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Aria I stood in the corner of the opulent party, a crystal-clear glass in hand, contemplating how I found myself entangled in an event I despised. The slow music filled the spacious room, couples twirling on the dance floor, while high-class individuals engaged in business discussions in exclusive groups. These were the kinds of parties I detested – orchestrated by my mother as networking opportunities, but for me, they felt like an unwarranted imposition. Forced smiles, tedious conversations, and an endless array of unfamiliar faces; it was a world I wanted no part of. Yet, there I stood, a reluctant participant. Regret lingered as I took a begrudging sip of the bitter liquid in my glass. The acrid taste and the burning sensation down my throat only intensified my disdain. "Goddammit!" I muttered under my breath, my dissatisfaction with the situation evident. Frantically searching for my sister, Ivy, I found myself alone amid the glitzy affair. "That betrayer," I accused, suspecting Ivy had managed to escape the ordeal on her own. I had promised my mother I'd try to endure the event, and now I regretted it bitterly. The allure of my comfortable bed at home seemed like an unattainable luxury at that moment. Just as I contemplated making my discreet exit, my mother materialized, leading me into yet another introduction. "This is my second daughter, Aria. She just came back from overseas. She was working in one of our branches abroad, and now she is going to continue here," My mom proudly introduced me to what felt like the hundredth person that night, a radiant smile lighting up her face. As the relentless introductions continued, I yearned for the solitude of my own space, away from the pretence and formality of the party. "Rebecca," a distinguished man in his fifties, with salt-and-pepper hair and a well-groomed beard, strolled towards us, arms outstretched for a hug. "George," Mom responded with a beaming smile, embracing him warmly. "You never seem to age, do you? Still as stunning as always," he complimented my mom, who graciously acknowledged the praise with yet another smile. Don't worry, Dad, I'll be the vigilant guardian ensuring no man even slightly more handsome than you sweeps your wife away. "Is this your daughter? She looks like a mirror image of your youth," he remarked, a warm smile directed at me. "Good evening, sir," I greeted with an awkward smile as he enveloped me in a welcoming embrace. "Aria, meet George Walker, the CEO of the Walker conglomerate. Every girl's dream father-in-law." "And every woman's fantasy man. Except you, who dumped me the moment Michael appeared. I'll forever hold that grudge against him," he grinned, unveiling a set of perfect white teeth. Damn! George Walker was surprisingly attractive and didn't resemble a man with three grown up ass men as kids. The shocking revelation of him being my mom's ex left me wondering how my dad managed to steal this man's woman. "I'm glad he did; otherwise, I might have ended up as one of your baby mamas," my mom laughed. Not sticking to one woman must be a common trait. I hoped for my sake his sons didn't attend the party. On the verge of making my escape from the party I detested. I turned and froze at the sight of a figure from my past. I felt a mix of emotions—surprise, curiosity, and a hint of unresolved tension. The last man I wanted to see, stood in a corner, a glass in hand, exuding an air of allure that was both magnetic and sinfully enticing. Beside him, a lady vied for his attention, and he responded with a charming smile, his eyes dancing with mischief. As he raised the glass to his lips, his gaze locked onto mine. Time seemed to stand still as our eyes met, and my breath caught in my throat. I wanted to look away, sever the connection, but an invisible force held my gaze captive. He excused himself from the woman he had been entertaining, and I couldn't help but wonder if his intentions had been more than just casual flirtation. Lucas approached me, the surprise evident in his expression as he took in my presence. "Long time no see, Aria. It has been years." he greeted, his tone holding a note of genuine warmth. Still grappling with the complexities of our past, I managed a polite smile."Surprised to see you here," I replied, trying to maintain a casual demeanor. Lucas chuckled, "Well, there are things you can't avoid no matter how much you hate them." Up close, I couldn't deny that he looked more handsome than his college days, well-groomed with strands of black hair falling gracefully on his face. "You... look absolutely stunning in that dress." His unexpected compliment hit me like a surprise wave, his eyes unabashedly tracing the contours of my dress, making me feel exposed under his intense gaze. Shivers ran down my spine as I realized he still had the power to affect me. "Thank you," I replied, my voice unintentionally taking on a sultry tone, an involuntary reaction I instantly regretted. Then there was an awkward silence that followed, and I wished I was still with a glass of alcohol to distract myself and the fact he was staring at me made me uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. Bitch, pick one. Do you hate him or not! "Care to join me for a dance?" He asked, nodding towards the dance floor. Say no. Tentatively, I accepted his invitation, my hand fitting perfectly into his as we moved onto the dance floor. The crowd seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in a world of twirling lights and intoxicating music. Lucas placed a hand firmly on my waist, the touch sending a cascade of shivers down my spine. Initially tense, I gradually eased into the embrace, the warmth of his hand creating a magnetic pull. "I have to warn you I am a sore loser when it comes to dancing," I warned, placing my hands on his shoulders. He laughed, throwing his head back. "No s**t, I remember that time you got drunk in our sophomore year and you attempted dancing." I recalled that embarrassing moment, and my cheeks flushed, remembering he made a video of it and showed me the next day. "That was the alcohol, not me," I defended. "Sure, sure," he mocked, his laughter infectious. The playful banter created a light-hearted atmosphere, momentarily dispelling the tension that once lingered between us. As we swayed to the rhythm, small talk flowed between us like a delicate dance of its own. Lucas spoke of his recent endeavors, and I found myself sharing snippets of my life. The exchange was surprisingly easy, as if we were just old friends meeting after a long time. The tempo of the music changed, and Lucas seized the opportunity to twirl me. My body moved gracefully, and in that moment, the distance between us seemed to dissolve. When he pulled me back into his arms, my back pressed against his chest, a spark of electricity passed between us. Lucas, his lips hovering near my ear, whispered words I didn't hear that sent a jolt through me. The intimacy of his breath on my skin, combined with the closeness of our bodies, created a heady sensation. "Were you trying to seduce the men at the party? Because if that was the plan, you did succeed. I am seduced," My neck tingled, and a blush crept across my cheeks as he teased me. "You wish" I said, as he turned me to face him again, our eyes locking. With each turn, our connection deepened, and I found myself succumbing to the allure of the dance. The chemistry between us intensified, and as Lucas leaned in, his lips brushed against my earlobe, leaving a trail of warmth. My heartbeat quickened, the heat spreading through my being. Yo! You are f****d! Yes, I am.
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