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Aria As I scrolled through my sister's i********: post, a surge of mixed emotions swept over me. The photo of us from the party showcased the smiles on our faces, but the comments underneath unveiled a different story. While some praised our dresses, others maliciously hinted that I had copied Ruby's outfit to steal the spotlight. Gritting my teeth, I cursed under my breath. I scrolled down, and there it was—a picture of Ruby, radiant in the same dress I wore. The video she posted showcased her effortlessly gliding through the room, a vision of elegance. I couldn't deny it; she looked stunning. The mere thought of Lucas possibly lying about how I looked in that dress now irked me. Ruby, a strikingly beautiful girl, stood tall with an alluring curve that could captivate any onlooker Her confidence exuded from the photos and videos, leaving me in awe. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance, not just at Lucas's potential dishonesty but at the realization of the undeniable allure Ruby possessed. They looked good together—undeniably good. I found myself biting my lip, a mix of conflicting emotions swirling within me. If only I had known about their past, maybe I wouldn't have approached Lucas with the same curiosity three years ago. The doorbell erupted into my internal turmoil, a jarring interruption that sent me rushing to answer it, my heart pounding in rhythm with the unexpected visitor's intrusion Anticipating Theo, who was designated to bring back my intoxicated sister, I opened the door. The vigilant security guards, mindful of my mother's specific instructions, refrained from announcing visitors, leaving me to confront the surprise awaiting on the other side. Swinging the door open with anticipation, I expected to find Theo, but to my surprise, Lucas stood there instead. In that instant, the memory of an intimate dream involving him rushed back, causing my cheeks to flush involuntarily. "Your rosy cheeks are giving away your embarrassing thoughts." Lucas, the master of mischief, couldn't resist teasing me, catching me off guard with his playful comment. Struggling to regain composure, Theo's head popped up from behind Lucas, casually greeting me with a hello. Without missing a beat, Theo pushed Lucas aside, extending a hand for a handshake. "I've always wanted to meet you," he said, playfully warning, "Next time we meet, I'll be hugging you." Attempting to ignore Lucas, I led Theo into the living room. To my surprise, Theo made himself comfortable before I could extend an invitation. I extended a subtle gesture, inviting Lucas to follow me, and with a graceful stride, I took the lead up the grand staircase to the first floor. The ambient lighting cast intricate shadows on the ornate walls, creating an ethereal atmosphere as we ascended. "Damn, carrying Ivy is like lifting weights, but carrying you is like a walk in the park," Lucas remarked, his words delivered with an air of casual observation echoing through the opulent hallway. Unwilling to let his comment slide without a response, I shot back, "Like you would know?" His reply came swift and unexpected, punctuating the silence with an unexpected revelation. "Of course, I have lifted you so many times when we were making out." A flush of embarrassment painted my cheeks crimson, regret immediately settling in as I realized the unintentional direction our banter had taken. Reacting swiftly, I motioned for him to keep quiet, pressing a delicate finger to my lips in a hasty attempt to curtail any further revelation. I didn't want my mom to hear any nonsense from his unbridled lips. His mischievous smile only deepened, and a low chuckle escaped his lips. "I enjoy teasing you a lot, gorgeous. You are so f*****g cute when you blush." His words hung between us like the delicate strands of a spider's web. My heart skipped a beat, and the hallway suddenly felt warmer. I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks, a telltale sign of the blush he so casually mentioned. It was as if a spotlight had been cast on my every emotion, leaving me exposed and vulnerable in the best possible way. His words echoed in my mind, a loop of sweet torture that simultaneously thrilled and unnerved me. Cute? Did he just call me cute? Aria, hold on to the little dignity you have left. I cried to myself, trying to regain composure amid the swirl of emotions. I had tried so hard to distance myself from Lucas after that incident, convincing myself that the allure of his words and actions was a trap I could skillfully avoid. However, this night became the catalyst, shattering the carefully constructed barriers I had erected. I loathed the fact that his words still possessed the power to affect me. With a sense of urgency, I pushed open the door to Ivy's room, the plush carpet beneath us absorbing the echo of our footsteps. Lucas, ever the gentleman, gently laid Ruby on the bed. Meanwhile, I engaged in the tender task of removing Ivy's shoes and carefully placing her legs on the bed. Deciding to ensure Ivy's comfort, I resolved to change her clothes after Lucas and Theo were seen off. Lucas lingered outside Ivy's room, hands nonchalantly tucked into his pants. "I know things feel a bit awkward between us," Lucas admitted, running his hand through his hair in a gesture of nervous tension. "It's super awkward," I corrected a deadpan expression on my face. He laughed, a sound that resonated in the hallway. It wasn't funny, but oddly, I found myself drawn to the familiarity of his laughter. "Mind if we exchange numbers to make it easier to stay in touch and maybe grab a coffee sometime?" Lucas's request hung in the air, his tone carrying an uncharacteristic nervousness. "I'll think about it," I replied, my tone guarded. "Why do you need to think about it?" Lucas questioned a glint of curiosity in his eyes. I answered measuredly, "I will have to consider whether it's okay to exchange numbers with someone I've slept with in the past when I have a boyfriend." Doubting my relationship status, Lucas seemed surprised. "You have a boyfriend?" he asked. Irritated, I retorted, "Yes, Lucas, I have a boyfriend, and I don't think any man would want their girlfriend close to her ex-fuckbuddy. Unlike you some of us value relationships" Okay, now that is just out of place, girl. You just sound jealous. And pained. "That's rich coming from someone who ran away three years ago cause of a misunderstanding. And was our relationship only about the s*x?" The tension escalated with Lucas's accusation. My anger flared, and I snapped, "f**k you, Lucas," nudging his chest with my finger before storming downstairs. Theo, engrossed in his phone, looked up at me with a questioning look as Lucas followed behind me. The scent of Lucas's cologne wafted past my nose as he walked away without a word. I watched his back as he walked out, somewhat pissed. Theo commented, "This is awkward," standing and looking at the door Lucas passed through. "I'll see you around, Love," Theo said, pulling me into a hug that took me by surprise. He followed Lucas behind closing the door. As regret gnawed at me, I pondered the impulsive nature of my actions, guided by my anger. The sting of regret heightened as I questioned the source of my emotions. Does this have anything to do with seeing Ruby approach him? The internal conflict intensified as I grappled with the reality that I shouldn't feel possessive or jealous. Hadn't I made a pact with myself to move beyond any romantic feelings for him? Yeah, good luck with that.
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