1986 Words

“Just for instance,” Kelsey lighted his cigarette. “That’s the new sheriff,” said Lonnie. “Cool and collected, always gets his man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” Kelsey winced. Nebrasky looked him over thoroughly. “That’s him,” declared Nebrasky. “Yuh gotta look close at him to tell. Kelsey is his name, belonged to the Circle M before the county bought him.” “You think yo’re pretty smart, don’tcha?” flared Kelsey. “Don’t ’tagonise him,” begged Dan. Joe stepped from his horse and faced Kelsey. “What’s the idea of askin’ me to wait, Len?” “Can’t tell yuh yet, Joe.” “Suppose I decided to go ahead?” “No, I don’t think yuh will.” “I’m not under arrest, am I?” “Not yet.” “Not yet, eh?” Joe laughed recklessly. “Well, I reckon I’ll be goin’ then.” Joe turned back to his horse. “Yo’re not goi

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