The Mating Ball

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Taking the limo to the ball was a dream come true. The ball was an hour away and the limo was much more comfortable than mom's old sedan. Jamie kept going on and on about how the alpha must already be in love and showing his affections for me, but something still didn't seem quite right to me. Arriving at the ball, I was surprised to see the alpha waiting at the bottom of the steps for me. He opened my door before taking my hand to help me out of the limo. Jamie just kept giving me these looks of jealousy as my mate kept showing his affections. I knew she was happy for me but was also worried about finding her own mate tonight. "I hope you slept well after our talk, little mate. I know I did as I only had dreams of you." He spoke with a huge grin on his face. Maybe he really was willing to give us a try. "I had dreams of you as well, sir." I had decided to leave out the nightmare part. "Please, tell me about these dreams. I hope they were all wonderful." He seemed so desperate to have me near him. "I saw you spinning me around happily tonight in front of everyone. It was perfect." I smiled. "Well little mate, let's make this a night you won't forget." Little did I know, when he said it would be a night I wouldn't forget, he hadn't meant it in a good way. We danced the night away until the moon was just about to reach its peak. That's when we were called outside to have our night run together with all the new wolves. When I turned, it was painful, but Daceon being right there had helped to ease the pain. Once I was finally fully transitioned, I looked down at my paws before taking off running. Daceon caught up to me with ease. We played as he nipped my heels before pouncing on me and we rolled around. We did this back and forth for a few hours before turning back and heading to my home. When we arrived at my home, the lights were out again, but I intended to introduce the alpha to my family tonight. When we got inside, I woke my parents before heading to Megan's room. There was no answer when I knocked at her door, so I entered, only to find Megan wasn't there. I went downstairs to find my parents both glaring at my mate. This was not going too well. "Mom, where is Megan? She is not in her room." I asked her. "She was called to the pack house by the alpha to help him in a few matters." It seemed odd to me, but who was I to question my mother or the alpha of our pack? "Mother, father, I want you to meet my mate, Daceon of the crescent moon pack." I said it slowly with hesitation in my voice, for some reason I was scared this would anger them. "We know who he is," my father said with disgust in his voice. "I want to go back to crescent moon with him. He has been such a gentleman and I think we are a great match." I was excited for our future together. Daceon smiled at me. "We will not go against the moon goddess, but we wish you would take a little more time to get to know each other before leaving." Father seemed concerned. "Daceon is an alpha and has things he must get back to quickly." "We are aware of his ranking. We are just worried, as your parents. It is our job to do what is best for you, but you are of age now and can make your own choices in this matter." At that, dad walked away and went back to bed. Mother hesitated to leave me alone with the alpha but followed closely behind father. "Daceon, I want you to take me to bed. We should solidify our bond before we leave." I was hoping he would follow my lead, I had stayed pure for my mate and had been waiting to feel the strong connection I had spent my entire life hearing about. "Little mate, I would love nothing more than to ravish you in all the right ways tonight, but out of respect for your parents, I want to wait and not do this in their home." He seemed so sure of what he was saying to her, she melted into the words just as he knew she would. "Thank you for respecting them, I will head to bed after I see you outside. When will we be leaving?" I was so ready to get out of here and move onto the next stage of my life. "First thing tomorrow morning I will come to pick you up. Please gather only what you need. I will buy you anything else that may come up once we are at my pack." He smiled at her again, that perfect smile with those shining blue eyes. "I will see you then, thank you for a wonderful night mate!" I was so excited I could explode, he decided not to be his father after all! That night I slept peacefully, dreaming of my mate taking me for the first time. It was a beautiful scene in my dream and I believed it would all be so much better when it really happened.
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