Book 1: Chapter 6 - Missing Her Blue-Eyed Stalker

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Henry Taylor looked at his oldest son in disbelief. It was only yesterday that he had a talk with him and today he sounded so different, so mature. "Yes, son. I would be glad if you did," he said with a smile. Stuart and Sean were twins, but Stuart was born five minutes before Sean and so the whole family treated him as the oldest. They all sat down to a delicious dinner cooked by Vienna and their mom. Ryan, Nate, Nick, and Nelson too joined them for dinner along with Queen. Timmy ate comparatively lesser like a glutton and didn't fart even once. "This is too good. I'm glad Sean brought you home, Vienna," said an excited Daxton with his mouth full. "Don't talk with your mouth full," said his ma, and he rolled his eyes at her. "Stuart has applied for his master's and he's coming to work with me from tomorrow. What about you, Sean? Have you thought about what you want to do in life?" asked their dad. "Yes, dad, I too will enroll for a postgraduate course and join you from tomorrow," he said and his dad smiled at him proudly. "I'm proud of the two of you," he said to his two older sons upon whom he had lost all hope. Sean looked at Vienna for her reaction, and she smiled at him with appreciation. It made his day. The next day, after college, Allison wanted to shift into a two-bedroom rented apartment she chose. She and Rosalie had house-hunted the previous day and finalized this second-floor apartment in a peaceful, nice, and decent neighborhood. Rosalie helped her clear out of her dorm room and they loaded her stuff into Allison's car and reached the place. "So you mean to say that the guy you hooked up with was the same guy who was at the cafe that day?" asked Rosalie with curiosity. "Yes, and he was the same guy who kissed me at the kissing booth last year," she said. "My God. Do you realize what this means?" asked Rosalie with concern. "Yes, he's been stalking me. He knows my name too, although I haven't introduced myself," she said with a shudder. "Creepy, be careful, Alli." Allison couldn't forget her blue-eyed stalker even for a minute. After what she had shared with him, she knew that she was doomed for life. It was the first and best se* of her life, or was it love-making? He was very gentle, passionate, and caring, and his blue eyes connected with hers all the while. She knew nothing about him and even forgot to ask his name! Would he not stalk her anymore? She wanted him to approach her again and repeat what they shared. Parking her car in the underground parking lot, she looked around her, but no; he wasn't there. For the next few days, Allison and Rosalie were busy arranging and cleaning of the apartment. Then, with their exams just around the corner, all they did was study. Stuart and Sean visited their restaurants every day and learned all the work that there was to learn. Both had enrolled in the online postgraduate courses of their choice, yet Stuart was very restless. With his work and his upcoming exams, he had found no time to stalk Allison and missed her with every cell of his body. Although Stuart's parents were happy and proud of him, he wasn't at all happy. The work didn't interest him, nevertheless; he slogged on since that's what his parents wanted him to do. His exams were over and he started his post-graduation classes too, but the night that he shared with Allison was ingrained in every pore of his body. Jaden and he regularly kept in touch. It was through Jaden's private investigator that Stuart found out that Allison had rented a two-bedroomed apartment for herself. After her exams, she found a good internship at Go Organic, an organic farm in Houston. In fact, even Rosalie was working there with her. Every weekend, Stuart went and watched her building and thought about new ways to pursue her, but came up with nothing. He saw Rosalie didn't visit her much and usually just stayed in her own place. At home, Vienna had settled down well and started having a good rapport with everyone at home. Sean was whipped with her and it was too obvious. They all waited for Vienna's eighteenth birthday, which was six months away. Till then, she couldn't leave the house as she was still a minor, and the police were on the lookout for her. She had already appeared for her final exams at school and was awaiting her results. She enrolled in an online course on Culinary Arts till she turned eighteen, thereafter she would be free to attend the classes at her university. With a month's training in cooking, the boys could cook one meal a day. It gave their ma the much-needed break to relax, although their dad wanted dinner to be cooked only by her. So while their ma still cooked dinner for them, the rest of the meals the boys could manage. Hannah proudly sat, sipping her coffee. It was a lazy Saturday, and the boys were making lunch with Vienna. "Omg, my balls! They're burning," yelled a horror-stricken Denver as he rushed towards the kitchen. Everyone stared at his organ and he felt awkward. Drake fell from his chair and howled with laughter. "Are your balls on fire, bro?" he asked, again bursting into fits of laughter. "Shut up. I meant my meatballs, pervs," he muttered uncomfortably, rushing into the kitchen. "Dad, did you like the lunch?" asked an over-eager Denver. "I made it." The others all kicked him under the table. "Yes, Denver, it's nice. So what do you want?" asked their dad. "How did you know I wanted something?" asked a puzzled Denver. His dad smirked at him. "I know all of you too well, son," he said. "Actually, dad, Dax, and I want to go to an adventure camp next week. We need some money," he said hesitantly. "Fine, give me the details of the Adventure camp. If you want money, come over to our restaurants, the two of you, and work. Earn it," he said, closing the topic. Denver and Daxton looked at one another and sighed. They would now have to use all their free time and earn the money. "Where's Stuart?" asked their dad. He noticed Stuart was always absent from home these and hardly appeared at mealtimes too. Hannah Taylor was worried about her oldest son. "He isn't at home nowadays. I'm worried about him," said Hannah Taylor. "He hates his life and also the restaurant job. He wants to do something challenging in life. But first, I think he needs to woo his girl," said Drake, selecting the shapeless meatballs and serving himself as well as Timmy abundantly. Everyone stared at him in surprise. "Does he have a girl?" asked their mom. "Not yet. He loves a girl. He hasn't confessed his feelings yet," said Drake. "How do you know so much about him?" asked Sean with curiosity. Drake looked uncomfortable and avoided their eyes. "Drake?" said Sean, glaring at him. "Okay. It eavesdropped on his conversation with Jaden, " he admitted guiltily. Even Timmy looked guilty, which meant that it was a joint crime. "You shouldn't have, Drake. He's eleven years older than you. You should respect his privacy," said their dad. "Okay, dad. I will start respecting him from tomorrow, happy?" said Drake, feeding Timmy more. "Stop feeding Timmy so much," said his ma, glaring at him. Timmy whined at being stopped. Stuart sat in his car outside Allison's building, heartbroken and helpless. His work gave him no time to stalk her and talk to her on her way back from work. By the time he was free, she was always at home and didn't come out. He was frustrated, more than ever. There was only one way to see her. He would have to visit her and be her unwanted guest! He just crossed his fingers that she remembered him. He didn't know, however, that he was all Allison thought about. She searched for him wherever she went but was disappointed at not finding him. Did he lose interest in her? Did he just want a one-night stand with her? She was unhappy that it ended the way it did. She didn't have any idea how she would ever find him. So as days passed, she lost hope of ever seeing him again. It was wisest to move on. Rosalie helped her mom at home after work and she was hardly available. They caught up a little during their lunch break and that was all the interaction that they had. During weekends, Allison worked at the cafe, Little Delights, for the extra money. So, life went on and she lost every hope of ever seeing her blue-eyed ex-stalker.
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