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EVA "Fill this form out for us will you sweetie?." The sweet nurse who I assume is above fifty says as she hands over a form to me with a smile. "Sure." I take the form and move back to sit in the waiting room. I had already booked an appointment the day before, so all I had to do was fill the form and I should be able to see a doctor. "Ok" I heave a sigh and get into filling out the form. I was asked some questions about my menstrual history and s****l history. I didn't have a s****l history so that didn't apply to me much. "Here, I'm done filling the form. Is there anything else to do?." "No sweetie. Your doctor will be with you soon, got caught up in traffic." The nurse says, smiling warmly at me. "Sure." I reply with a small smile. That was better for me, I can prepare myself and calm my nerves before the doctor arrives. I read that pelvic examinations can be uncomfortable, especially for a first timer. Like me. I wasn't sure I wanted to go on with the check up but I needed to do the exam. I haven't seen my period in two months and as a virgin who hasn't been involved in any s****l Shenanigans, I wasn't pregnant–Except by supernatural means. Something was wrong. A few minutes later, a different nurse comes into the room. "Miss Smith?" I look up when I hear my name. I smile; "That's me" "Your doctor is here, I'll show you to the room" I nod and follow her into the check up room. "You would have to get changed into this." She hands me a blue hospital gown. "The changing room is the door by the corner. I will be out here waiting for you" I walk into the room I was directed to, changed and dropped my clothes on a chair in the room, making sure to hide my panties under my dress before stepping out. Just as she said, the nurse was still in her position. This time going through a file, probably mine. "There you are. You can sit on the bed as you wait for the doctor to come. I see from the form that this is your first exam, just relax and you will be done with it soon. I'll leave now" She smiles and gives me a pat on my shoulder. "Thanks." She walks out of the room and my eyes wander to the equipments lying on a tray that sat on a table. I cringed knowing some of them will be inside me. "Good day Miss Smith". I look up and I didn't expect what I see– A really gorgeous man. His stubble was barely visible but it was there and, oh that five o'clock shadow that summed up to make him beautiful. He had piercing gray eyes that seemed to bore holes through you when he looked at you. This man looked somewhat angelic but also had a devilish look to him. He didn't look like the kind of man you would find in a hospital. And his physique was glorious; Even in his sky blue shirt and coat, he still looked hot. I bet he was pure male behind those clothes. I have had my fair share of conventional hot guys but not this one. He had this aura of authority I couldn't place my hands on. This man made my heart beat, this man made me feel nervous and self conscious under his stare and I have never felt that way. Not for once for any man. "Uhm hi. I'm Eve smith" "I'm Dr. Andre. I will be your gynecologist" What?!. I found this man attractive, which was a first and having him in between my legs for any reason whatsoever will not be a good idea. "I booked an appointment with a female doctor. Dr Ja–, I can't remember her name. The point is, I will feel more comfortable with a female Doctor. Sorry if I sound rude" Oh no. Why does it feel like I'm in a nightmare. "No. It's proper to voice out what you want. The doctor assigned to you has a flu so I had to come in for her." Poor her, I hope she's feeling a lot better. I thought of leaving and finding another hospital but the thought of having this devilishly handsome man work between my legs made me stay. "I will go over few things with you. I noticed its your first time and first times can be uncomfortable but I promise to take good care of you" Goodness. Why did that sound so dirty to me. This man just had to say something innocently and I was already wet. Fu–fudge. "Hmm". I coughed out awkwardly when I saw him looking at me, probably wondering why I was looking at him intensely. The s****l tension in the room was beginning to rise. "Are you okay Miss smith". I might be mistaken but I saw a glint of playfulness in his eyes rather than worry. That question felt s****l than it should. Like he knew I was attracted to him and he wants to tease me. "Yes I am." "Great". He pulls out a chair to my front and sits down. The whole room quiet as he goes through my form. Finally he lifts up his head to look at me. "You are a virgin, is that so?". I don't know why I