time to pack! only take what you need-Bessa. ps. dark skys ahead

1375 Words
*Bessa!* Kainda calls. just as the door starts to open and Omega Sue Ann calls out for me too. I jump and run to the stairs. Dropping to my knees on the bottom step, eyes facing down. "Yes, Omega" I call back. "The laundry wasn't returned to all the rooms." I cringe hearing the words. "Luna wants to see you. Now!" I scramble up the stairs. Rushing past the omega. She smacks my head making my teeth clack. "Office. I will not be scolded for your tardiness. Quickly" Sue Ann scolds as another wolf trips me coming around the corner. I fast pace to the door of Luna's office. I pause in front of the door to straighten my clothing and try to look presentable. "Just get in here already. I don't have all day!" I hear as I go to raise my hand to knock. "You called for me? Luna." I say entering with eyes on the ground. Hands behind my back. "The ballroom will be added to your agenda tonight. Make sure the linens are done and the tables are laid. I want the floor scrubbed also. Today is Tuesday... that gives you three nights to get it done. I will check the progress and leave the decorations tomorrow. I expect them to be put up by Friday morning.p I also need the guest wings cleaned, aired out and supplied by then as well." She pauses and thinks for a moment. "Make sure all your regular things are done as well. That is all. Report to Omega Sue Ann for punishment for the laundry incident. You're excused." "Yes, Luna." Taking the list of orders. I quietly shut the door. Keeping my eyes to the floor. I navigate my way back to the kitchen. Quickly walking through some of the rooms. The living room is to the right of Luna's office and flanked by the Bata's matching office. It has three separate sections one is designated for video games. One medium one has a tv and a couple of couches, the largest has theater seats. At least that is what I have been told they are. Next on the tour is the great hall. Not to be confused with the ballroom. It is our dining room. Stone floor, wooden tables, benches and stools. The ranked table sits on the stage, for lack of a better term. Which is flanked by two doors. On the right is the kitchen. The left is Alpha tower. His office and family quarter are up there. I head to the right and towards my punishment. I won't let Mac or any of the other's get in trouble. They are my family. I can handle these guys better than they can. No one knows about my wolf. *Kainda, are you ready for this?* *Silly question, Sweetness. Do you know what Friday will be?* *Changing of the Warden.* She gives a stiff nod in my head as I push through the door to the kitchen. Sue Ann is tending the fire in the stove. "Hand on the table." She states. The other kitchen omegas have already made themselves scarce. I put my hand on the workbench she calls a table. It only spans the twenty feet across the room. She turns and brings the hot poker down across the back of my hand and leaves it for a second before rapping the knuckles five more times. I taste blood in my mouth from biting it so hard. She then points to the dungeon door. I unlock it and enter. I wait until the lock is back in place before heading down. Mac meets me at the bottom. Tears streaming down her cheeks. I just shake my head no. We wrap each other in a hug. We know the truth. The laundry was all put back in place. It always is. They find a different excuse every night. Max comes over with the bandages we have made from the smaller scraps over time. I hand him the list from Luna. M&M take a look over each others shoulders. I tap my wrist twice letting them know that the time is coming up. Max points to the paper as if asking a question. I know the question. We leave on Friday. During the changing ceremony. I nod yes. This plan has been in works for the last year. I went back to cuddling with Ally cat for a few more hours. I feel her shiver a little and wrap my arms around her little body as I drift off to dreamland. I wake C before the sun totally sets. We get some rations ready for the crew. I show him the list of things to do tonight and tomorrow night. Letting him know the plan is in motion. His eyes grow wide with mischief. We nod at each other acknowledging the plan. Tonight he and the little ones will be working on packing what we have stored up into the packs that we have stashed. The rest of us will be doing the chores. As the rest wake and change.over food we discuss the duties for tonight. Max and the boys will start on the ball room. Mac and Tiff will work the laundry and storage. Making sure to take the linens too. Tiff gives a confused look as if to ask why. I responded by telling her that we don't need them looking for us any sooner than we are ready for. Ashley and I will do the kitchen. When Tiff, Ashley, Mac and I are done we will work on the guest rooms. Hopefully we can get them done tonight. The sun is setting and the sounds start to fade from above. We hear one set of footsteps head to the stairs. The light kicks on. We all nod at each other. The plan has begun. After assignments are handed out we all head up stairs. I guess I could tell you the plan sense you will join us. I found an old hidden passageway. It leads to a spot into the woods. When I was small I would sneak down it and watch tv from the grate across from it. The plan is after the ballroom is finished on Thursday night, we will take it. Wait for a break in the watch and slip through to the neutral zone. Find a safe place and become our own pack. For now we work. We head to our places. Ashley knocks out the dailies in two hours. So she heads to one of the guest halls I do the extras the Omega Sue Ann has left. Then do the same. Tiff is on laundry tonight. Thanking goddess Luna we have washers and dryers. So she can work alone. She likes it that way because she can listen to the radio if she keeps it low enough. Mac handles the supply closets and bathrooms quickly. Taking the third guest hall. Between the three of us we get all rooms swept and mopped. Most of the bathrooms were cleaned and the bedding changed. Tomorrow we can get vases and baskets made for the room. Leaving only flowers to be placed Thursday night. We are done just in time to see the first rays of dawn. We gather in the kitchen with the boys. They got the floors done and tables placed. Tomorrow we will do the table cloths and fire wood for the guest rooms. Final touches Thursday night. The Omegas will do centerpieces and settings. We head downstairs, the door closing as I hear footsteps from the hall. Surprisingly there is no extra punishment today. I guess working for the Luna paid off tonight. * I will still sleep with one eye open.* Kainda says *good night my sweets* *Agreed. Be safe Babe* I say giving kisses on foreheads to the littles tucking them in place. Ally jumps up and rushes to one of the bags we brought down with us. Looks in it to find only the necessities, and pouts as she shuffles back to me. She puts her head on my arm and I run my fingers through her little redhead. The lights click off. For another cold day in hell.
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