I slowed down and took a few breaths and stretched out my muscles well before heading inside.      I saw that Isaiah had already left for work when I walked in so I just headed towards the shower like I normally do each morning after my run and get ready for another day from Hell at work. --- Anthony John Williams POV:     I never would have guessed that, that amazingly beautiful woman was a Christian woman with the way she spoke to me the day before.  I know the look of myself took her by surprise, my scar and tats tend to do that, and I know that she was scared of me.  I don't normally pursue a woman who obviously isn't interested, which she was not.  I could tell by the look on her face and the way she acted around me that she was not interested, but there was just something about her that made me want to see what I could get her to do with me.  Maybe it's that good girl vibe I get from her that I want to tease.     That's why I followed her into that elevator.  I needed to know if she would push me away if I were to make an advance at her.  I also wanted to hear that mouth of hers again.  Something about how outspoken she is was driving me sexually crazy!  That's why I kissed her and I knew right then, that she wanted it but quickly realized how wrong it was.  Most of the women I choose to get with are more on the bad side like myself, but her?  She's so innocent and I don't mean sexually innocent.  I know she's married, I saw that pathetic wedding band on her finger long before she told me she was married.     My woman would never wear a cheap piece of metal.  She would be spoiled and given anything that she would ever want, I've just never found that one woman that I wanted to put a wedding ring on.  Probably doesn't help any that I am never in the same place for long.  Heck, it's been almost a year as it is since the last woman I was with for more than just s*x. Hell!  It's probably been over three months since I even had s*x!     I watched her as she went from one building to the next and then waited for her to leave work.  I didn't have any jobs at the moment so I wanted to learn more about her by watching her.  I'm known for watching people without them ever knowing that I am there and then disappearing once the job is done and have never been caught.  That's how I get my targets as easily as I do.      I followed her when she finally left her office, to that church.  I had no intentions of actually doing anything other than watching her but when I saw her go into one of those confession booths, I had to know what it was she was going to confess to.  How bad is this girl?  Really? I had to know!  The challenge of bringing out her inner beast is something that I want.     I had noticed right away that the priest people never saw her enter one of those booths so I quickly went over and got in one that she was in.  I have never been in one of these things and I have no idea what you are supposed to do or say let alone what the priest person does or says.  I tried to change my voice a little to help hide that it was me because I'm sure she would recognize my voice.  She seems like a fairly observant person but she also seems like one that would miss a lot of things that are going on around her.     I just said what I've heard in movies and TV shows when I've had a chance to watch them and it seemed to work because she went right into her confession.     "A man kissed me."  She said rather quickly and I could hear her cover her mouth with her hand.     This is what I came in here for.  I needed to know how she truly felt about me kissing her so I asked her more questions, hoping she wouldn't know that it wasn't her priest man.     "Did you kiss him back?"  I asked her and almost leaned into the small window in hopes to catch some kind of sound from her but she was silent.     I could see her trying to see me because she obviously knew something wasn't right, so I better be careful in what I say and how I say it.     "Yes!"  She suddenly said before I could coax her into talking more.     Now she really had me curious.  I could feel the excitement already growing in my pants just knowing that I was right about her kissing me back.  This is going to be so much fun bringing the crazy woman, that I know is in there, out.     "Did you like the kiss?"  I asked her again, hoping that I wasn't giving myself away but she stayed quiet for a moment making me think that I had and was almost considering high tailing my ass out of there before she came out and opened the door to my side.     "I did. I didn't want it to stop.  But then I came back to the reality of the fact that I was married and that this was wrong."  She said and let out a huge exhale, letting me know that she felt so much better getting this off of her chest.     She really was this good girl that would never be seen dead with a man like myself but that's why this was going to be fun.  The rest of the confession had me at a loss for words because apparently I was supposed to speak but for me, someone who has never gone to church and really doesn't intend to, I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to say.     I managed to get her to finish it and when she left, I noticed that she stood outside my door for a moment.  I thought right then she would open the door and I would be caught but I was glad when she continued to leave.  I waited a moment before getting out myself and then followed her home.  She doesn't live in the nicest area of town but it wasn't the worst either.  I have no idea which floor or apartment she would be in but I'm sure I will figure that out soon.     The next morning I got myself around early and went back to her place.  I wasn't expecting to see her coming out of the apartment so early but when I saw what she was wearing, my eyes had to look over her entire body.  She was very fit and her body was toned.  