He Behaved, Right?

1468 Words
Katy Perry- Teenage Dream Ashley: "I can't believe you left the room," Kelly is brushing my hair a little aggressively. "Kels, you're pulling my hair," I reach to stop her and she hits the top of my head with the brush. "Ow," "Suck it up," she scoffs at me. "I got a lot of sleep in my room," "Why do you smell like Dante?" she asks. Tamara stops rummaging through my makeup box and looks over at me. "What do you mean?" I ask playing coy hoping she'd drop it. "Your hoodie," she grabs my left arm. "When I snuck out he was sitting outside and we were smoking together," I shrug. "What did you guys talk about?" she demands. "How much of a f**k up I am," I groan. They both exchange looks before Kelly's hand lands on the spot she smacked me. "Are you mad?" "No, I just-" she comes around to stand in front of me. "I'm afraid of what he'll do to you. I've never seen him act so violently toward someone we all like. He behaved right?" "Yeah, I mean he wasn't any more rude than usual if that's what you mean. I think he's just going through some stuff. I think what happened between him and his girlfriends is kind of affecting him," "What does that mean?" she asks. I look between her and Tam. "It means he's heartbroken, Kels," Tam laughs. "Oh, my god. I think you're right. He's upset with them because he asked them not to do something and they went out of their way to do it anyway. He's pouting," "Dante doesn't do that," Kelly laughs and then gets serious. "Right?" "Think about it. Every time we've had someone f**k up, he lashes out at them. Remember when Tony went to that rave in Cali that he and Tristan got stabbed in? Dante ripped us all a new one," Tam nods. "Tristan died," Kelly reminds her. "Yeah, well a girl died," Tam says. "For no f*****g reason. New girl has some crazy theories but they're kind of spot on." "Okay, so how do we help him?" Kelly asks me. "I don't know anything about him. How the f**k should I know?" "He's super into horses. He has a Mustang Thoroughbred. Liquorish is super cute," Tam nods. "He's been having trouble getting first place at the show because of this girl. Benny," "Benny Kellan? The daughter of Rodrick Kellan. The old man that owns the race track in New City?" I ask. "How do you know about that?" Kelly asks. "My dad is super into races. I know her. She's kind of creepy too," I shrug. "What do we do with that information?" Tam asks. I laugh. "When is their next show?" "Tomorrow," Kelly answers. "What are we doing after the recital?" I ask "Nothing. Danny told us to take the weekend off." "Why don't I invite Benny to a Southside party and we get her s**t-faced so she can't go to the show tomorrow?" I suggest. They both look over at me. "You're a f*****g b***h. Do you know how pissed her dad would be?" Tam laughs. "Do you know how happy Dante would be to finally get that first-place ribbon or whatever they get for their dumb horse?" I counter. "He'd be pissed if he found out we did something to get him there," Kelly shakes her head. "He's a lot of things but not a cheater," "So, no one tells him," I shrug. "What Dante doesn't know won't hurt him," "I've never lied to him," she sits back. "Never? Not even a little white lie?" I laugh. She looks down at her hands and shakes her head. "Okay, so pretend you didn't hear this and I'll do it. You don't even have to be there," "The thing is that I know now, and even if I'm not there. I'm already an accomplice," she shakes her head. "Fine. What else is he into?" I ask, putting a pin on that idea. "Reading," they say at the same time. "Next," "He likes custom s**t. Black and gold," Kelly shrugs. "Keep going," "f*****g," Tam laughs. "Reel it back a little," I grin. They both laugh. "He's never been invited to house parties," Kelly whispers. "So, maybe you can take him to a Southside party and get him f****d up," "Never? Don't you rich d***s have huge parties?" "The normies do," "And they've never invited him? Why? Isn't he their god of some s**t?" "Yeah, you want god to love you, but you don't want god all in your s**t when you're embarrassing yourself," Tam laughs. "Right," I laugh. "Aww, that's so annoyingly sad. But if we get him f****d up, he won't show up at the horse show thing tomorrow." "Dante doesn't get hangovers. We've tried," Tam laughs. "Okay," I agree. "Is there even a party going on tonight?" Kelly asks. "It's the Southside. There are parties going on all week," I laugh, reaching for my phone. I scroll down to Eli's name and press the chirp button. "Do you know what time it is?" the groggy voice answers after a few minutes. "Yeah, it's ten on a Friday. You should be in school." "School was your s**t, baby. What do you want?" "I want to hang out tonight," "Is that right? With me or in general?" he sounds a little more awake now. "In general. Rich kids don't party like us and someone has to show them how to have fun properly," "You had me going, Queen. I'll send you some addresses. I'll be at the Cantina tonight." "Thanks. Maybe I'll stop by and say hey," "Lacy isn't going to like that." "Lacy Bermudes, Eli?" I ask feeling my chest instantly get hot. "Yeah," "I'll see you later," I cut him off. "Who was that?" Kelly asks. This is unfamiliar territory for me. I don't get possessive over anything but Lacy has been in my face ever since I can remember. The f*****g nerve of that fucker to go after her just because I'm not there anymore. Who the hell does he think he is? I f*****g invented him. "Unfinished business, I guess," I say, rubbing my chest. "I don't want him, but I don't want her to have him either. Does that make sense?" "Perfect. We're going," Kelly laughs. "I got you something for the recital," "Kelly," "Shut up," she rolls her eyes and goes over to my closet. "So, I've been listening to your song trying to get the vibe and I got the perfect dress," "Dress? I don't like dresses." "Well, tough s**t, b***h. I got you a f*****g dress," she growls and takes a black clothes cover from the closet. When did she even get that in there? She brings it over to the bed and unzips it. Inside is a dress. I've never worn a dress. When I turned fifteen, I lied and told my parents and told them I wasn't a virgin anymore because they wanted to throw me a Quinceanera. I knew we couldn't afford it. My dad was pissed and let the whole thing go. My mom was really upset but I got away without having to wear that ridiculous dress. But this is different. The black lacy fabric has little gold flecks. I reach in, taking it out to lay it on the bed. The front is a simple heart-shaped corset with black and gold trim. The chiffon skirt is short in the front and long in the back. It'll just be me on that stage wearing this. She bumps me with her elbow when I don't say anything. "This is really pretty," I say. "We can put your hair up. I have a pretty necklace you can borrow and bangles," Tam agrees. "I also got you these so you can be a little taller," Kelly adds. She takes a box out of her backpack and places it on the bed. "Your first pair of Jimmy Choos," "I don't think I can accept this," I shake my head. "Well, you don't have to think because I'm not giving you an option. If you say no, I'll go get Dante to come up here and make your ass put it on," she threatens. I look over at her to see she's serious. I laugh and she pulls her phone out. "Okay, okay. I'll put it on," I snatch the phone from her and toss it on my bed. She smiles knowing she got her way. "You're a tiny f*****g devil woman. You know that?" "That's the word on the street," she smirks. "Tam, hair," "Okay," she laughs. "Sit down. I've been wanting to get my hands on you from the moment I met you. Look at those f*****g cheek bones,"
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