1329 Words
Lucas "I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me, Lucas, but I want to understand. Let me in," she pleaded, her eyes earnestly searching mine for a glimpse into the depths of my emotions. I hesitated, grappling with the weight of untold memories. My childhood was a foggy landscape with glimpses of pain and abandonment. I didn't know where to start, but I felt an obligation to share a part of me that I had guarded for too long. "I don't remember much about my childhood, except that my mom never had time for me," I began, the words hesitant yet heavy with unspoken sorrow. "She blamed me for the mess of her life, and I internalized that blame, believing I was the cause of her suffering." A shudder passed through me as I delved into the fragmentary memories, the trauma etched into my recollections. "When I was eleven, something happened. It's foggy, but there was a lot of blood on the floor that day before I blacked out. I remember my mom... hurting someone." I shared with her details that I hadn't uttered to anyone before. Her gaze remained attentive, devoid of judgment, offering me a refuge for my fractured memories. The weight of my past, carried in isolation for so long, felt lighter as I let the words spill out. Yet, I couldn't delve deeper into the abyss of my past, a part that my younger self had deliberately buried. The fear of unearthing memories too painful to confront restrained me, leaving certain chapters untouched in the story of my childhood. Her perceptive eyes lingered on mine, capturing the silent echoes of my past etched in my gaze. The gentle touch of her hand finding mine became a lifeline, an unspoken understanding that transcended the spoken words. In that fleeting moment, I felt grateful to have her by my side. "Your childhood seems pretty lonely," she remarked, her eyes reflecting the pain she perceived in my narrative. The empathy she held for my sake was palpable, and the realization that someone else carried the weight of my history was both disconcerting and oddly comforting. Her other hand delicately cupped my cheek, and I instinctively leaned into the warmth of her touch, closing my eyes to the vulnerability that lay exposed. The sincerity in her words, a whispered promise, echoed in the room like a soothing melody. "I appreciate you opening up to me, Lucas. I am sorry if I rushed you. We can do this whenever you're ready. I'll be right here by your side, always," she murmured, her voice a balm to the unhealed wounds of my past. "No, you didn't. I needed someone to talk to. That was what I needed all these years," I responded, meeting her gaze with a sincerity mirrored in my eyes. A smile graced my lips, an attempt to shield my vulnerability. "Stop acting like you are okay when you're not," she asserted, a note of concern lacing her words. "It is all in the past now. Although I love her so much, even after what she did in the past, I won't let her dictate my life for me," I assured, delicately taking her hand from my cheek and planting soft kisses on each fingertip. "Don't worry about me," I whispered, a gentle promise as I leaned in for a kiss. Our lips collided in a brief yet electrifying dance, a connection that stirred a cascade of sensations. As I attempted to withdraw, her hands clutched my shirt, yanking me back with a hunger that set us both ablaze. The kiss evolved into a fervent exchange of desire, prompting me to gently push her onto the bed, her legs dangling on the edge, my chest pressed against her chest. My hand ventured beneath her shirt, caressing the warmth of her bare skin, and a subtle shiver ran through her. The temptation to take her right there, to feel her yielding under the intensity of our desire, was overpowering. As much as I yearned for her, this wasn't the right place, nor was it the right time. I gently broke the connection, my lips grazing hers with a promise of more to come. Her hands, still clutching my shirt, betrayed the desire that mirrored my own. "I will end up doing more than just kissing you if we continue," I whispered, my voice husky with longing. I wanted her in ways that words couldn't fully express, but the timing and place were not in our favour. She looked up at me, her eyes clouded with desire, a breathless invitation hanging between us. "Do you want me to follow you back?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. I brushed a strand of hair away from her face, savouring the moment. "Not tonight," I replied, my gaze locked with hers. "It's not about that," she murmured, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. "I just feel like you might need someone tonight. And, well, I want to be that someone for you." I smiled, my lips gently brushing her forehead as I whispered, "That doesn't mean I won't f**k you when we get past my door." Sitting up, she remained reclined on the bed. "I want to make sure Ruby doesn't get any funny ideas. I am really okay," I reassured her, turning to face her. A warm smile lit up her face. "Okay," she replied. Spotting Ruby and her friends on the green lawn of her father's mansion, I parked my car and made my way toward the group. Ruby's laughter echoed as she enjoyed the evening with her friends. The girl closest to Ruby noticed me first and whispered something in her ear. Ruby turned, her eyes widening with surprise, but a bright smile quickly graced her face as she stood up to greet me. Expecting a warm embrace, Ruby extended her arms for a hug, but I deftly avoided it. "What is this all about? You are making a fool out of me in front of those girls," she confronted. "If you don't want to be embarrassed in front of them, you better send them away," I retorted, my disgust and anger not concealed. Sensing the seriousness in my demeanor, Ruby instructed her friends to leave. As the other girls retreated, I didn't mince words. "I made it clear the last time we met, I don't want to continue this fake relationship. Don't you ever go looking for Aria again and telling her nonsense," I declared firmly. Defensive, Ruby retorted, "Did she spill everything to you? And what did I say wrong? Didn't your mother kill someone you cared about?" Restraining myself from physical confrontation, I issued a chilling threat. "If you keep insisting on getting on my nerves, I don't think your family would survive in the same city with me." Ruby's eyes widened, a mix of shock, defiance, and fear flickering across her face as she processed the gravity of my words. "Are you threatening me right now because of a woman?" she challenged, her facial expressions reflecting a turbulent blend of emotions. I stood firm in my resolve and calmly declared, "If that would work, then yes, I am threatening you." She, however, found amusement in my words and let out a bitter laugh, blinking back tears in her eyes as she looked away. "We have known each other longer than you knew her, and all of a sudden, she is more important to you," she said, turning to face me. Her eyes glistened with tears, but the emotional display didn't sway me. We both know she was feigning her feelings for me. She only wanted this relationship to enhance her popularity, and I allowed her to do so. However, now I can't continue with it any longer. "You just need time to get over her, like every other toy you played with. I will wait," she smiled, a self-assured confidence in her voice.
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