Book 1: Chapter 7 - Meeting Her Again

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After Five Months A tired Allison waved at Rosalie, who drove off home in her car. Allison's car was at the garage for servicing and one of her colleagues, Danny Fischer, had offered to drop her home. Danny came rushing outside the office, looking at her apologetically. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Allison. I had to prepare the orders for the Go Fresh range of products," he said apologetically. "That's okay. I just finished up," she said with a smile, looking around the parking lot. It had become her habit the last few months to look for those mesmerizing blue eyes. Danny led her towards his car. She opened the passenger door and was about to climb in when her gaze fell upon a pair of blue eyes watching her from a black Chevy Silverado parked at an angle. Was she hallucinating, or did she really see her blue-eyed stalker? A shiver of excitement coursed through her as she climbed into Danny's car and then looked towards the black car, but it was gone! Allison looked around everywhere for the black Chevy, but it somehow had disappeared. Was it her imagination, after all? "Tell me where you live, Allison," Danny's voice brought her back to reality. "It's 135, Dorothy street, please," she said with a smile. He nodded and drove her toward her apartment. They talked about work, their deadlines, and such boring stuff. She thanked him and got down in front of her building. Tomorrow her car would be delivered, and she wouldn't have to hitch a ride. Stuart burned with fury at the sight of the guy with whom Allison went home. For the last week, he had been too busy with work to stalk Allison. Today he had got off early and decided to visit her office, but what he saw shocked him. So she had a boyfriend? Did she forget him so fast? He had to do something about that. He drove home and started throwing his stuff into his suitcases. "What are you doing, bro?" asked Drake with concern. He loved Stuart and observed him every day with concern, knowing that his big was facing personal problems with his girl. He had heard him talk to Jaden over the phone. "I'm out of here for a few days," he said, packing up. "What will you tell dad and ma?" asked Drake nervously. He knew how worried his parents would be. They might yell at them all day, but they loved them too much. "They'd be worried about you, bro. Don't go without informing them, please," he pleaded with his brother. "I don't know what to tell them," said Stuart honestly. "Then tell them the truth," Drake suggested. "Yes, I'll do that," said Stuart with a sigh. He finally finished packing up and loaded his stuff into his car. His ma called him, seeing him with his luggage. "Stuart, where are you rushing off to in such a hurry?" asked his ma, wiping her hands on a piece of kitchen cloth and coming out, hands on her waist, waiting for an answer. His dad, too, came out of his room to check out what the matter was. He saw Stuart's luggage and raised his eyebrow. "Where are you going, Stuart?" he asked in a calm voice. "Dad, ma, I'll come back after a few days," he started while his parents looked at him, waiting for more explanations. "But where are you off to, son?" asked his ma. "I actually like a girl and she doesn't know it. I need to convince her and confess my feelings for her. Please let me go. I'll come back in a fortnight whenever I'm able to woo her and maybe bring her back with me. I've loved her for the past two years and I cannot survive any longer without her," he said solemnly as his parents gaped at him in shock. "Hope she isn't a minor?" asked his dad. "No, she's twenty-three," he informed his dad. "Okay. What are you planning? Do nothing illegal and don't fall into any trouble," said his dad. "I have planned nothing, dad. I'll just talk, maybe. Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal," he promised. "Please keep us updated, son. If you need help, call us. We'd be worried about you," said his ma. "Yes ma, I will," he promised, quickly giving his ma a hug. He waved at his dad and walked out to his car, driving off towards Allison's building. Not having any concrete plan, he didn't know how he would go about it. The time had come to take some action, and he would do anything to get his girl. He couldn't just watch her get whisked away by another guy. She was his, and she'd better face it. Driving over to her building, he parked his car opposite, and sat quietly, thinking about what to do. Suddenly, he saw Allison walk out of the building. Where was she going? He followed her, keeping his distance, seeing her enter a departmental store. He quickly parked his car and rushed in. Looking around everywhere, he found her near the grocery section. She was loading grocery items onto her cart. He, too, got a cart and went towards her, stuffing his cart with stuff. She suddenly whirled around and froze at seeing him while Stuart did a happy dance in his head. She had recognized him! It gave him more confidence, and he smirked at her. "So we meet again, Allison Green," he said, softly. She came out of her trance and glared at him. "You?" she said, horrified that she met the guy after six months when she really had given up all hope of ever meeting him. "Yes, it's me. Missed me much?" he asked her with a grin. "Why would I?" she said, but her cheeks flushed with colour, which gave Stuart a boost to his ego. She picked up more grocery stuff, and he, too, did the same. Whatever she picked up, he followed, stuffing his cart with the same items. Disgusted with him, Allison looked at his cart and at him, hovering around her. "Why are you following me?" she gritted out, but he just shrugged. "Anyone can shop here. Why would I follow you?" he said with a smile that was battling to break free. "Why are you buying the same things as I am?" she whispered. "I need them too," he whispered back. "You don't need sanitary napkins, do you?" she whispered again. "Yes, I do. It's for my girl," he said with a smirk, just to see her reaction. Her face fell with disappointment. "Oh," she simply said and went about buying the rest of her stuff without giving him any attention. He followed her around, yet she didn't speak a single word, going straight to the billing counter. Stuart followed her and leaned in and had a talk with the guy at the counter, handing him a 100-dollar bill. Allison looked at him with suspicion, yet didn't say a single word to him. "Please generate a single bill of these," he said and Allison's jaws dropped. "No way, I want my bill," she protested, glaring at him. "We're together. Please pack everything together," he said, taking out his card and handing it over to the guy at the counter. The guy at the counter did as asked. "What the hell! We aren't together. No, don't pack them together please," she said, but no one heard her. "Why don't you just take your stuff and go back to your girlfriend? Why bother me?" she retorted. "Are you jealous, Allison?" he asked her, and she gaped at him wordlessly. "No, why would I be?" she mumbled. She was actually jealous and very hurt to know that he had a girlfriend. Why did he then stalk her and have se* with her? Here she was searching for her blue-eyed stalker everywhere, nurturing dreams about him while he was happily spending his days with his girlfriend. "But you look upset," he said, gazing into her lost eyes. "No, it has nothing to do with you," she informed him. "Really? I'm not blind. You missed me," he said, wanting to hear her say it. "I haven't missed you at all. Go back to your girl," she said, turning her attention to the items that she had bought. There was nothing at home to cook, and she needed her grocery items immediately. But to her horror, the guys had quickly packed up all their stuff together. How would she sort them now? They returned Stuart his card, and he loaded the items onto the cart and pushed it towards his car. "Hey, what about my items? You return them to me and I will pay you in cash," she offered, sighing heavily. "Okay, you want to sort them out in the middle of the road?" he asked her. She blinked at his question. It really wasn't a thing to do. "We could go to your apartment and sort it all out," offered Stuart cheekily.
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