Chapter 24

984 Words

24 I don’t know what to do, where to go. Home was the only place I felt vaguely safe, but that’s been destroyed, torn apart by the realisation that he’s been here. There’s no doubt in my mind. I didn’t swap that photo over. I’ve never had a physical copy of the picture; only a digital version in my email inbox, from when Gavin sent it. I don’t even own a printer; I do all my printing at work. Wait. No. I definitely didn’t print it out at work. Today’s the first day I’ve been back in. If I’d printed it when I was last at work and swapped it over in the interim, I would have spotted it before now. It’s strange how your mind plays these tricks on you. I’m lucid enough now to know that it’s only doing so to protect me. Because the alternative — that he’s been in my house and has done this p

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