Chapter 2

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She, of course, ignores me and shifts into my body. She quietly saunters over to the hunter and runs our fingers over his shoulder as she makes her way in front of him. All the growling stops for a moment as she looks over the crowd. The moment she turns her back to the hungry wolves they begin to growl. Paying them no mind she looks at the hunter who clearly doesn’t know what to do or say. His focus is clearly on the many wolves behind us. She looks him in the eye and caresses his cheek before moving her hand to his throat where she slices his jugular. She laughs as he grasps his neck before falling to the ground. Remember when I said she’s ruthless? With the hunter dead, she turns to face the wolves. “Sorry boys, but that hunter was mine to kill. I found him first.” The wolves slowly move closer, still growling. ‘Goddess pack wolves don’t care for the rules of the wilds, do they?’ ‘No Ira, they don’t! That’s why I said to head back.’ ‘Your no fun!’ ‘I’m plenty of fun! But I also don’t want to die today!’ ‘Well then, maybe you should do the talking then.’ With that remark she retreats to the back of our mind. Leaving me to clean and deal with her mess. I quickly put my hands in the air to show I mean no harm and reveal my neck as a sign of submission. “I'm sorry about my wolf, she’s very possessive of our hunts. But we mean you no harm. So if you would all be so kind as to stop growling at me, I’d greatly appreciate it.” One of the wolves snaps his jaw while the others release another growl. Lucky or unlucky for me one of the wolves shifted back to their human form. “Why should we believe anything you say, rogue?” “You have no reason to believe me, but I swear to the moon goddess that I mean you and your pack no harm unless harm comes to me first.” “Fair enough, now what are you doing here?” “I was out for a run when I heard hunters. I thought I’d have some fun with them before I killed them. Everything was under control until the hunter stumbled upon you or the other way around.” Another wolf shifts back and starts talking. “You're on our territory mut!” “I'm sorry if you think that, but I’ve been a rogue for a long time, and I’ve lived in these woods for the entirety of it. I know this forest like the back of my palm and I know for a fact that this is not a part of any pack.” I say as I glare at the wolf. “You may like to think that, but our pack recently expanded and this part of the Forest now belongs to us. We should kill you where you stand for trespassing.” “You could. For sure, but I also saved y’all’s asses from 3 hunters, so according to werewolf laws, I haven’t done anything wrong. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be going and if this is really part of pack territory you should mark it. Either way, I won’t be crossing it ever again. I’ll make sure of it.” I say as I turn to walk away. “Not so fast missy, you still need to talk to the alpha, let him know about the hunters and such.” “I’m sorry?” “You heard me.” “I did, but you must have forgotten, I’m a rogue. I don't have to listen to you and I sure as hell don’t have to do your job for you. I know how these things work. The hunting party is to tell the alpha all about the expedition and what threats they encounter. And as I told you, I’m no threat. I have given you my word that I won’t step foot on your supposed territory and I haven’t tried to fight you at all so I have proven that I mean no harm. Now, as I said before, goodbye.” “Stupid mut.” I turn my back to them and start walking back the way we came. Just ignore them and I’ll be fine. Their words mean nothing to me, so I can’t let them get under our skin. ‘But they called us a mut twice!’ ‘That they did, but it doesn’t mean anything. We are better than them!’ ‘But they called us stupid!’ Ira growls back. ‘Ira, drop it, I don't want to get in a fight with a pack and end up in a dungeon or worse off dead!’ ‘Fine, I’ll ignore it this time, but I swear if they try anything! And I mean anything I’m gonna lose my sh*t.’ ‘Then let’s get out of here before you can.’ ‘Good call.’ ‘You owe me Wolf, I don’t appreciate you making me clean up your messes!’ ‘Yeah, but you're stuck with me!’ ‘Unfortunately.’ ‘Ah come on, you love me!’ ‘Only because I have no other choice.’ ‘See, you say that but I know better’ I chuckle. ‘Whatever you say there, Ira.’ I make my way back to the clearing near my cave and stretch out my arms. Finally, back home and away from that entitled pack. They really think they can just claim to own part of this forest? Like F*CK! I'll make sure to stay away, but they are definitely going to have trouble with other rogues. But none of that concerns me. I walk into my cave and snuggle into my pile of pillows and blankets. Might as well relax after the day we had. Especially after dealing with those a*sholes. 