am noticing this now but his accent– that hot Italian accent was a real turn on if you ask me. "Y–yes" "Can you describe how you feel" "Yes. I've been having this eminent discomfort in my lower abdomen, close to my pelvis. And I haven't seen my period in two months" "How long has this discomfort been going on for?" "Just about a month and few days. A friend suggested I do a pelvic exam". I wasn't going to tell him my brother suggested that. "Hmm." He stands up from the chair and goes to the table with the equipments and pushes it closer to the bed. His muscles bulging and flexing through his shirt as he does it. He must really follow his exercise routine religiously. "I will need you to lie down on the bed" The thought of him seeing my v****a sent a familiar ache between my legs. I was shy and aroused by this man and I didn't want him to see that I was already wet down there for him. "Did you hear me Miss Smith" "Oh uhm–Yes." I nod and lay down on the bed. I watch him stand up and walk to me. "Just relax, I'm going to gently press down on areas of your lower stomach to feel your organs from outside. It won't hurt don't worry" I nod my head as he touches my stomach. Shivers ran down to my core when he touched me. I looked up at him to see if he felt anything but his face was normal, his eyes emotionless. He gently presses down on my stomach and I was lost looking at him. Watching him work with so much precision was a turn on. Everything this man does is a turn on. He removes his hands from my stomach and picks up his notepad, scribbling something. The loss of contact annoyed me. "I will need you to move down to the end of the bed. I have to conduct a speculum exam on you" I didn't notice I had my legs pressed together from the sensations I was getting between them. I began imagining having this mans head between my legs... "Mrs Smith" "Yes." I heave a sigh. "I will need you to place your legs on the stirrups." I hadn't noticed them attached to the bed. Oh goodness, I was going to have my legs strapped on both sides and my p***y will be on display to him. "It's normal to feel shy but I promise I have seen a large number of v****a's in and out of here so yours won't be the first and it's my job specification to examine you. So if you don't let me examine you, how am I to know what is wrong with you." I nod my head and placed my left leg on the stirrup which he straps and waits for me to place the other leg on the other stirrup. Once my legs were completely strapped, he picks up an instrument from the tray and pulls his chair closer to me. He was so close to my p***y, I was grateful I had waxed the night before. I look at him hoping to see a reaction on his face but there was none. He had the same facial expression; emotionless. "Now this is called a speculum and it might hurt a bit but it is necessary I use it". I brace myself as he comes closer to me. It hurt slightly when he inserted the speculum. "Ah". I moaned in pain. "Please take it out, it hurts". He opened the speculum, widening my v****a so he could have more access to my v****a. "I will, once I'm done conducting a pap smear" I felt him put a swab inside me. "See all done". He says once he had removed whatever that was from inside me. "Now I will slip two fingers inside you to check if everything is in it's place". I was beyond wet by now. The mans fingers are going to be inside me. Is there anything I could wish for. I watch him lubricate his gloved fingers while maintaining eye contact with me. It gave me jitters. He slides his gloved fingers into me, not deep enough to tear my hymen but deep enough to make me moan. "Well that was easy. You are already lubricated and it would still have been easy without a lube to penetrate you". To my dirty mind it sounded like he was Talking dirty to me. Of course I will be wet, who wouldn't. It was just like having him finger me only this time he isn't actually fingering me. I blush lightly and turn my head to the side. "Don't be embarrassed, I see a lot of cases like yours every now and then. Some women tend to have higher estrogen levels" That was even more embarrassing. He knew I was aroused by what he was doing. He moves his hands to my abdomen again and pressed down on some parts gently. I felt my p***y walls clench around his fingers. He felt that as his eyes meets mine for a brief second. If his hands remain in me any longer, I might come. Too bad for me as he removes his fingers from me. "There you are all done". He unstraps my legs and I bring them down, closing my exposed p***y. For a second I saw his eyes between my legs before he averts it. "You grip really tight."
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