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Aria I sat at the dinning room with my mom, Leah and Ivy. Ivy, seemingly uninterested in anything, was immersed in her phone. Leah, on the other hand, laid her head on the dining table, seemingly unbothered with anything. My mother, the epitome of composed elegance, sat at the head of the table, observing the two men in the sitting room. Grappling with the aftermath of last night's hazy escapade, I groaned audibly, my legs venting frustration with a rhythmic kicking beneath the table. Why did I ever agree to go drink with him? My mother, observing me, couldn't resist a pointed inquiry, "Still trying to remember the embarrassing thing you did last night?" I sighed, my gaze shifting from my mother to the sitting room where my father and Lucas engaged in a mysterious conversation. The prolonged discussion raised unspoken questions, compelling me to ponder what could hold their attention for so long. Leah, ever the inquisitor, seized the opportunity to delve into the enigma. "So the guy you went out drinking with is the youngest Walker?" Her question lingered in the room, prompting my eyes to widen at the revelation. The realization struck me—I had denied knowing Lucas earlier. "Just college friends," I laughed nervously, attempting to brush off the significance of my connection with Lucas. Ivy, seemingly omniscient despite her focus on the phone, casually remarked, "She won't admit it no matter what." The scrutiny from Leah and my mother intensified, making me squirm uncomfortably in my seat. Ivy, with an astute shift, redirected attention to my mother. "And mom, care to tell us what you were doing with dad in the kitchen?" The sudden change in subject caught my mother off guard, her surprise evident in a subtle shift in posture. "W-what are you going on about?" she stuttered, attempting to deflect the inquiry. Sensing a mystery unfolding, I exchanged glances between Ivy and my mother, intrigued by the unspoken tension. Undeterred, Leah insisted, "Tell us, Mom, what were you two doing?" The room held its breath, waiting for an explanation that seemed elusive. My mother, attempting to change the topic, muttered, "Lunchtime, the cook should be serving soon." The memory of the kitchen encounter resurfaced, a fragment of time when I had caught sight of my parents leaning into each other. The image flickered in my mind, but my attention was hijacked by the persistent pain throbbing in my head. The hangover's grip on my senses dulled the significance of that moment, allowing me to remain blissfully ignorant.I cringed as I realized the potential weight of what I had witnessed. My musings were abruptly interrupted by my father's unexpected entrance into the dining room. "Lucas would be having lunch with us," he declared casually, Lucas following in his wake. "What?" I blurted out, caught off guard by the revelation that Lucas would be joining us for lunch. All eyes turned toward me, their collective gaze a silent interrogation.Feeling the intensity of the moment, I let out a nervous laugh, attempting to diffuse the tension. Lucas, with his infuriatingly charming grin, seemed to revel in the unfolding drama. As his cheeky expression persisted, a rebellious urge to slap that handsome face of his flickered in my thoughts, though I suppressed it with a bemused smile. The table was adorned with a variety of dishes, and the aromatic scent wafting from them made my stomach grumble loudly, reminding me I had not eating anything since last night. Lucas, sitting across from me and next to Leah, couldn't help but comment on the audible protest of my hungry stomach. "Damn, Aria. Are you going to eat all of us here?" he teased, earning a glare from me. Leah, ever mischievous, whispered something to Lucas, and they both chuckled. She is your sister no need to feel angry. Ivy, seated next to me, took the opportunity to share her thoughts. "Of all people to fall in love with, you chose Lucas. Can't tell if he or Jaxson is worse at committing in a relationship," she remarked in a hushed tone. I shot a quick look at Lucas, contemplating the truth in Ivy's words. Sensing my gaze, he looked up from his plate and smiled. I quickly looked away, convincing myself that Ivy's words were baseless. She persisted, pointing out that I had been stealing glances at Lucas throughout the meal. I retorted that it was not true and continued eating. Despite my attempts to navigate away from uncomfortable thoughts, my mom had other plans. With a strategic shift in the conversation, she directed the spotlight toward Lucas, prompting a discussion about how we met. The sudden change in topic sent a ripple of nerves through me. Lucas smoothly recounted our first encounter during a university event and a subsequent meeting at a house party. I was relieved that he skipped the friends-with-benefit part, feeling gratitude toward Lucas for his discretion. Ivy, however, wasn't satisfied. "So, you guys were just friends for three years?" she questioned, skepticism evident in her voice. Leah jumped to my defense, pointing out that she was friends with Jaxson without any complaints. "This is different, Jaxson isn't my type but, Lucas is Aria's " Ivy argued. My father intervened, hushing them and advising everyone to focus on their food to spare me any discomfort. A wave of relief washed over me as my father took control of the situation, shifting the attention away from the delicate details of my connection with Lucas. I shot a narrowed glance at my mother and Ivy, who