Chapter 39 - Gio

1752 Words

I was aware of Livvy the moment she came into the conference room. Her perfume filled my senses first before anything else, but I did my best to even avoid looking up. And I did all I could to avoid any conversation with her. Her one and only attempt at conversation was dodged thanks to Sam arriving for the meeting, so I was unusually enthusiastic to his chatter in order to avoid having to acknowledge Livvy. The rest of the meeting went as planned. I kept as professional as I could with her and, as predicted, she fit in well. Knew what to do and was more than capable. Asking all the right questions, taking notes and seeming eager. I am sure, just as Eli had said, that she would be great in this role. I was just beginning to wish it wasn’t within my team she was working… “So all work al

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