Chapter 3

1814 Words
The door to the cell opens, and 3 men walk in. I immediately go on edge, nothing good can come from this. But by the looks on their faces, they think I'm not dangerous. Little do they know the wolfsbane is out of my system and Ira is back and out for blood. "Stand up rogue." I stand up and bite my tongue. I'll play along for now, but when an opportunity arises I'm going for it. "You f*cked up rogue. And the Alpha's p*ssed." I remain quiet but roll my eyes. As far as I'm concerned, I haven't done anything wrong. "You messed with the wrong pack, little wolf." Every pack says the same sh*t. "The alpha wants to speak to you and for his safety and ours we decided to chain you to the wall." I look at the man. He's closer to the back and a little more soft-spoken. He clearly doesn't like this and probably has no intention of doing harm. The other two, however, don't like me and have some ideas of how they are going to show me just how much they don't like me. I glare at the two closer men. "If you cooperate with us nothing will happen." The quiet one says again. I eye him skeptical but shuffle closer to the wall. One of the closer wolves grabs hold of my arm and slams it against the wall. I let out a grunt of pain but otherwise remain silent. He grabs the shackle on the wall and goes to put it on my wrist. It's now or never to act, and so I quickly raise my other arm and attempt to s***h him in the face with my claw, but the other guy chains my hand to the wall before I can. He lets out a laugh. "So feisty, I can't wait till I can have some fun with you!" I spit in his face, and he growls at me. I smirk and glare at him. He studies my face and grins. His lust-filled eyes roam over my body and I shudder at the thought of what he might do to me. "Maybe we'll give you a try hmm? A little test ride before the alpha gets here?" "F*ck you!" I snap. No way in hell am I going to let him have his way with me. "Maybe I will." He rips open the front of my shirt and stares at my chest. "I'm going to kill you!" I scream. "Good luck with that b*tch." The first guy to chain me to the wall places his hand over my mouth and inhales my scent. While the second pervert goes to rip off the shorts I have on. I squeeze my eyes shut knowing there's nothing I can do in this situation. A loud growl emits from the entrance of my cell and everyone freezes. Whoever is here definitely means business and is highly ranked in the back. "What the hell is going on?" "We're just preparing the rogue for you alpha!' "Step away from my mate!" The two men take a step away from me and I catch my breath. "Why is her shirt ripped open?" "She did it herself." "Really?" "Yes sir." "For f*cks sake... are you really going to believe this bullsh*t?" "Shut up b*tch! No one was talking to you!" The guy who's been super mouthy and forceful slaps me. I growl and try to lunge at him, but I can't since I'm chained to the wall. The alpha, however, loses his sh*t and snaps the guy’s neck. Huh... "Both of you out. Now. Before I kill you as well." "Yes sir." the quiet one says as he books it from the cell, but the other one hesitates. "Did you not hear me?" "Sorry Alpha." He starts walking. Once he gets to the door, he looks back at me and glares before making his way down the hall. Now it's just me and the Alpha, f*cking fantastic! The alpha steps closer, and I release a growl in warning. He pauses and gives me a curious look. "Is everything ok?" "Excuse me?" "I asked if everything was ok." “What do you think?” “I know I’m sorry.” "Why do you even care?" "Because you're my mate... can't you tell?" "No." 'Ira, what do you make of this?' 'I don't know, I can't smell anything enticing' 'I don't trust him yet.' 'It could be wolfsbane.' 'Maybe.' "My wolf can't sense her mate in you. It could be due to the wolfsbane, but as of right now, you are not my mate." "Wolfsbane?" "Don’t play dumb with me!" "I'm not." "You mean to tell me that you didn’t know?" "All I know is that you attacked my men and since you killed my beta you're here." "Holy sh*t, your pack is super broken." "Excuse me?" "You heard me, your pack is broken! They lack proper communication. You do know what that means, right?" I ask, clearly bored with this conversation. "Yes I know what it means," he growls out. "Why don't you tell me what actually happened then hmm?" "Fine. