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Lucas As I drove to my mother's villa, an uneasy anticipation gripped me. This visit was far from the usual mother-and-son reunions; I could sense something unusual in the air. The butler informed me she was in the garden, and I braced myself for whatever awaited in that verdant space. Approaching the garden, I saw them – my mother seated with a blonde, and my gut instinct confirmed my suspicions. Ruby Hayes, that infuriating presence, sat with her. A wave of discomfort washed over me as their laughter echoed through the air. I couldn't discern who was using whom between the two women. "Try giving me a heads up when you're inviting someone else to our meeting," I remarked, my disdain evident. My mother looked away from Ruby, shooting me a glare. "Nice to meet you too," she mocked. Ruby, in her overly animated way, stood up immediately, grabbing my arm with a smile. "How was work?" "Get your hands off me," I spat, refusing to play along. She rolled her eyes and sat back. "Show some respect for a lady, Lucas. What the hell has your father been teaching you?" "I'm twenty-five. I don't need anyone telling me how to treat a woman I don't like, especially one who acts oblivious," I said, meeting my mother's gaze, the tension sparking in the air. "Twenty-five? Is that how a twenty-five dresses for work?" My mother pointed at my loosened tie, oblivious to the fact that I had deliberately loosened it on my way here. There was no need to explain that. "Mother, think of your health. Don't get into an argument with him," Ruby, the fakest b***h to grace the surface of the earth, interjected, playing the role of the concerned companion. The butler's timely entrance, announcing that the food was ready, offered a temporary escape. My mother stood, guided by Ruby, and they walked back into the house, with me reluctantly following behind. I remembered my childhood. My mother, a model with a secret - me. She hid me, afraid of judgment. Growing up, I tried hard to get her attention, but her fear kept us apart. I always felt she was ashamed of me, never wanted me and I tried my best to get her attention and love, but it was futile. Yet, she found it hard to give me away to my father. Complicated feelings. We sat at the table, Ruby positioning herself next to my mom, playing the role of the perfect girl in the world. Irritation crawled under my skin with every polite smile and gracious compliment she directed our way. The dishes were served, and we began eating in silence, occasionally interrupted by my mother and Ruby sharing compliments about the flavours and presentation. But the semblance of normalcy shattered when my mother, with an air of nonchalance, dropped a bombshell that disrupted what was supposed to be a mundane meal. "When will be the right time for an engagement?" she casually inquired, as if discussing the weather, and I stared at her in disbelief. "Anytime you choose, Mother," Ruby chimed in eagerly, but my reaction was far from enthusiastic. "The hell?" I exclaimed, my face contorted in disgust. Unfazed, my mother continued, "Matilda and I have been discussing. You two have dated for three years, and it only makes sense that you get married. You are not getting any younger." My fork, previously navigating its way to my mouth, found itself forcefully on the table, creating a jarring sound that mirrored the disruption of my emotions. My mother, caught off guard, jumped in shock at the unexpected display of frustration. "The actual f**k? What is this about you planning a future for me behind my back? The relationship is all a show that you forced on me, and now you want me to get stuck for eternity with this woman?" I pointed at Ruby, incredulous, my frustration bubbling over. "What is that supposed to mean, Lucas?" Ruby asked, her concern feigned, but I couldn't care less about her feelings. My mother's gaze intensified as she asked, "Does this have anything to do with the woman you danced with at the party?" My eyes twitched at the mention of Aria. She knew about her. I glared at Ruby, suspecting she split the beans about Aria. Ruby, feeling the weight of my gaze, looked away guiltily. "I can't even remember the woman I danced with, so why does this have anything to do with her?" I retorted, my tone edged with frustration and disbelief. The entire situation was unravelling, and I struggled to keep control of my emotions. She nonchalantly continued eating, "Then there is nothing stopping you from getting married, right? No one gets married to the person they like. Love before marriage is a fantasy." Frustration and anger boiled within me, a mixture of disbelief and irritation at the absurdity of her suggestion. "If you are so interested in a wedding, why don't you plan one for yourself? Get on dating sites that work, find a man willing to marry someone he just met, and plan the biggest wedding for yourself. How about that?" My words dripped with sarcasm and defiance. "Is that how you talk to your mother?" She shouted, shock visible in her face, her attempt to deflect my words evident in her defensive reaction. I stood my ground, unapologetic for calling out the ridiculousness of her expectations. "I smiled, trying to please you, Mom. I have always tried, but you are never satisfied. But this wedding, nah, that s**t ain't happening." My words were firm as I concluded, standing up and walking away. "Come back here, Lucas!" She demanded, standing up, but I wasn't giving in. Not today. The crash of ceramic hitting the floor echoed behind me as her anger escalated. I fought the urge to go back, recognizing that running back would only lead to a marriage I had no intention of consenting to. The sound of breaking dishes faded as I distanced myself from the chaotic scene, determined to stand my ground.
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