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LORENZO "ENZO" I was back, after two days of constantly thinking about her. I stood outside her house, tucked away in a corner, watching her tend to her garden flowers. I wasn't typically a stalker. Once I set my sights on someone, especially a woman, I claim her - willingly or not. I didn't usually lurk in the shadows, but here I was, standing houses away from hers, watching as she planted with a smile, the sun shining brightly. I wasn't a day person; I was more of a night owl. But my new obsession had brought me out into the light. I admired how she didn't panic and instead took control of the situation. Most people would have called the police or left me to die, but not her. That was the first thing that drew me to her. The second was her innocence. She had no tattoos, no scars, no imperfections. I'd had my share of women, but they were all the same - jaded, cynical, and playing the game. But she was different. She didn't know the rules, didn't know how to play, and that's what captivated me. I found myself wanting to know more about her, the kind of life she lives, what she eats, what her preferences are, I want to know every single thing about her. She's untainted by the darkness that surrounds me. I want to possess that innocence, to claim it as my own. I know it's wrong, but I can't help myself. I'm addicted to the idea of her, to the possibility of fixing her. And I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine. I wonder what she'd look like with my mark on her. A tattoo, a scar, a symbol of my possession. Would she still smile like that? Would she still shine so brightly? I want to be the one to awaken her, to show her the darkness that lurks within. She seems broken, not soul-broken, heart-broken. She lost a lot in the blink of an eye. Yes, I already did my research. Daisy Amory: orphan, brilliant surgeon. Married to an asshole who is a lawyer, and also divorced. She had a child who died of leukemia. 5'8" Dark brown, long, and curly hair. Bright green, almond-shaped eyes, fringed with thick lashes. Porcelain-like complexion skin with a sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She is also a Virgo, I'm a Cancer, what are the chances we made for each other? From my perspective, hundred percent. For now, I'll keep watching her, waiting for her to crack. And when she does, I'll be there, ready to pick up the pieces. Ready to claim her as mine. Who was I kidding? I couldn't be too far from my new possession. I brought out my silver pocket watch chain, running it through my fingers. I still had a couple of minutes before I headed back. It wouldn't hurt to have a little conversation, would it? I made my way to her house, tapping my ring finger - a habit of mine when I'm impatient. And now, I was more impatient than ever, eager to get my hands on her. She looked up as I approached, her expression caught between surprise and a hastily concealed smile. She abandoned her flowers and stood up, taking a step back. "I never thought you'd come back," she said, "or are you here to do something to me?" I stepped forward, leaving a few steps between us. "Negative," I replied. "I told you, I hate feeling indebted to anyone. I'm here for just that." "It was just a joke," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "You don't have to do anything for me." "What's your name?" I asked like I hadn't just done my research on her. It would be creepy if she knew the length of what I knew about her. "Daisy," she replied. "Daisy, like the flower?" I asked, genuinely mesmerized. She nodded. "Yes, the flower." Daisy - purity and innocence. Her name suited her perfectly. I tilted my head, a habit I'd developed to study her from every angle. Just then, a car pulled up, and I turned to see her asshole of an ex-husband getting out. I didn't budge, just stood there. "Daisy!" he called out as he slammed his car door. "Why are you here, Micheal?" She was on the verge of breaking down; I could see it in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Daisy, I'm sorry for everything that happened. Please come back to me," he said. I brought out my pocket watch; I still had about ten minutes to spare. Let's see where this ends. "Please, Daisy, listen to me. I know I messed up, but I love you. I need you. Sophia left me, my law firm is on the line, and I might go to jail if I don't fix this one case. I was reckless, I know, but I was desperate. Please, come back to me, and I'll do anything to make it right." He moved closer to Daisy, but I stopped him with my hand. "Don't come too close." I said. It was as if he had just noticed I was there; the middle of his brows formed a deep W. "Who is this man with you?" He asked, not looking at me. He wouldn't dare; he was looking at Daisy behind me. "Who is he?" He repeated, his voice rising. He took a step closer with his fists clenched. I pushed him back. "I told you not to come close." I said, my voice low. "How many days has it been? You are in no position to judge me, you just proved you are a slut." At the mention of his last sentence, I twisted his left arm behind his back and he winced in pain. "Let-let me go, you fucker." He struggled. "Let him go!" Daisy yelled, holding the front part of her hair tightly with her hands, crying uncontrollably. I looked at the asshole and back at her; she was crying because of a worthless trash, no better than a week-old pizza leftover. What does she even see in him? I released the asshole, but before I did, I made sure to break his left arm. He stumbled forward, clutching his broken limb. "Leave me alone! Nothing will make me go back to you!" Daisy yelled. "Daisy! The fucker broke my arm." He said, still clutching it. "Be grateful I only broke one arm and didn't make the ambulance take you away with two broken arms and legs," I said, my voice low. "You heard the lady; leave her alone. If you ever come back, you might not leave in one piece." The asshole scoffed. "Are you threatening me? I'm a f*****g lawyer!" He yelled. I moved closer, my brows slightly furrowed. "So what?" He backed away, heading for his car. "I'll be back!" he said, before getting in and driving away with one hand, the other broken. Only a fool would come back after what I said. He might think I was joking, he won't leave here in one piece if he comes back. Daisy's legs buckled, but I caught her, holding her close as she buried her face in my chest. Her body shook with sobs, and she whispered, "Who does he think I am? Does he think I'm some kind of fool who'll take him back after everything he's done?" I pulled her closer, feeling her warm tears soak through my shirt. "You want revenge, don't you?" I asked, my voice low. She nodded, her face still hidden in my chest. "I'll help you get it," I promised. "But we'll do it my way." She nodded again, her voice barely audible. "I'll do anything...as long as he regrets everything he's done to me." I held her tighter. I didn't even have to move a finger, I should thank you for coming, Micheal. You're mine now, Daisy. And I'll make sure you get the revenge you crave, but in return, you'll surrender to me, body and soul. I'll own your darkness, and you'll embrace mine. Together, we'll dance in the shadows, and I'll show you that obsession can be a beautiful thing.

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