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?" I say with a smirk, it's a lot of fun getting under his skin. "I was going on a run when I smelled something strange. It ended up being hunters, so my wolf and I decided to have some fun. While we hunted them, we played the victim." "That was incredibly dangerous and stupid! What were you thinking?" "I was thinking that it would be fun. Also, I wasn't done!" "Sorry mate." "For f*cks sake don’t call me that! I already told you I don't feel the mate bond." "Then what do you want me to call you?" "Vanessa." "Alright Vanessa, please continue." "Thanks." I say dryly. "As I said, I was having fun playing the victim, and it was super easy seeing how I was a naked woman, and they were all men." I grin and he looks ready to murder the dead men. "Anyways, I killed 2 of 'em and was on my way to kill the third when I ran into your pack. Unfortunately, my wolf took over, killed the hunter and then returned control to me." I sigh. "Since I needed to clean up my wolf's mess, I apologized for my wolf's actions and explained how I meant no harm. I went to leave, but I was told I was on your pack lands and that I needed to tell you what happened." "That doesn't make any sense... I didn't feel anyone enter my territory." "I knew it! Those filthy lying b*sstards..." "Why would they say you needed to come and talk to me?" "I don't know, I'm not them! I even explained to them that it was their job to tell you what happened. After saying my piece, I left." I paused for a moment. "Did they even come back and talk to you?" "All I was told was that a rogue killed three hunters. I mentioned how I wanted to talk to you because I could smell you, my mate, on them, and obviously I wanted to meet you." "Ok. So when they came back for me, they told me how you wanted to speak to me. Of course, I declined. They then said I was summoned. I again declined to go with them and told them to tell you to come speak to me yourself tomorrow." "That would have been fine with me." "Great, but it wasn't fine for them. I threatened them to leave, or I'd kill them. I'm guessing that this is where I killed your beta. He was very pushy." "So if I'm to understand this right, they told you to go with them, you said no and then killed my beta." "Yes. Like I said, I gave my answer and told them to have you come talk to me yourself. They didn't take no for an answer, so with a quick warning that they clearly didn't think I'd follow through with. I killed your beta, and at least 3 more warriors before they got me with the wolfsbane. Now that didn't stop me from killing at least one more before it took me out." "I'm surprised you were able to kill so many." "Yeah well, I'm not a weak wolf and when I get angry I get vicious." "Clearly." I roll my eyes at my so-called mate. "Well, how about we get you out of here and to a doctor. Hopefully, they will be able to get the wolfsbane out of your system." "Once that's done, can I leave?" "If you still don't feel the mate bond, then fine, you'll be free to leave." "Wonderful, now let's get this sh*t over with." He walks over and unlocks the cuffs on my wrists, and it takes everything in me not to growl at him. He moves onto uncuffing my ankles and once I'm free of the chains, I rub my wrists and stretch out my arms and legs. "Show me the way, Mr. Alpha." "Call me Devin." "Whatever, now let's go." “Not with you looking like that." "Excuse you?" "Your chest is exposed, and I'm not going to let anyone else look at what's mine." "Firstly, I don't care. I'm a wolf, it's normal to be nude. Secondly, I'm not yours, and you have no claim whatsoever to any part of MY body. At least not until I know for certain that we are in fact mates." He growls in frustration while I continue to hold my glare. I will not back down from him no matter what. He wants to be stubborn, fine. I'll just be worse. He sighs "Will you please wear my shirt, if only to shut up my wolf. I've already lost enough pack members today, I really don't want to be the cause of killing more of them." "Fine, give me the damn shirt and let's go." "Thank you, Vanessa." "Whatever, let's just hurry this along, so I can finally go home." He leads me out of the dungeon and growls at anyone who dares to look at me. 'This is ridiculous, Ira.' 'I know, he's clearly a piece of work. Don’t even get me started on his pack...' 'I really hope he isn't our mate, his pack is a disgrace, and he's a stubborn idiot.' 'I completely agree, if he is our mate we are going to have some serious work cut out for us.' 'Yeah... Or we could just reject him.' 'True, but he could just refuse the rejection and keep us here.' 'Dammit I forgot that could happen.' 'That’s why I'm here to remind you.' 'What would I ever do without you?' 'I don't know, and luckily we will never have to find out.' "We're here."
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