Chapter 9

885 Words

9 It’s Tuesday morning. I flaked out after speaking to Mandy on Sunday and went straight to bed. I woke up about eight-thirty that evening, thirsty and needing the toilet. I knew I should eat, so I made myself cheese on toast and went straight back to bed. It’s taking me longer to deal with hangovers the older I get. Mixing alcohol with my pills doesn’t help, either. I always seem to end up with a day or two of feeling mentally shitty. They say drinking alcohol with anti-depressants isn’t advisable at all, so I’m definitely not doing myself any favours with the amount I’ve been drinking recently. Yesterday was better. Mondays tend to be dire work-wise. Everyone’s in a foul mood and nothing seems to go right. As Mondays go, though, it wasn’t bad at all. I left work with a smile on my fac

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