I couldn't help but watch her run away from me down the sidewalk and my eyes never left her perfectly rounded ass.  It had an amazing shape and it was proof that she worked out to keep it looking like that.     I turned to head in the other direction, to plan my next encounter with her when my phone rang.  I looked at the number quickly and then answered it.     "Yes,"  I answered without saying my name.     I never let the person on the other side know who they are talking to until I get more out of them.     "It's Leo McLin. Remember when we killed Nash Hawkin's wife in London?"  I heard him say on the other side and knew immediately who I was talking to.     I've sort of done a job for him once.  I usually get called to kill someone but in his case, he just wanted me to keep this pregnant woman's husband detained while he killed her.  Now I'm not a fan of killing women who are pregnant.  I have had to kill women in the past but not too often.  I usually turn the job down if I know the woman is pregnant.  In this case, I didn't know she was right away because when he hired me, it was before she was showing and I was already paid by then.     "Well, I have another job for you.  I will send you a photo of your next target."  He told me.     "You still have the payment instructions?"  I asked him.     "Yes. You will have your 50K in your account in one month."  He told me.     "If this one's pregnant, I'm keeping the money and declining the job."  I threatened him.     "Don't worry, she isn't."  He said and I ended the call. ---     It's been a couple of months since I saw that spitfire of a woman and I've really missed the little encounters with her.  Since that call I got from McLin, I had a few more jobs that came up and they took me out of the country.  Now I'm back to do the job for McLin.  The thing with him so far is he doesn't appear to want me to kill this next target.  I don't understand his motives or what his deal is but he's paid so I will do what he has asked.     I went to the United Kingdom because that is where she is located but soon discovered that they had traveled back to New York, hence, the reason why I am here.  This girl he has me following is his daughter and I would have to say, based on the photo he sent me, she doesn't look anything like him.  Must get her looks from her mother's side of the family.  I also noticed that she is hanging around that Nash Hawkins, the same man whose wife was killed by McLin.  I don't really understand what is going on and frankly, I don't care.  I never get that involved with my targets.      I just do what I am paid to do and then disappear.  I followed her all day and finally, they are back at the hotel so I stay around the corner of their suite and just wait for the right time.  My luck was on my side the moment I saw her exit the room and he did not follow.  I watched her take the trash out but when she came back she realized she didn't grab the key to get back in.  That's when I walked quickly towards her, grabbed her wrist and spun her around, and pushed her against the wall.     She was a very tiny woman compared to me.  I know she's a woman and not a child because I did get some information about her.  He knows I wouldn't kill a child anyway.  She was frightened and I could see her trembling before me.  She was so much prettier in person than she was in that photo.  This is the first time I've been close enough to get a good look at her.      "You're much prettier than a picture."  I almost whispered to her as I looked over her features. `    Her fire red hair, baby blue eyes, and that white as snow skin looked stunning on her.  Maybe a little young for my taste, she is after all, only 18 years old, but I think I would still like to have fun with her if she was to be willing.     "W...Who are"  She asked really soft that I almost didn't hear her.     "No one that concerns you but if you must call me by something, then Jackal,"  I said, giving her my underworld name.     "Are you...."  She said and swallowed.     "Going to hurt me?"  She continued.     I smirked at her and put my other arm up against the wall and leaned into her to intimidate her even more than what my sheer height already did.  Making myself look huge was the key to scaring her so I thought I would mess with her a bit.     "Hurt?  No, that would be far from what I would want to do to you but that is not why I am here."  I said to her in a deep seductive voice and ran the back of my hand over her soft cheek.     I saw it in her face, she was worried that I would hurt her, but wasn't for sure if I would.  She also figured it out that I wouldn't mind f*****g her.  She was so confused, it was fun.     "I'm just here to give you a message,"  I told her.     Yeah, that is all this McLin wanted me to do, give her a message.  50K just to give her a f*****g message!  I really don't care, I guess it's the easiest money I've ever made even if I don't really understand the message itself.     "Stay away from her grave.  Stop looking for answers or your end will come sooner than planned."  I whispered to her in a low tone and then slowly leaned in towards her cheek.      Her scent filled my nose and she smelled really good.  I love it when a woman uses different lotions and fragrances to make themselves smell good.  It's one of my weaknesses, a good-smelling woman.  Her scent caused me to softly place my lips on her cheek and then I moved down till I could kiss the corner of her mouth, getting a hint of the flavor of her lip gloss.  Another thing I love, tasty lips.     I slowly pulled away from her and she looked up at me.  I rubbed the side of her cheek with my hand and then quickly turned and walked towards the fire escape.  Before the door actually closed behind me, I heard her screaming and banging on the door.  Yeah, I think she got the message the way it was intended to be given to her.     Now, time to see what my new interest is up to.
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