Chap 14- a dozen guest and an Angel

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Kainda How dare that man talk to me, my girl Bessa or disrespect the council. I know mate Teagan was holding his tongue.He even did a slight head tilt when I Alpha-ed the room. My girl Bessa got overwhelmed with all that got said. She needed a break so I took charge. We found that Goddess Luna broke a few more "rules" for us. We should not have been able to do that. Makes me wonder what she has in store for us. For the rest of the day and well into the night, I find myself in charge. I also find that Mouse is a cuddly wolf. He has not let us out of his sight. He has me in his lap for meals. Kisses my forehead every chance he gets. When we are cuddled he has Bessa's favorite bear. We talk about things like what Bessa would have wished for when she was small? If she had been with my mom and dad what are some of the things she thinks we would have done? We talk for hours. Cuddled on the couch. Me in his lap and teddy in mine. He found some footsie pjs I decided to wear. He puts me to bed in my room. I don't mind what time it is because he stays with me until I am asleep. Bessa I wake to Beast kissing my face. Cuddling close, and pushing my hair from my face. "Hey beautiful." He smiles, my dark skinned, long haired, big, strong and protective mate.he makes me feel small and cherished. "Morning" I blush and bury my face into his chest. He pulls me tight with an arm the thickness of my thigh. He reminds me of the guy from "Green Mile" only with hair. Michael Clarke Dunncan, sweet, strong, and quiet. "Would you like to spend the day in the woods? Let your wolf play. Let you play and run." He asks, stroking my back making me squirm. I peek out from his chest. Looking at him. I nod yes. "There is only one thing I want." He says pulling me up to see eye to eye. I give him a shy look. He pulls my chin gently up as his chin lowers to mine. The kiss starts slow. Exploring tenderness. I returned the touch to his tongue. He deepened the kiss. His hand moves to my bottom pulling to a line with his body. My hands grip his shirt. His hand slides to the back of my thigh guiding it when I start trying to get closer. My hands slip around his neck. We are both breathing heavy when he pulls back. Our foreheads find each other as we catch our breath. "We have to slow down for now, kitten...hmm. A few more days. let's take that run. Burn off some of this energy." I nod and get up. I do my morning routine and slip on some sweats. Only to walk out and find the red wolf, Lobar sitting there waiting for me. Then I remember that the house is set up for wolves. I tell him to turn around and he gives me his back. Kainda gives me access to her body. It seems weird to run as her. She has taken over my body. I have never taken control over hers. She gives me the impression of her head resting against mine. The sense of affection like that of a mother to a child. I have never thought of her that that I think of it she has always been there like that. I yip and bark my way through the house. Lobar nudges me down a different hall than to the front door. He takes me to a doggy door. Some of the pack has joined our run through the house. We charge through and head for the woods. Members move off, some are paired up, others run in small groups. We run and play as wolves. Some of the kids take to playing in the trees. Jumping from tree to tree. Jumping on the backs of wolves as they pass by underneath. Some join up with us running, hunting, playing. This is how my first change should have been. We play all day like Beast wanted to. The twins and Mouse come and go throughout the day. As the sun goes down we gather at the pack house for a bonfire. The smaller kids join us. The teens and adults hit showers and join us for some calming, relaxation after the high of the run. Hot dogs, stakes, ribs, sides for a bbq and s'mores are piled on grils and tables. Once everyone's bellies are full, music plays casually. The snow isn't an issue. The kids find adults to cuddle in with or dance near the fire. As the high burns off, pack members head for bed. Beast and I head back to my room. We cuddle and talk about the day. Some of the funny things that happened. Some that are "it would be cool to…" Using his arm as a pillow smiles as we drift of to sleep, Cuddled in the safety of Beast's arms. Beast Some time during the night Bessa started screaming. She is pleading with them to stop. Curling into a smaller and smaller ball as the back flashes go on. There is no way this is a dream. I link with the guys to get to her room now. I try to shush her and pet her. The touches seem to make it worse. The sushing goes unheard. The guys file in. We decide we need to wake her up, but we can't touch her. We tried calling her. Talking to her...t doesn't work. Next we know M&M come in with alley cat, who jumps on the bed crawls up to Bessa, peels back an eyelid and calls out to Kainda. "Kainda. Kainda, we need Bessa to wake up. Wake up, wake up, wake up. Kainda, Bessa wake up." Her little hand glows against Bessa's cheeks. Then Bessa's eyes open. Tears run down her cheeks quietly. She reaches out to Alley and pulls her to her chest like a teddy bear. She doesn't go back to sleep. So our mates,the twins and