Chapter 4 Relic

1061 Words
“Sorry for that. It’s my boss.” After that loud angry man left, Eric returned to his narrow room. His mood looked down, but his eyes lit up the moment he saw her again. He couldn’t help but wear that blissful smile back on his face. Even his complexion glowed with happiness. He looked so glad to finally meet her, as if she was someone he had been dreaming of for centuries. Leona was supposed to feel worried. It was weird to have a male wolf staring at her like that while she couldn’t move or even speak. But somehow, for some reason which she couldn’t explain, she felt fulfilled around him. She wanted to trust him with herself. “Don’t worry,” as if afraid of scaring her, after removing those sheets from her body, he quickly explained himself. “I am staying here illegally, but that’s not because I am a criminal or did something bad. It’s just because I am disliked by someone in authority. Some Alpha wants me dead.” That’s an even more interesting explanation. Leona couldn’t help but wonder how a weak Omega wolf like him could piss off some high-ranked wolves. Normally, they wouldn’t even look at a weakling like him. Too bad she wasn’t able to ask. Her interest was aroused by him, but the only thing she could do now was to lay there motionlessly, acting like a dead body. Luckily, Eric didn’t expect any reply from her. He went straight into the bathroom. Leona heard the water running inside. After a few minutes, when he came back, there was a wet towel in his hand. He then fumbled a while in the drawers of the desk. Leona saw him take out some medicine that only Omega wolves would use. “I am sorry,” he knelt beside her again. A shade of pink shyness crept onto his cheeks, which made him look even cuter. “I will have to check your wound now, Leo,” he whispered, looking nervous about what he was saying. “If it has already healed, it would be the best. But if not, I must help. Apply some medicine, you know.” Leona doubted whether the Omega’s medicine would have any effect on a corpse or not, but she would love to take the chance. No matter what, she got to find a way to restart acting or talking. She nodded her head mentally. Eric then picked up the scissor again from the floor. The wound was right under her left breast, kind of private body part. Leona saw Eric’s ear burn to red while he was cutting her clothes. It somehow amused her. He looked like a guy who had tons of girls following him, begging to sleep with, but when he faced her, he acted so shyly, almost like a virgin. Or maybe he was a virgin. Those were some weird thoughts. Leona quickly swept it away. He obviously had a huge crush on her, just like all the other wolves about his age. But she was already married, though also betrayed and dead. It just didn’t feel right to think about things like that. Gently but accurately, the young wolf cut off all the cloth which covered her wound. He then picked up that wet towel and started to clean all the dried blood off her skin. His movements were really gentle, almost professional. Leona couldn’t help but enjoy it a little. After a while, the nervous look on his handsome young face eased. He curled his lips into this big, delighted smile. “There is no wound, Leo!” He passed the good news to her almost in an ecstatic tone, “You’ve already healed. I knew it! The Moon Goddess’s relic has chosen you! You are still alive. You’ll be fine soon!” His eyes were filled with ecstasy too, suggesting that his happiness was genuine, as if it was him who had just come back to life instead of her. Leona had no idea why he took her life so seriously. But his high spirit affected her. Now she felt cheered up too. Though she was just betrayed and murdered by her husband, and her kingdom was stolen. At least she was still alive and she had this cute little wolf truly cared about her. “Wait for me, Leo,” Out of the blue, he suddenly stood up from the floor and then grabbed the key from his desk. “I will go buy … stuff for you.” His face burned again while saying that, but he was smiling all the time rather happily. “Don’t worry. You will be fine. I swear. The Moon Goddess’s relic. I had seen how it worked before. Maybe you will be able to move by tomorrow. Trust me and wait for me.” He then left the room hurriedly and locked the door. Leona was left alone there, lying motionlessly on the floor. When nobody was around talking and distracting her, the emotional part of her numb brain finally restarted to work. She couldn’t help but think of Austin, their marriage, his betrayal, and Felix, and all the happiness and trust. She felt sad but more lost. Even if she was brought to life by the Moon Goddess’s relic, then what? Revenge was a piece of cake for her. She was such a powerful wolf, overwhelmingly stronger than all the others. She could kill Austin and Felix in the blink of an eye, but that wouldn’t bring her marriage back. And it surely wouldn’t help her reignite her passion for life. The way she saw the world, and the faith she held in people changed permanently the moment Felix plunged that sword into her heart. Now she just felt cold, tired, and lost. It was abnormal. When such things happened to any other wolves, she was sure they would feel devastated, desperate, or at least furious. But she just felt sad and lost, maybe also a little disappointed. That's all. Perhaps the death did affect her. It had turned her heart to a stone. It may sound scary. But she was fine with it. At least, she wouldn’t shed any tears for Austin and Felix, the two cold-blooded monsters. Exhaustedly closing her eyes, Leona fell asleep without even realizing it.
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