2014 Words

“Well, we’ll be amblin’ on,” he said. “See yuh tomorrow.” Neither Merrick nor Collins said anything until they were well out of earshot, when Collins glanced back and said: “Don’t fool with that jigger, Ed. Holee Saints, didja see his eyes? Didja? It went to forty below right then!” Merrick nodded grimly. “I guess that detective wasn’t far off when he said that Hartley wasn’t all smiles.” Hashknife leaned against the gate-post and watched them fade away in the dust. His eyes were normal now—lazy gray eyes which looked out across the hills, but did not see them; and there was a smile on his wide mouth. Laura was calling him from the veranda and he turned slowly to go back. It was supper time when Honey and Sleepy came back to the HJ and they brought Slim Coleman with them. They had me

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