Count Fvckula

2941 Words
Alien Ant Farm- Smooth Criminal Dante: "Holy s**t," Kelly laughs, holding the girl in her arms. "I mean I knew she was nuts but this is something else," We both look back at the six girls on the floor by the stairway. I've never seen anything like that. Not from a woman at least. From the moment she smiled at the other girls and demanded they hit her as hard as they can, I knew Tiff had f****d up. "Take her back to her room. Don't let anyone in," I order her. She nods, tossing the girl over her shoulder. David is on his ass leaning against the lockers with blood trailing down his face. I crouch down, taking my handkerchief out to help him. "You good?" "How is she that f*****g strong? She weighs like ninety pounds," he groans. "She pinned Widow. I mean she probably let her, but I bet she startled her a little. She's fast," I shrug. I stand up and go over to the girls on the floor. Two of them are still conscious the other four are out. I bend down to make sure they're all alive. The first one. The tallest one, she's not breathing. I turn her over and check for a pulse. I could save her, but then no one would learn their lesson today. I look up to Tiffany and Aubrey. "What?" Aubrey demands. "She's dead, Tiff," I stand up and cross my arms over my chest. The panic in her eyes speaks for itself. "Now what?" I go over to her pushing her dark hair back and pull her into me. "What did I tell you last night?" "To leave her alone," she cries. "When you said this was the last time, earlier. What did I say?" "To leave her alone," "This isn't on her. This is on you. I'm not helping you out of it this time. Clean your own s**t up, baby," I grab Aubrey's arm and pull her away from the other one. "Danny," she tugs on my hold on her. "You can't be serious. You can't just leave Tiffany alone like this," "I can and I will. If you know what's good for you, you'll go back to class and pretend none of this happened. Yeah?" I hold up a strand of her pretty blonde hair. Tears fill her eyes. "Go back to class, Aubrey. Now," "Baby," she shakes her. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and spin her around. We both walk into her class. Everyone turns to look at us as I pull a seat out and sit her down. "She was here the entire time," I growl before looking down at her. "You were here the entire time. Do you f*****g understand me, Aubrey?" "Yes," she continues to cry. I let her go. "Tammy," I shout. She walks in and I pull the chair next to Aubrey out for her. "Watch her," "Yes, sir," she whispers and sits down next to her. "I don't have to worry about you, right?" I ask Aubrey. "No," she shakes her head. "You're done f*****g with that girl, right?" her lower lip trembles and her eyes stay on her hands. "I'm talking to you, Aubrey. You're done f*****g with that girl, right?" "Yes," she screams, finally meeting my gaze. "I want to hear you say it, baby," "I'm done f*****g with that girl," she chokes out stubbornly. "One more time," "I'm done f*****g with that girl," she repeats it. I straighten up and look her over, knowing damn well she's f*****g lying. "Good. If we have another f*****g incident. We're done," I warn her. "Are you f*****g kidding me?" she screams pushing the chair back so hard it bounces and rolls across the back of the classroom. "You're going to break s**t off with us over a f*****g street rat?" "That f*****g street rat made me half a f*****g mil last night. She just killed that girl with her bare f*****g hands. Can you do that for me?" I shout. "Can you do that for me, Aubrey? Hmm? No, you f*****g can't. Leave that f*****g street rat alone. Your f*****g with my s**t, sweetheart. You know how I feel about you trying to get into my business. Sit your spoiled ass down and do as you're f*****g told," "I want you to get rid of her, Danny," she shouts as I turn around to walk away. "Get rid of her," she screams at the top of her lungs. "Get f*****g rid of her," "Wow," David laughs. Aubrey is still screaming as the door closes behind me. "She's got healthy lungs," "She's f*****g nuts," I roll my eyes. The school medics are helping the conscious girls. Tiffany is nowhere to be seen. The dead girl is covered with a white sheet. The two of us walk past them and head over to the girl's dorm room. The cops are going to be here any minute. They're not going to get anything out of anyone. They know that. Tiffany's dad is probably going to lawyer her up and her f*****g crazy ass brother is going to come back sooner than expected to babysit her ass. I'm not excited about that. Carter is f*****g insane for a human. "She's still out," Kelly says when I walk into the dorm room. She's sitting in front of the girl's door. I crouch down in front of her. "What the f**k did you bring into our lives, Kels?" I sigh. "I told you she would be fun." "This is not going to be fun. Carter is probably on his way back already. You know, your ex who killed the last guy that tried to ask you for directions? How do you think he's going to feel about this?" "I don't care, Danny. I want her here with me. I know you like her too. I