2006 Words

“H’lo, Misser Cold-Feet,” grinned Lonnie. “Dan’s slowin’ up on us, Nebrasky.” “Pos’tively,” nodded Nebrasky. “Old boy’s showin’ age.” “Aw, yo’re crazy,” flared Dan. “But what can yuh do?” “Flip ’m,” said Lonnie gleefully. The gentle art of flipping a man consisted of two men getting one on each side of the one to be flipped, grasping him by arms and legs, and turning him completely over. It is a queer sensation, but harmless, if done right. Kelsey was inches taller than either Nebrasky or Lonnie. The boys goggled wisely at each other and waited. Kelsey finished his conversation with Clark and came back past the bar. “That shore was awful bad about Jim Wheeler, wasn’t it?” said Dan Leach. The sheriff stopped beside the bar. “It shore was,” he said emphatically. “That horse must ’a’

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