Alley all cuddle in for the rest of the night. Whispering, snoring, and the occasional kick. Never bringing up the memory. As a spec ops team we all get them. We know to let the one who had the dream or memories bring them up. Teagan After Beast called us in to Bessa screaming. I struggled to keep Sampson under wraps. I hope the council kills that rat basterd. I almost wish azkaban was real and we could send him there. I am glad that I get to spend time with Bessa today. She finally fell asleep as the sun was breaking the horizon. The guys give her kisses and a touch to my hand as they slip out of bed. Off to start their days. I pull her a little closer. Thinking about what to do today. Maybe shopping, maybe walking in town, maybe i should take her for a drive. See if we can find Christmas lights to check out. Maybe we should sleep in after that nightmare. I smile as Sampson reminds me of what we found the other day. We should totally be here when they arrive. I know she will want to get to know them. I already asked them to stick around for the holidays. We found the families of most of the kids. A some of the kids will be placed with families in our pack. After what happend last night with Alley I think I should ask Doc and his mate to adopther. Some won't make it here until next week. A few after Christmas. Bessa starts stirring, so I smooth her hair back. Kissing her eyes and nose. "Hi." She whispers. "Hi. Are you hungry?" "Yes" is all she says as she tries to hide. I chuckle and bring her eyes to mine. "Why are you hiding? "I feel like I eat all the time. Like the only times I see you is when I eat." She start fidgeting with my chest hair. The touch is going stright to my c**k. I doubt she knows what she is doing. Then i think a light ball goes off or i made a sound i didn't realize I had. Her eyes shoot to mine and her hands jolt away from me. I pull her hands back to my chest and pin her palms there. "You didn't hurt me and you have nothing to fear from me, Peanut. As for if you are hungry, then eat. Given what i heard from your past I don't know why you are not more hungery." I encourage. She just nods and tries to swallow. I hold her hands there for a bit. She seems like a deer in the headlights. "Words Peanut." "Ca...can I have my" gulps. "My hands, please?" "Only if I can have a kiss." I smirk She blushes and kisses my chin. "Doesn't count." I take her mouth and tease it until she opens. Then I do light touches to her tongue. My hand slips up the back of her shirt. Not going anywhere, just my hand on her lower back with no barriers. She gasps and tries to move away from my touch only to press her breast into my chest. It feels so good. Pulling away is hard. "Two more days." I whisper to her forehead. "Breakfast" I say, patting her butt and rolling out of bed and heading for a cold shower. Ten minutes later I walk out of the bathroom and head to the closet to get dressed. No towel, didn't even give it a second thought until she went running by. I pull on jeans and a Henley. Tugging the sleeve up to the elbows. A few minutes later she "sneaks" into the closet to find something to wear. Watching her dance from foot to foot trying to figure it out. I walk up behind her,making her jump a mile. "Need help?" Putting my hands on her hips. She nods, "I'm not used to options." I take down a long sweater and some leggings. Then hand her ankle boots and a leather belt. Then I walked out to let her get dressed. "Ready." She says when she comes out. That outfit makes her legs look long. I hold out my hand to her and we head out. I lead her to the pack kitchen knowing that no one is in ours. She uses my arm as a wall to hide behind. You would never believe that this little woman was the same one that took down an alpha and almost had the council on its knees. We belly up to the kitchen's bar counter. "What would my baby girl like for breakfast?" Mouse asks. "Whatever is left over is fine. You don't have to cook for me." She squeaks out. "You, baby girl, do NOT eat leftovers any more." "I'm sorry." She shies away and starts pulling at her sleeves. I take her hand and she returns the sqweeze with a death grip. When i look over she has started to cry. I pick her up and put her in my lap. Facing me and start rocking her. "Mouse, make it two omelets, two oj's, sausage,for both and buttered toast." He mouths the words sorry and gets busy. About that time Doc walks through. "Hey Doc, can you make a few minutes for us in about a half hour?" "Always for you two." "My office and bring the files." He nods, grabbing coffee and heading out again. A few minutes later we have our omelets. I eat mine while Mouse helps Peanut eat hers. He reminds her that they are mates and he likes to take care of her and spoil his baby girl. She doesn't finish her food. Saying that she is full now but will only be hungry again in an hour or so. "How about we ask Mouse to bring us some British style tea? We can even have the girls come and we can have a tea party. You know what? That will be about the time a few guests will be arriving so that will actually be perfect." "We can do that. Office or dining room?" Mouse asks back. "Dining room here. The Orphan pack will join us. It will be their guests after all." Is my answer and he nods at me. We leave the finer