know you've been bored out of your mind. Just let me have this. You're acting like you actually give a s**t about Tiffany and Aubrey. They're just snacks or did you catch feelings for your little dollies?" "Don't say s**t like that to me," I warn her. I sit down next to her and lay back against the door. "It's time for new ones anyway. They're getting too attached. Halestorm isn't happy about you popping his little baby's cherry anyway," "What's wrong with her? She wasn't like that yesterday." "I don't know. I came by last night to see if she wanted to watch you guys practice and shoot some pool but she didn't answer the door. When I left, she said she needed to call her mom. Did you taste her? She's a human right?" "She's human," I nod. "I had James trace her origin. There's a little Aztec magic in her but generations back." "It's enough to make her special," she shrugs. "How badly did she mess up her hands?" I ask. She sits up and looks at me. "f**k, I didn't even check," she admits. "I'll go get some ice and wraps. If she wakes up before I get back, don't f**k with her. Whatever is going on with her, she's upset. Keep the fact that she killed that girl to yourself. She freaked the f**k out in New City. It was kind of scary." "Yeah, fine. Go," She gets up and makes her way down the stairs. I get up and open the door to her room. It's not the first time I've been in here. The times she's left the music room, I've snuck in telling myself that I was only here to make sure she didn't sneak out of the school. But the fact is that I missed her and I wanted to wake her up so she can play for me. "What the f**k?" she groans, sitting up on her elbows with her eyes on me. "What are you doing in my room, freak?" "Do you always wake up ready to fight the world?" I scoff. She falls back into the pillows. Her blouse is pulled up to her chest, showing off her flat belly. I'm pleased to see the piercing there is a little black skull. There's not a single mark on her. No tats, no stretch marks, just soft bronzed skin. The bottom of her breasts peek out when she raises her hand up to her face. Ashley Villanueva is way too good to be true. There is no way in hell this human girl is this perfect. "Most days," she answers. "When's the last time you didn't?" I ask. She sits up this time and pulls her blouse down, much to my dismay. "f**k you," she says and looks down at her hands. Her knuckles are swelling and starting to turn purple. She touches her knuckles a little and then lets out a sigh of relief. "They're not broken," "Do you even care what happened to those girls?" I ask her. "Why? Do you?" she looks up at me challengingly. "You killed one," I inform her, just to see what happens. "You're little girlfriend killed one," she scoffs and gets up to go into her bathroom. The water runs for a bit before she comes back, her makeup gone, no blood, and a pair of glasses sitting on her face. She's got a busted lip, bruising along the left side of her cheek down to her jaw, and scratches going down her neck that disappear inside her blouse. Her messy hair is down and pushed back with a headband. Ashley moves past me to get to the closet and closes herself in there for a few minutes. When she emerges, she's wearing a pair of shorts with a lavender purple t-shirt that reads, WOULD YOU LIKE SOME QUACK? There's a shitty drawing of a duck at the bottom. She climbs back on her bed and looks back at me with a glare. "What?" I ask. "Why are you here?" she demands. "Kels went to get you some ice. Asked me to make sure no one bothers you," "Well, mission failed. You're bothering me," I swear I can spend the rest of my life arguing with this girl and I wouldn't hate it. "You're up," the door swings open. Kelly practically runs over to her and starts fussing over her hands. "Kels," she complains. "Shut the f**k up," Kels shouts. It takes us both by surprise. "You are going to let me clean you up or, so help me, I will f*****g punch you in the throat," "Okay," Ashley sits back. Her eyes hold so much amusement that they sparkle. "I already checked if they were broken," "How would you know that?" Kels sneers. "It wouldn't be the first time," "Oh, my f**k, Ashley," Kels growls and holds her hands up. "These are a f*****g gift. You can't be treating them like they're worth s**t. Move them," "They're fine. I didn't even use that much force. Not until that one guy grabbed me." "That one guy's name is David," I growl at her. "If you ever-" "I don't need you to f*****g tell me s**t, okay? I'll apologize to him when I see him. He shouldn't have gotten in the way," "You could have killed all of those girls! What would you have done then?" I can hear my voice rising but I can't help the way she infuriates me. "Gotten rid of them," she shouts back. "Do you think this is the first time a group of fugly bitches f**k with me? I mean look at me. I get s**t for asking people if they know where the f*****g bathroom is. Tiffany and Aubrey aren't the first girls to get territorial about someone I don't even f*****g want," "You've killed others like this?" Kels asks calmly. She doesn't