2525 Words

“Must be. Feel of that bump.” “Honey,” said Hashknife, “you better go up to the house and tell the girls what that shootin’ was all about. Some of them bullets hit the house. And bring back a pan of hot water, so we can fix Slim’s head.” Honey raced for the house and Slim sat down on a bunk. He was still a little dazed. “Yore bronc is still there by the corral fence,” said Sleepy. “Uh-huh. I still had the lead-rope when I fell. Gee, I shore don’t sabe it, boys. I dunno anybody that hates me enough to pop me in the dark. It’s lucky he didn’t hit any of yuh.” “Missed me a mile,” grinned Hashknife. In a few minutes Honey came back carrying a pan of water. “The girls were scared stiff,” he said. “One of them bullets busted the window on this side, and some of the others hit the house. T

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