details for Mouse to figure out and head to the office. Doc is about to knock when we walk up. "No need to knock Doc. Just open it." "I thought it wise to knock in case you two were making out." "Got the files?" I ask after chuckling a while. As we enter we take our seats. Bessa across from me and on Doc's left. She tucks her feet under her, pulling the sweater over her knees. Doc sits with the files on his lap. "I think we need to start with what happened last night. Peanut, do you want to tell him or should I?" She just shakes her head and starts playing with her sleeve. "I think she should start meeting with you or your mate to talk about things. Like the guys and I do when things start bothering us. She had a nightmare or a flashback that she couldn't wake up from." I look over and she is ghost white and crying. f**k i made her cry again. "The second part is Alley I think is a healer. She came in amd knew exactly what to do and called Bessa back from the dream with the help of Kainda Bessa's wolf. Since I know you wouldn't take advantage of Alley's gift, I thought you and your mate might adopt her. Alley is close to both Bessa and Beast. So having her close is a win-win in my book." I rattle off. "What are we talking about?" Bessa asks. "We have some guests arriving throughout the next couple of weeks. They are guests of the Orphan pack. So, some will be staying on the kids floor and some will be using the guest house. Doc, I want the kids to have access to you as well as Bessa." "Wait, what is up?" She asks again I wait for a few to see if she gets it. She does. I know because her mouth drops. "How are we doing introductions?" She says "How would you like to?" I ask back. I have done a lot of things that most would say I am stepping on toes. "Having them for a group dinner, for an initial introduction. Then have the kids that are going with them have a day here with them. Then have a talk?" Is her suggestion. Doc nods along liking the idea. "That would work even for the kids staying here. I linked with Ann, She is on board with taking Alley. We would like to talk with Alley about it." Is his confirmation. "Then that is the plan. I think you guys should talk with the families before the dinner, if possible. I guess Luna should have an office for that." I get up and walk over to an adjoining, Slightly hidden and open it. Bessa follows just as i disappear. The office has dark furniture in a medium dark room. Mahogany desk, side chairs,end tables and work table. Not quite forest green but definitely not mint either. The hall door to her office has frosted windows in the door and in the sidelights. A couch sits off to the side of the desk. "My office?" Is the squeak that comes. I just nod. Doc places the stack of files on the desk. "The files contain information on the families paired with the person or persons in question." "I just got told the first family is at the gate. James' family is also taking Jack and Ashley." She looks sad and conflicted. She is playing with her sleeve again. I go to her and kneel down. Tugging her hand out of her sleeves. She looks up. "Let's go meet them, Peanut. Get to know them some before the kids. I think you will like them. This is what we have been working towards." She nods and takes my hand. We head to the door. Just as one of the pack opens the door. We are greeted by a family not much older than me. Their smile is contagious. Molly, the she-wolf is a hugger. Zack gives that strong and firm hand shake. We invite them to the office to talk more. Tears fall as we let them in on what the kids have been through and the plan for introduction. They planned to stay a few days. I had already asked them to stay after Bessa's birthday party. We have one of the Omegas show them to their room. We have a few more families show up throughout the day. The meetings are Similar only with different kids involved. We have lunch with Mouse and Doc in the office. Mouse drops off snacks for families and Bessa. About six families total have showed up by dinner time. I was surprised to find out that the families expected later were able to arrive sooner. It works though. Now no one will feel left out. We break to get ready for dinner. We had the living room on our floor rearranged so it was more of a dining room. Mouse assigned a few Omegas to help serve. Bessa Dinner goes great. The kids are laughing and talking. Alley is having dinner with Doc and Ann. The twins are having dinner with a pack family. Tosh and Ben are with the Alpha and Luna from an Ally pack. Tess and her aunt are at a table with C and his Sister. After dinner we clear the tables and pull out board games and coloring books. Doc and Ann take Alley to their place. They decided to sleep over. Alley made a point to ask if it was ok. I told her that this was her chance and it would be wrong not to take it. It would be the first time we don't sleep under one roof. I give all the kids a similar answer. Eventually everyone slips off to their private rooms. To watch movies, talk, or whatever it is families do before bed. My mates and I head to our own rooms. We quiet down with a movie of our own. Beast and Mouse on one side. The Marshall twins on the other. I feel myself getting carried to bed by fresh rain and pine needles, Teagan i snuggle in tighter. My