say anything else as Kels wraps her hands and then presses an ice pack to them. "You gotta talk to me, Ash. We gotta communicate or we're going to fall apart quickly. I want to know why Chato wanted to keep you as badly as he did." "He said that? That he wanted to keep me?" she scoffs. "What a f*****g d**k," "Have you ever spoken to him in person?" I ask. "Yeah," she nods. "He tied me up in his basement after I killed about eight of his guys a couple of years ago with some of my friends," "Okay," Kels smiles. "You gotta tell me what happened," "Right my eighth-grade year was over, my dad's construction company was going under, and to save it he borrowed money from Chato. One of my dad's employees took the money and left. He completely f****d my dad. So, Chato being the piece of s**t that he is sent some people to our house. My mom had to have an abortion a couple of months later," "So you took it upon yourself to what?" Kels asks with enthusiasm. "Kill his distributors until one of them told me who the f**k was in my house," she says like it's the most obvious thing. "I got four names and tallied the bodies to eight. By then my dad started getting sick and work wasn't easy to come by. The night we scratched the last name off our list, Chato was waiting for me. He said he couldn't believe that a little nobody b***h like me was f*****g up his business. "So, he offered me a job. He said that if I worked for him until my dad's debt was paid, he wouldn't kill me and my family. I didn't just give him fifty thousand. I've given him more than that, but the fucker calls a lot of interest. He was so happy when I got offered the scholarship. The fact that he accepted to let me go is setting off hella red flags," "Did he ever make you kill anyone?" I ask. "All the time," she looks down at her hands. "When he's here in Hellbourne, he personally requests me to be his personal guard," "Did he ever pay you?" Kels asks. She scoffs. "Yeah, that's what that asshole did. Pay me," she rolls her eyes. "Do your parents know?" "My dad thinks he knows and my mom doesn't know anything. I'd like for things to stay that way, please. She has enough s**t to deal with without having to worry about me getting myself killed," "We won't tell your mom," Kels laughs. "I'm a little scared of her," "What happened in the hallway today?" I ask her. "Uh," she scratches the back of her neck nervously. "I tend to bottle things up. I usually have an outlet, but this place is kind of rigged differently. I killed four guys for you. I was sold off like a f*****g luxury purse and Kels treats me like I'm a f*****g doll. Sorry, I snapped. Maybe next time don't piss off the girl from the southside that is known to beat the f**k out of people for shits and giggles," "We actually never heard of you," Kels says almost like she's ashamed. "We're not allowed to venture into the Southside," "Really?" she asks looking between us. "Is that why you wanted me? Because you think I can get you in?" "Yeah, that and you're insanely hot. Originally, I thought you were one of Chave's girls," Kels admits. "Or that your mom was. She's crazy good-looking for someone her age," "She's forty-three. My parents were in high school when they had me," "Oh," she laughs. "That makes sense," the bedroom phone rings. She looks around confused. "Are you going to answer that?" "What the f**k is that?" she asks. Kels laughs and opens the bedside drawer to show her where the phone is. "Oh, my god. That goes off all the time," she laughs and picks the phone up. It takes a couple of seconds to answer. "Hello?" Kels looks back at me and shakes her head. "Oh, yeah. I can do that. Today? Yeah, I'll see what I can do," "What is it?" Kels asks. "I have to pick up some paperwork at the high school. My transcripts and medical stuff. Is it too much to ask for a ride?" she asks her. "I'll take you," I say without thinking it through. They both look at me like I've grown a second head. "What? I've never been. I kinda want to see the inside," "Okay, well. You can't go dressed like that and your driver can't take us," she shrugs. "Why not?" Kels asks, amused. "Are you ashamed of us?" "Yes, but that's not why. He's kind of famous and will most definitely get hit up if he's dressed like Count Fuckula," "You do dress like that," Kels laughs. "Here, I've got some big pro clubs I wear to sleep," she gets up and goes into one of the drawers. "I'm not wearing your pj's," "They're new," she tosses me a gray t-shirt wrapped in plastic. "Just put some jeans on and if you have sneakers, that'd be great," "This feels like it's going to be more trouble than it's worth," I admit regretting my decision. "Hey, you were just saying that about, Ash. See, this is fun. Well, I am going back to class. You two have fun. Do not get my guy shot, Ashley. I don't need to be mad at both of you today," she gets up and leaves. "Uh, wear something under that," Ashley points at the t-shirt. "The fabric might be a little rough for you, rich boy. I'll meet you downstairs in twenty?" "Yeah," I agree.
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