025~ LOVE I'VE

1553 Words
Aria Lounging on the rooftop terrace, my head nestled against my dad's chest, the breeze whispered secrets while city lights painted a mesmerizing canvas below. In the midst of this serenity, Lucas's unexpected confession replayed in my mind, a surreal melody in the symphony of my thoughts. Lucas f*****g Walker – a man who doesn't do relationships – dropped the L-bomb on me and wants us to date! The absurdity of it danced in my thoughts, yet a gut feeling insisted he meant every word. As I pondered becoming Lucas's woman, a mix of emotions swirled within. Would this be a whole new chapter or just a fancier version of what we already had? Emotions can be downright complex. Why must they insist on making things difficult? It would be so much easier if they picked a goddamn side and simplified life! Yet, here we are, navigating the intricate twists and turns of our feelings, adding layers to the already intricate tapestry of human experience. In the midst of my chaotic musings, my dad's comforting presence interrupted. "What is it, honey?" he inquired, his hand gently rubbing my hair. It was the lifeline I needed, a chance to untangle my emotions in the reassuring company of someone who truly cared. I sighed, my gaze shifting to one of my mom's carefully planted flowers adorning the terrace. "There's this guy I've always loved, and... damn! He confessed he loves me out of the blue and wants to date me." The words spilled out in a rushed stream. "And?" my dad urged on, sensing the weight of my hesitation. "I'm feeling conflicted. I've always wished he would see me as more than a s*x partner, but when he said it, I couldn't reply," I admitted, my voice trailing off as uncertainty lingered in the air. "Love always has surprises up its sleeves. What's holding you back, honey?" he asked, his voice a soothing presence. I pressed my lips together, fingers nervously playing with the hem of my tank top. "When he confessed, I was caught in a whirlwind of surprise and confusion. It felt like a script flip; he's not the type to date, and even in our casual encounters, there were always other girls. I believe him when he says it, but there's this lingering fear. What if we take the leap, and it doesn't work out? I'm scared we'd lose what we have now." The weight of uncertainty hung in the air. He enveloped me in a comforting embrace, pulling me closer as he spoke, "It's completely normal to feel conflicted in matters of the heart. Everyone experiences love uniquely. If this is what you want, perhaps you can give it a chance. You can also discuss your fears with this guy. Communication is very important in every relationship." I sighed, feeling the weight of my emotions. "I want to date him. I love him, and I feel if I keep delaying, I might regret it." "Follow your heart, honey." I closed my eyes, seeking solace in his understanding presence. "Thanks, Dad, this means a lot to me." "Hmm," he responded. "Micheal," Mom called from behind us, breaking the moment. I sat up, turning to find her approaching with a curious smile. "Speaking of following hearts, how is your relationship with mom?" I asked, throwing a playful glance at my mom as she made hesitant steps towards us. "I am scared I will spoil this little thing we have since I came back. I really do not want to keep coming home to a house she isn't in," Dad confessed, the weight of his words carrying a hint of vulnerability. "You've got this, Dad. Let's both do all we can to be happy," I reassured him, raising my fist up in encouragement. He mirrored my gesture, and a shared smile spread between us, echoing the hope for newfound happiness. "What are the both of you discussing?" Mom asked, settling down on another sofa across from us. "How beautiful you are looking this night," I grinned, walking up to her and seizing her arm. I pulled her up, dragging her all the way to where my dad sat, orchestrating a cozy gathering. "Seriously, if you two love each other, forget every other thing and just go with the flow. Life is too short to rethink this," I playfully advised. "What the hell is your daughter on about?" My mom asked, her face turning a delightful shade of red. "That you both need to stop fighting this attraction and give in. I will take my leave then," I chuckled, playfully imparting my advice before making my way downstairs. As I walked away, I hoped they would both embrace their feelings and settle their differences. As for me and Lucas, I was ready to take the plunge and see where this newfound journey would lead us. Fingers crossed for a decision that doesn't turn into a series of disappointments. °°° The sudden prospect of a date with Lucas, right on the heels of his recent confession, felt like a whirlwind. Despite our longstanding connection, the idea of it being official still brought a sheepish grin to my face. I found myself sitting in my walking closet, draped in a bathrobe, as Leah and my mom rummaged through my clothes in search of the perfect dress. When Lucas had mentioned the date over the phone, my initial instinct was to keep it hush-hush. However, Mom, with her finely tuned eavesdropping skills, had caught wind of it. Before I knew it, everyone in the house was aware of the impending date. Their reactions were unexpectedly calm – no surprised gasps or attempts to talk me out of it. It was as if, somehow, everyone had seen it coming. "I can just wear anything, you know?" I tried to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but Mom wasn't having it. "A woman should look her finest always," she insisted, finally settling on a stunning blue dress amidst my wardrobe chaos. "Now, this will work its magic." Her smile was infectious as she gestured for me to stand up and try it on. As I slipped into the chosen dress, a mix of anticipation and nerves fluttered in my stomach. It seemed like everyone around me was more invested in this date than I was. Yet, as Mom zipped up the dress and gave me an approving look in the mirror, I couldn't help but appreciate the care they were putting into this seemingly impromptu date with Lucas. "He is here," Ivy announced as she entered my room. Her expression didn't scream excitement, but she wasn't entirely opposed to the situation. I walked out of my room and descended the stairs slowly, sensing their presence trailing behind me. Noticing them, I stopped abruptly and turned to face them. "Where are you going?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes. "Sorry," they apologized in unison, nearly colliding with each other. "Don't follow me," I warned, a hint of frustration in my voice, and continued my path. My heart raced as I entered the living room where he waited, the delicate fabric of my dress swaying with every step. Lucas couldn't help but be captivated, his eyes lighting up with genuine admiration as he saw me. "You look absolutely stunning," he complimented, his voice a gentle melody. He stood up and walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt a delightful warmth spread across my cheeks, and I mumbled a bashful "Thank you." "Your family seems to be enjoying the show from behind, by the way," he whispered. I turned, embarrassment turning my cheeks even rosier. "Guys, give us some privacy, will you?" "f**k you, Lucas!" Ivy retorted as they withdrew, leaving us finally alone in the room. "I didn't bring any flowers. You didn't strike me as a flower person," he said, a playful glint in his eyes as he dipped his hand into his pocket. "You're right. I'm not a fan of flowers," I replied with a knowing smile. He took a deep breath, his eyes searching mine, and confessed, "This feels weird, doesn't it? Dating someone is actually new and nerve-wracking. I feel like I will make a mistake. Am I doing this well?" I chuckled, savoring the rare sight of a nervous Lucas. "We haven't even started the date yet; chill." "You won't believe I got dating lessons from Jax. He doesn't know s**t about dating, but I sat there listening to him," he revealed, a genuine smile playing on his lips. I heard stifled laughter from behind me, but I chose to ignore it. "Do I need to be worried?" I teased, my smile growing. "A little," he laughed, his laughter echoing in the corridor. "Jesus Christ, leave already. I need to use the kitchen," Ivy complained from behind, and I heard my mom hushing her with a soft laugh. "Shall we?" Lucas asked, offering his arm with a confident smile. I gladly entwined my arm with his, and we walked out together. This was different from what we had before, and I relished in the details – the way Lucas's eyes sparkled, the shared laughter, and the intertwining of our arms. I liked it, and in that moment, I truly hoped it would last.
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