instincts leading the way. The nine volt battery zinging through my body. Lighting up other sensations. A shiver runs down my spine. For the second time I wake to the smell of syrupy french toast, and my stomach grumbles. Which is followed by a deep chuckle that like the touch of my mates makes my panties wet. So not out of fear but mortifying just the same. I bury my face in his chest. It is not how I want to start my day. "There is nothing to be ashamed of. Had you grown up in a family, hell a normal pack someone would have taught you about s*x, mates and the mate pull. Your wolf could have done it but she had to keep you safe." He tenderly brings my chin up so my eyes are on him. "These feelings ARE normal, honey. I think today I want to show you… what being mates look like. That to touch and wanting to be touched is ok." Angel I run my fingers along her arm. She shivers. Skimming fingers up her side she gasps. I run my nose along her neck. Her whimper is music. I growl feeling the music to my toes. I fight my wolf to keep it about her. Thor wants her bad. He wants her to want him. She tilts her head and shifts a little. I pull her leg over my hip, rocking our hips. I take her mouth. Tasting every inch of her mouth. My d**k rubbing against her heat. I never knew being so turned on it hurts would feel so good. "Hmm, tastes so good. Honey. We need to slow down though. We need to do things right. Have the rest of our mates with us." I say putting a hand on her hip trying to slow us down. She rocks against me one more time and then freezes. A whimper stuck in her throat. "That's it honey. Let it happen. Enjoy it." I say, running my hand over her back. Down her shorts clad bottom. Using the mate bond to let her ride the wave. She curls into me as it comes to an end. Watching her beautiful body racked by the orgasm. I let her enjoy it. Kissing her face. We stay like that for a while. Just holding each other. "If I am going to show you what I want, we need to get up. Get showers." She whimpers again. "I know, baby. I have some things I want you to be aware of. Your consent is just as important and the only way consent can happen is with knowledge." I pat her butt a couple of times then peel myself from her and head for the shower. "You shouldn't sneak up on a wolf in the shower. They might get ideas." I turn to see Bessa watching from the doorway. "Do you like what you see?" Her answer is a blush that dips below her shirt. I just smile and rinse off. "Hand me that towel and I will let you have the shower." I take the towel from her and steal a kiss. Shutting the door on my way out. I set out some clothes for her and get dressed too. By the time we are both ready it is lunch time. So I take her to the main dining room of the pack house. It may sound lame to take her there on my day. It is the best spot to people watch. We take a seat with other pack members I know who are mated. I sit with my back to the wall and pull her so her back is to my front. It is easy to spot who is mated. There is small touches everywhere. Thighs touching thighs. Hands quieting knees that were just bouncing. Arms resting on backs of chairs while fingers play with hair. Mates on the laps of their mates. "Why do so many mates touch?" "They need to. If they don't they feel lost. If they are not marked they may feel the need to let others know they are taken. Be it guy or girl." I point out Teagan and Beast who are touching their hips to their knees. "Look at their feet." Their feet are so tangled together you can't tell who's is who's. "That is all the mate bond in action." Feeling their eyes on us we both look up. "That is the mate bond pulling us together. The hooded eyes tell you what they want to do to us. What will happen when we can BE together." I run my fingers around her wrist. The jolt causes her to gasp and eyes to hood with instinct. After lunch we head to the training area. Mates are sparing and it looks like a dance. no one is hurting the other. As we watch mate switch to where it is she wolf against she wolf and male against male. It is no longer a dance. Blood is drawn, arms or legs get broke and even some noses. Hey we are wolves so, fast healing. Mates have to walk away or be reminded by others it is training. Some nod in the middle of sparing. What actually is happening is mates are coaching mates. Then in the heat of things they forget it is on a "private channel" of sorts and look like they are nodding at nothing. "They can't hurt each other. They have a private channel. Movements are practically televised by the other because a mate is the other half of their soul. so it looks choreographed" I explain. "So the five of us will have that too?" "Yep, the five of us." I rub my chin on her shoulder. Speckling kisses on her soft spot, The spot. In her case she will have two on each shoulder. Ok ok. I have to stop thinking about that. "Come on. We need a nap for later." She looks confused at me. "Your birthday party starts at midnight." I answer kissing her nose. We kick back until an early dinner. Bessa Then all of my mates take me to our room. We cuddle in. I doze in and out the smells of my mate and the steady zing. Tells me that i am safe. The nightmare is kept at bay for tonight.
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