
Dark Embrace

love at the first sight

"I will break your heart, then own it."

"In my darkness, you'll find your home."

Daisy Amory's world shatters when she discovers her husband's betrayal with her best friend. Seeking solace in her deceased parents' house, she becomes entangled with Lorenzo Esposito, an Italian mafia don who becomes obsessed with her at first sight. Enzo offers her a twisted chance at redemption and revenge against those who wronged her. Will she succumb to his darkness and accept his offer? Dive into a world of obsession, revenge, and redemption, where the lines between good and evil are blurred, and the heart is the ultimate prize.

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DAISY Having lost my parents in a car accident at age ten, I've made it a rule to save as many lives as I can while I'm alive. I couldn’t save them, but I could save others. I could spare others the pain I went through and give them more time with their loved ones. In the operating room a young woman laid on the table, her life in my hands. Her chart said complex case - esophagectomy, removal of her esophagus. She had some complications but I was going to save her. I took a deep breath and looked around the Operating Room at my team. My anesthesiologist, Dr. Stone, nodded at me. My nurse, Rachel, handed me the scalpel. Esophagectomy was a complex procedure but I had done it like a hundred times. Yet, every time it felt like the first. Every patient was a new challenge, a new life to save. The hours flew by. My team was in sync, each of us moving in anticipation of the other. We finished the procedure and the patient was stable. Phew, another life saved. I removed my nose mask and gloves and tossed them into the trash outside the operating room. Dr. Stone caught my eye and winked. "Another life saved, am I right?" I smiled, feeling happy. "You know my rule," I replied. Sometimes, I don't have control over my rule. I'd saved many lives, but I'd also lost patients, and this resulted in me getting sad in the earlier days of my career. I felt like my parents would be disappointed in me. I wasn't God; I couldn't save every patient. But now, when I lose a patient, I do get sad, but I just think the patient's problem is above me, and I move on to the next patient, making sure I try to save the next one. "You're off tonight, right?" Dr. Stone asked. I nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!" A week off to recharge and rekindle the spark in my marriage. Yes, I was married to the love of my life, Michael Campbell, and we have a child. We met in university, where he was studying law and I was pursuing medicine. I made the first move, and I'm grateful I did. I dreamed of a beautiful future for us, but Michael was struggling financially back then. To support him, I took on a part-time job as a medical scribe, earning thirty dollars per hour for fifteen hours of work each week. Fortunately, my aunt Emily Moore, who had taken care of me since my parents passed away, covered my expenses. So, I didn't need the money. Instead, I gave my entire earnings to Michael, knowing it would help him become the successful lawyer he is today. But life had been tough lately. My precious daughter, Ashley, was bravely fighting Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and her fragile health had taken a toll on me and Michael. Despite getting stabilized in the hospital after a bone marrow transplant, her immune system was still weak. Michael was my rock, but I'd been absent from our relationship due to my demanding shifts and constant caregiving. With our home far from the hospital, the distance between us grew, both physically and emotionally. I felt terrible about neglecting Michael, but he was understanding and reassuring, promising that everything would return to normal once Ashley was healthy again. We'd be a happy family once more, and that thought kept me going. Tonight, I planned a few things. It was nothing that much. I made reservations at Michael's favorite restaurant, I was planning to surprise him with that and then from there we'd go home, probably watch movies and cuddle or we might do more but tonight I want us to feel like teenagers once again. "I suggest you be on your way then, and I'll be here, drinking coffee all night long to stay awake. I really want to be in your shoes at the moment." Dr. Stone said as we walked down the hallway. I smiled and replied, "This is my first night off this year, and trust me, you don't want to be in my shoes." Dr. Stone chuckled. "It's just a month into the year, Dr. Amory." I nodded. "I know, you better get going so you can be mentally prepared for the night. I want to see my daughter before I clock out." I nudged her shoulder and left for Ashley's ward. As I entered the Hematology ward, I made my way to Ashley's room, where she shared a space with her friend Emma, who was also a patient with a similar condition to Ashley and was in the adjacent room The two would often spend time together when their treatment schedules allowed. They formed a strong bond ever since, and it warmed my heart to see them sleeping peacefully. Ashley clutched her favorite teddy bear, Mr. Beanie, as I gently kissed her forehead and tucked her in. I went to Emma and did the same. Just as I was about to leave, I heard Ashley say, "Mommy?" I turned back with a smile. "Oh, darling, did I wake you?" I moved closer to her and sat next to her. "No, mommy. I woke up by myself." She said weakly. "I want to go and meet Daddy tonight and I will be back in the morning, is that okay?" I had one week off, but that didn't mean I wouldn't check up on her. "Yes, and tell... tell Daddy that I want to see him, he promised to check in on me." I adjusted her bangs. "Daddy is busy, but I'll make sure I tell him." I said with a smile. "Okay, mommy." "Sleep tight, I will be back in the morning, okay?" "Okay, good night Mommy." "Good night baby, now go back to sleep, we don't want to wake Emma, do we?" She shook her head. I tucked her again and kissed her forehead again. "I love you... Mommy." She said weakly. "I love you too, with all my heart." She smiled a little, her fatigue was visible. I wished I could take her pain and see her properly smile again. I went for the door and switched off the light before heading out. Driving home, I spotted a rose vendor on the corner. Twenty bucks for a bouquet? Why not? I'd never given Michael roses before, and it felt like a sweet gesture. I pulled over and bought them, filling my backseat with blooms. The scent wafted up, and I couldn't help but smile, imagining Michael's face when I give him already. As I pulled into our driveway, my heart skipped a beat. I grabbed the roses and headed inside, feeling like a nervous teenager again. I didn't want to call his name and ruin the surprise, I wanted to see his expression. So, I just smiled to myself and made my way to our room. But as I got closer, my heart started to sink. There were clothes scattered all over the floor - lingerie, dresses, heels... none of which belonged to me. My mind started racing, and I felt a knot in my stomach. I tried to push the thoughts away, telling myself I was just being paranoid. But then I heard the laughter, the talking. The unmistakable sound of two people together. My heart dropped. I didn't want to believe it, but I knew what I was hearing. I took a deep breath and slowly approached the door, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. The door wasn't completely closed, it seemed they were in a rush and couldn't close the door. I stood in the doorway, roses still clutched in my hand, as I took in the scene before me. Michael, my husband, was in bed with Sophia, my best friend. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, like all the air had been sucked out of me. How could they do this to me? I thought of all the times I'd confided in Sophia, all the times I'd trusted her. And Michael... my husband, my partner, my everything. Their laughter, their whispers, their naked bodies wrapped in each other's arms... it was all too much. I wanted to scream, to cry, to throw something. But I just stood there, frozen, as my heart broke into a million pieces. "How can she be so dumb?" Sophia laughed. "Well, I'm grateful she's dumb," they both laughed. "I will use her daughter to blackmail her into signing the divorce papers," Michael said. My child? Ashley? They were going to use her against me? "I have been patient for six years, you better make it worth it." Six years! Six years of deception, of lies, of betrayal. I couldn't help but wonder... It was before our wedding, was I really that blind? Was I really that stupid? "I promise, it'll be worth it." I watched as they kissed and laughed, and tears fell from my eyes. What do I do now? Should I go in and confront them? Should I barge in and ask why they did this to me? No, no, no, that'd be so dumb, Daisy. I...I didn't know what to do

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