
716 Words
EVA "I'm fine. Really". I say, eyeing the last slice of pizza that lay in it's box. I look at Chris, warning him of his imminent murder if he so much as lays a finger on that slice. "You should go see a doctor, that's all I'm saying. You could have an infection or something much more serious". I roll my eyes. like he would know anything about infections. "Besides you are twenty six, you should have gotten yourself checked at twenty one which was a long time ago". "I was twenty one four years ago, It's not that long".I squint my eyes and look at him; "Remind me again why I am sharing such information with you. And how do you know any of that" "I know a fair amount about infections trust me. I've been with lots of women in my lifetime to know that". Chris is what women refer to as a player, He's always jumping from one v****a to the other. None seemed to satisfy him. He winks at me and I pretend to throw up. It might be weird that I shared my personal problem with him, but we are too close, we could be one person. I don't have any friends so I always took up sharing everything with Chris. He could be an ass sometimes but he always listens to me and I am grateful for that. We always have each others back. And that's the most important thing. "Fine I will go to the hospital tomorrow". I was reluctant to go mainly because I didn't want someone inserting anything into me. If it isn't a d**k, I'll pass. "Good. And be more careful while having s*x" "I haven't had s*x before and you know that." I reply, picking up the last slice of pizza and taking a large bite out of it. Hmm yum!. "Of course I know. I just wanted you to say it once more and see how that sounds to you" "What do you mean". I knew exactly where this discussion was leading to. We've been having discussions like this and I was already prepared, whatever the outcome. "You need to get laid Eva. You don't even have men coming around you. It's like they can smell your virginity and once they do, they take a hike. Come with me tonight, I have some guys that I could hook you up with" He was joking. Men come around but I scare them off. Why does he make my virginity sound like a burden. "Touché. I'll pass on that offer". I wasn't ready yet. That is until I find the right man. And the right man for me was any man that gets my heart beating faster than usual just by looking at me. Cliche I know. Luck wasn't on my side since i'm yet to find him. Until then, these legs stay closed. He walks up to me and hugs me. "I'm just worried you will never find that man and you will remain single for life. Just come with me tonight, you don't have to have s*x with them yet until your ready. Just try dating one of them" "Hard pass. I will still remain single anyways because after s*x, poof they will disappear". Like they were never there. He pulls away from the hug but not before ruffling my hair. "Sure. Hope you find him soon. I might even be married before you find him" He was mocking me. Chris wasn't the type who got married. So he was ironically saying that I was going to be single forever. Then so be it. "Whatever. I will just go get ready. Are you staying longer" "Nope. I'm off. I've got a date with a chick" "Really, like a real date?" I was excited he never went on dates. "God no. I don't do that s**t. It's a date in my bed." Right. I should have guessed that. "When did you meet this lady" "Last night" "And you are going to bed her" "Yes. She is smoking hot, you have to see her". I roll my eyes and push him out of my apartment. "Bye. Have fun with your date" "Oh I will." I shut my door on his face, muttering asshole under my breath.....
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