Chapter 42 - Gabriel

808 Words

The party was such good fun. Just the way I had hoped for my girl. Not just that, the whole pack was enjoying themselves, but for me, the best part was seeing Esme with the biggest smile on her face. Seeing the surprise when she realised this had all been arranged for her, that she had been totally clueless. Made me and all the little gang of friends and Mama’s involved in arranging it so happy. Esme deserved to be celebrated. I was a lucky guy and I loved seeing my mate happy. I thank the goddess every day that she chose to come back to me, because she could so easily have thought I was not worth it! I drive most of my friends and family mad, probably do the same with Esme to be fair, yet she seems to find it endearing, and is forever joining in with my jokes and I love it. Making her h

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