quickly averted their eyes. As a quiet determination settled within me, I silently vowed to have my revenge. After a satisfying lunch, I accompanied Lucas to the front of the villa, where his car, different from his usual one, was parked. He couldn't help but compliment my family, expressing that they weren't boring at all. I grinned in agreement. Indeed, my family had a unique way of adding vibrancy to any gathering. As we reached his car, he turned to me, his eyes reflecting curiosity. "Have you recalled what happened?" he inquired. Does he really want to see me embarrased? "I am so sorry." "For what?" Lucas probed. Picking nervously at my fingers, I confessed, "For kissing you." There I said it, bastard! The admission hung between us, and Lucas burst into laughter, causing my cheeks to flush. "Who said you kissed me?" he teased. Slightly embarrassed, I retorted, "You did. You kept touching your lips, hinting at a kiss." He continued to laugh, denying my accusation. I playfully hit him on the shoulder, but he caught my hand, pulling me closer and leaning on his car's bonnet. I stammered, demanding to be let go. Lucas, with a mischievous smile, asked, "Do you want to kiss me?" When I denied any such desire, he raised an eyebrow, questioning my sincerity. My gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips, and I couldn't deny the temptation. Self-control Self-control "Are you sure? This is a one-time offer," He pressed on. Flustered, I asked why he assumed I wanted to kiss him. With a confession that left me breathless, he admitted, "Because I badly want to feel your lips against mine ever since I met you at the party. I can feel the sizzling tension between us, Aria. I'm restraining myself from doing something to you." His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I averted my gaze, the weight of his statement sinking in. "You are dating Ruby," I reminded him, desperately clinging to the semblance of normalcy. Undeterred, he gently squeezed my hand, his touch insisting on a connection beyond the superficial. "I'm not with Ruby," he affirmed, his eyes searching mine. "I have a boyfriend," I stated, a feeble attempt to shield myself from the intensity of his gaze. Lucas, however, remained undeterred, pointing out with a precision that cut through my defenses, "But you don't love him. Why are you still dating him?" Grappling with the tumultuous whirlwind of my own emotions, I shot back, "What makes you think I don't love him?" Breaking free from his grasp, I took a step back, leaving the air heavy with unspoken sentiments and the unexplored depths of my heart. "If that's true," he continued, his voice carrying an undercurrent of vulnerability, "why do you keep reacting this way? Maybe it's just me, but there seems to be a spark that neither of us can ignore." "Lucas, we've just started getting along, and I'm happy about it. Let's not cross that boundary again; it's what ruined our relationship in the past," I pointed out, attempting to draw a line in the emotional sand. "That's a lie. Our relationship wasn't ruined by us having s*x. Have you forgotten? You left," he countered, the raw truth hanging in the air between us. "And why was that?" I questioned, my voice tinged with the pain of the past. "Who pushed me away? Isn't it too early for you to want to get in my pants?" The words slipped out, regret settling in as I realized what I just said. His expression underwent a swift transformation, his eyes widening in surprise. The warmth that had enveloped him seemed to retreat, leaving behind a mix of hurt and disbelief etched on his face. The once-curved smile on his lips now subtly downturned as he processed my unexpected accusations. Realizing the impact of my words, I hurriedly tried to apologize, "I didn't mean that." "Is that how you see me? Just a s*x-starved guy who approached you for s*x?" Though hurt, he managed a tight-lipped smile, attempting to conceal the emotional turmoil beneath the surface. The playful banter we shared just moments ago now felt like a distant memory, replaced by the heavy weight of unspoken emotions lingering in the air. "I didn't mean it," I repeated, my heart aching as I witnessed the pain in his eyes. "You meant it. I know when you lie, and you didn't look like you were. Maybe you are right, I must have been confusing lust with..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. I will get out of your hair." With those words, he opened his car door and got inside, leaving a heavy silence in his wake. As the door of Lucas's car closed with a decisive thud, I felt a heavy ache settle in my chest. The weight of my thoughtless words hung in the air, haunting me with the realization of the pain I had inflicted. I stood there, watching him drive off. Regret gnawed at me as I replayed the conversation in my mind. The hurt in Lucas's eyes, the subtle shift in his demeanor – all consequences of my anger. The tears welled up, threatening to spill over, but I blinked them away, hoping to maintain composure. I cradled my throbbing heart, the echoes of my own words haunting me. The warmth we once shared now replaced by a chilling silence. I tried to shake off the heaviness but found myself pinned down by the weight of my own actions. I knew I couldn't undo what had been said, and the ache in my chest intensified. The realization that I might have just pushed away someone I cared about hit me like a tidal wave, leaving me standing alone in the aftermath of my own words.
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