Chapter 10: irresistibly gorgeous

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Angelo was rendered speechless by all that Fenrir said, all sighed "I can only say that you can go and try your luck with her because even though I decline, you will still go ahead with your plan, and if I say yes you will still go ahead with your plans so I can't really stop you. But my compensation for you is that I will give you my blessings if you end up succeeding. Because I know my girl will never fall for you if she discovers your true evil color, and how you hold this household in the palm of your hand" Angelo said but instead of Fenrir getting angry he just smirked "You have figured" Fenrir said nonchalantly as if it was nothing much. "Yes, I have, and I don't think that's only me though. And if you don't rush this meeting and dismiss everyone then I'm assuring you that all the guests you have here will all end up finding out" Angelo said and headed back towards the bed to carry the weak Laylar to his own room. Fenrir smirked "I don't care even if all the ten households figured. Remember what you promised, that you will always give your blessings if I manage to capture her heart, and that means giving your approval and supporting me no matter what, don't ever go back on your words" Fenrir said and Angelo scoffed. "Just like I said earlier, she will never settle with you if she finds out your true color" With that Angelo left with Laylar. It's still uncertain whether Angelo was thinking with his d**k or brain but he hope he didn't end up regretting it. Fenrir watched as Angelo left and smirked, his eyes were twinkling like stars and he was brewing his next plan. "Come over here and suck this c**k" he suddenly said whilst pulling his thick c**k out. A pretty girl came in from outside and knelt between him whilst expertly sucking him off, he pushed his head back whilst bobbing in and out the girl's mouth with his c**k "Angel, you have placed me in such a horny state after having a taste of you, so if you think you can just run after imprinting your sweetness inside my mind you are really mistaken, Nghh..." he groaned licking his lips. If anyone were to see him that moment they will find themselves squirting cums at just the sight of him. Sophie has left the skygod forbidden region and has called Jamie to come meet him in a five-star hotel. She was currently having the best moment of her life, in a simple but expensive dress, her hair was left cascading down her back and this time around, she decided to not hide her real face either which caused a lot of males to be mesmerized by her in that hotel. Many of them were sprouting hard-ons even though they came with their girlfriends. Sophie was just too angelic and seductive at the same time making it hard for anyone to resist her at all. She was sipping juice while scrolling down her phone and the happiness on her face was almost radiating out making almost all males present to have the urge to abandon their girlfriend and just spoil her with every thing they have but the eyes and stares weren't really her concerns. Her happiness came from the freedom she was feeling, that's the type of life she wanted and not some high and mighty princess a world that the real world didn't even know existed. Being princess of the underground world that manipulates and is in total control of the real world was never her dream and never what she wanted. She just wanted to be a wealthy young and pretty girl, manage her chain of companies, and have s*x and fun while traveling the world. "Sophie?" A deep and sexy voice entered her ears and didn't seize to make her downstairs water. He looked up to see an incomparably handsome young man, well sculptured body frame and skin that glowed like the moon. The screams of s*x and captivation and Sophie weren't exempted. She subconsciously clutched her thighs together as if nothing happened, still looking gorgeous and pretty "It's been a long time, Jamie" She said with a smile that could arrest anyone's world. Jamie took in a deep breath to reign on his emotion and immediately took hold of Sophie's hand to book a room "Let's look for somewhere private to talk, there is just too open" his sexy voice sounded but he wasn't looking at the girl. Jamie was practically using the highest level of his self-control to hold himself together. It had been a while since he had last seen Sophie but instead of anything else, she was just becoming more pretty and pretty and days went by not even aging a bit. He took in another deep breath as they approached the receptionist, his eyes were almost turning glossy from arousal. He immediately paid for a room and Immediately headed there with Sophie. Because the room he ordered can only be afforded by those wealthy men who have little to do with their money so a security will have to guide them to the room. But as the security guard saw Sophie, he felt his downstairs twitch and precums ooze out, his body becoming so aroused that he couldn't even utter a word. If not because he was moving anyone would have been able to see his shuddering body from the level of aroused he was. Tears almost flow down from his eyes and his d**k kept twitching. They reached the room door and he found it hard to open the door as he couldn't even think straight anymore. Not even looking at him, Jamie immediately collected the key from his hand and opened the door throwing the key back to the security whilst rushing into the room with Sophie. He immediately took hold of the girl and captured her lips in an intense kiss and that's only what the security guard need to see as he emptied inside his pants "f**k!!!" he screamed whilst cumming, his body shaking.
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