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||*KIM CORPORATION*|| ~~~~ ~~~~~ The fourth floor of the KIM's building bussed with life as workers hustled around in their corporate office wears and others make their way to their different departments and floors. The sales department staff on the fourth floor brisked to their various desks, getting ready to start the day's work, while staffs from other departments occupying a few other sections on the fourth floor, moved to their office space. "Have you heard of the latest happenings?" A group of staffs huddled together in the coffee room with their cup of coffees in hand and ears open for the new hot topic. "You always have news, Rita, and half the things you say are lies." "Here goes Shola again, acting all righteous, yet you'll be the first to transport whatever I say to the other departments. Do you all want the tea or should I close my mouth?" Rita, a middle-aged woman, says, sipping from her hot cup of coffee as she pursed her lips dramatically, waiting for her fellow gossip team and Shola, the only guy in their midst, to give her the go ahead. "Get on with it Rita, what's new?" Shola says tsking his tongue and Rita rolled her eyes, leaning forward as her eyes scanned their surrounding for any intruder. The other six in the group mirrored Rita's action, looking out the glass walls of the coffee room to see if any of their superiors were coming before they leaned in. "So, ya'll better don't go around saying this, it is confidential. Especially you Shola, I don't trust you, your mouth has no caution." Rita says, pointing her finger accusingly towards Shola and the twenty-two-year-old Nigerian hissed at Rita. "Just get on with it, Rita oniranu." Shola says, cursing at Rita in Yoruba language and Rita, not understanding, Shola just called her fool still rolled her eyes at him. "Mr Wyatt is retiring as CEO." Rita says, breaking the silence in their midst, but the reaction she got wasn't what she expected. "You can't be serious Rita, you wasted our time for this? Who would even believe Mr Wyatt loves this company." Jeanne, the French blonde among them, says and the others make annoying sounds as they turned away from Rita with disinterest.  "Have I ever brought any fake news to you guys?" Rita asked, feeling offended that the group refused to believe her and it was Shola's turn to respond this time. "Remember that time you said, the Hr manager was having an affair with the receptionist and it turned out to be a lie, or that time you lied about travelling to Dubai but you......" Shola's sentence got cut off as Rita shushed him with her fingers and she hissed at the young man. "I didn't need you to answer that." Rita says and the others in the group raised their nose in mockery at her. "You asked." Shola barked back, and Jeanne hissed this time. "I thought you had the tea, I didn't come here to witness your banter. I'm going back to my desk." Jeanne comments, moving to step out of the office and Rita grabs her hand. "I am serious, I heard the daughter of Mr Reynolds is coming back and Mr Wyatt would have over the seat to her. Haven't you noticed there is a renovation happening on the Executive floor?" Rita says, piquing the interest of the group as they all leaned in, finally having a something to gossip about. "Wait, I saw some men moving items to the executive yesterday, can that be it?" The brunette in the group asks and Rita nods. "I also heard, it is possible she resumes work this week. Apparently they've been planning this for months." Rita adds, and the group nod their drinking in the information. "Wait, I thought the Reynolds surviving child was a boy, isn't that what the media said?" "According to my intel, Mr Wyatt pays the media a huge sum to hide the identity of his brother's child, I don't know why though." Rita responds, peeking outside to see if anyone was coming. "Do you think the CEO is trying to take the company from his brother's heir? That might be why Mr Wyatt is paying the media not to disclose her identity." Shola queried as he tried to feed his own curiosity and also gather enough information for when he would also disperse the news.  "No, I don't think so, Mr Wyatt is a righteous person, have you seen him? Besides, I heard it was an assassination, not an accident, that's why Mr Wyatt moved the girl and took over the company." It was Rita's turn to answer this time, and Jeanne frowned. "How do you know all this, that was a long time ago?" Jeanne says, finding it hard to believe Rita. "Child, I have been working in this company since I graduated from college and I am forty now. That's how I know these things." Rita responds and Jeanne nods.  "Why do you think she is coming back? Did our current CEO do something wrong?" One member in the group asked, speaking up for the first time. "Okay, this might not be true, but I heard it has, to do with some missing funds in the company's financial statement and I heard she is...." "Excuse me." A timid voice sounds in the background, followed by the clearing of throat as the person breaks the current gossip in the group, preventing Mrs Rita from finishing her statement. "Talk about bad timing." Shola mumbled, walking out of the coffee room, intentionally hitting Rehan with his shoulders as he passed by the timid office assistant. "See you later, ladies." Jeanne mentioned, dismissing herself from the group, and she glared at Rehan, who seemed out of place. "What do you want, Rehan?" Mrs Rita asked harshly, and Rehan pushed his glasses up before going through his notepad. "I am told to collect the final draft of the sales plan and promotion procedure from your team." Rehan responds, and Mr Rita eyed him. "And who sent you this?" Mrs Rita asked, feeling irritated. "The marketing director." Rehan responds, and Mrs Rita lost control of her coffee cup. "Oh s**t, I haven't printed it." Rehan moved out of the way, as Mrs Rita hurried out of the coffee room, while missing a few steps and she tried to save herself from falling. "Dear Rehan, can you come back in the afternoon?" Mrs Rita asked nicely, and Rehan just stared blankly at her. "Mr Gideon wants me to bring it to his office now." Rehan responds, unbothered by her uneasiness. "Stupid shit." Mrs Rita caused as she hurriedly made provisions to print out the said drafts while Rehan tailed her impatiently as he still had other things to do. ****** ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ||*KIMORA REYNOLDS*|| "The air feels different." I mumbled, breathing in and out the fresh air of Phoenix as I stepped out of the plane, taking a minute to look around before walking towards the gate of the terminal. Uncle Wyatt insisted on sending over a private jet, but I refused, knowing this might be the last time I would get to experience flying with other people and not just by myself in some private jets and air hostess. I pushed my sun shades up my nose as I walked through the terminal, with a scarf covering half my face and a black hat on my head. [Is my ride here?] I asked, as my uncle answered his call. [Yes, just outside the airport, I already sent them a picture of what you are wearing.] Uncle Wyatt responds, and I nod. [Thank you Uncle, I'll be home soon.] [I'll forward their pictures.] Uncle Wyatt says just before the call ended and I received a media notification immediately showing pictures of their faces. I walked out of the airport terminal, taking a deep breath of the air outside again, as I try to familiarise myself with it.  Luckily, it was easy to locate the driver and the bodyguard who collected my luggage, while the driver opened the door of the black limo for me and I told him to close the partition. The ride from the airport back home was nothing ceremonial except for the thoughts that invaded my mind as I closed my eyes and leaned against the headrest.  Memories of the night Uncle Wyatt flew me out of the country, hit me again, and I sighed as it also brought back the terrifying memory of my parents' assassination.  No matter the years gone, being back in Phoenix doesn't make the memory less painful, and the thought of going to live in that same mansion didn't make it easier, either. Uncle Wyatt suggested I move in with his family until I find a new place, but I refused, that mansion is the only thing I have closest to my parents. I still don't know how I would handle living there with the memories of their deaths, but it's the only way I can be close to them after all these years.  Aside from the gruesome memory, my parents made memorable moments with me in that house, and I can't let that go, at least not yet. "We are here ma'am." Driver informs, opening the partition and I nod at him as the bodyguard opens the door for me and I am met with the crime scene of my parents' death. I shut my eyes for a moment to fight back the tears that threatened to spill. "Is everything alright, madam?" I opened my eyes at the voice of the bodyguard and I nod, taking the first step towards the door as the bodyguard moved to open and I stepped in. "Mom, dad, I'm home." I mumbled, heaving a breath as I made my way towards the staircase, I hope coming back here proves a new beginning.
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