'Ooh let's watch some TV!' 'Sounds good to me.' I grab my phone and some chips while finding a platform to watch. I settle on Disney and put on Forged in Fire. Can't go wrong with crafting swords and knives from scratch. It's so interesting and takes some serious skill and patience. One day I hope to learn the craft. About halfway through the second episode, I hear the sound of many wolves approaching. Those f*cking pack wolves must have tracked my scent and followed me here. 'Get ready for a fight, Ira.' 'I'm always ready.' I stand up and walk out of my cave. A few feet away I see the same group of wolves approaching. I let out a warning growl as I crouch down into a fighting stance. If they think I'll go willingly, then they have another thing coming! Nobody forces me from my home without a fight. The wolves get closer and try to surround my little cave. I let out another warning growl louder than the last and the same wolf from before shifts and glares at me. "Nice place you got here." "Thanks, but I didn't invite you over." "Of course not, but our Alpha wants to meet the rogue that took out three hunters alone." "Good for him, but it's getting late, and I'm in no mood to travel." "Too bad rogue, you've been summoned." "That means jack sh*t to me. If your Alpha wants to talk, he can come here tomorrow and speak to me himself." "Not gonna happen." "Then I guess you won't be making the trip home." "Is that a threat, little wolf?" "Oh no, that's a goddess f*cking promise!" "You really think you can take on a group of fully trained warriors?" "Oh, I don't think I know!" "Bring it b*TCH!" I lunge at the wolf and tackle him to the ground. The other wolves are stunned at my boldness and just stand there slack jawed. The wolf under me growls and tries to flip us over, but I push all my weight onto him. I lean closer to his ear and whisper. "You aren't the first pack wolf I've killed, and I doubt you'll be the last." He struggles some more, but I just snap his neck. The wolves watching let out a howl of pain as they feel the pack bond break. Once they come to their senses, all hell breaks loose. I quickly shift into Ira and start fighting. We take out at least 3 more wolves before I feel a light prick in my hind leg. I think nothing of it and keep fighting. Killing one more before I feel my movements slow, and my vision begins to blur. 'Something's wrong Vanessa...' A wolf in front of me shifts to his human form and chuckles at my weakened state. I try to stand but end up collapsing back onto the ground. 'Ira, what's happening to us?' Again, I try to move away from my attacker but nothing seems to be working the way I want it to. 'Ira, can you hear me?' With no response from my wolf, I realize I need to do everything in my power to protect myself. "This isn't over you bastards!" The guy in front of me kneels down to my level and eyes me from head to toe. "Of course it is, you have wolfsbane in your system. You can't do anything! You're as weak as a baby." "F*CK you!" "In your dream's sweetheart, now be a good girl and shut up. You two grab her, so we can leave this place." I try to struggle as the two wolves grab hold of my arms, dragging me from my spot on the ground. I still try to fight, but I'm sluggish, and my body feels way too heavy. Goddess, I hate wolfsbane. Why does it exist? I try to focus on my surroundings, but it's impossible to keep my head up. I'm fighting to keep my eyes open, but it's getting harder the more I try. If only I could get this out of my system, then I would be able to fight them off and get back home. Home... I wish I was wrapped up in my blankets cuddling my pillows. ****** A Few Hours Later ****** The sound of footsteps startles me awake. I rub my eyes and look around. I'm definitely not at home. The walls are stone, the floor cement and the cell door is steel. I stand and hear the rattle of chains. Looking at my feet, I notice the metal cuffs attached to a chain that is hooked to the wall. The chain looks to let me wonder slightly but not enough to get close to the door. Luckily for me, my hands are free, which is definitely something I can use to my advantage. I sit back down on the bare cot and wait for my captures to make their way to me. 'Ira, can you hear me?' 'Loud and clear.' 'Wonderful, that means the wolfsbane is out of our system.' 'Those bastards got us with wolfsbane?' 'Un f*cking fortunately, which has led us to being imprisoned.' 'Lovely... Hope you can talk your way out of this one.' 'Fingers crossed. Just stay on your toes, we need to be prepared.'
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