Chapter 5 Scar

1457 Words
The next morning, when Leona woke up, the sky was already bright. Eric’s room was narrow, but it had a big two-casement window that was open. The daylight shone through it and filled the whole room. It was early spring. The wind which blew in was a bit cold. Leona was awakened by the fresh morning chills. She slowly opened her eyes, and then saw that cute wolf. He was lying right beside her on the floor, facing her, eyes closed, sound asleep. Leona noticed he had extremely long eyelashes which could make most girls jealous. And his nose and lips. They were just perfect. It was a shame that he was only an Omega. If he got Alpha blood inside that body, half of the kingdom’s girls would go crazy for him. As if disturbed by her uncovered gaze, the young wolf’s brows jumped a little, he then slowly lifted his eyelids. When their eyes met in the air at such a close distance, Leona suddenly had this strong feeling that she had met him before. At what place and what time, she couldn’t remember. But she just knew for sure, she definitely had seen him before. “Good morning, Leo,” he curled his lips into a light smile and whispered to her. Leona wanted to respond to him, but she still couldn’t speak. She frowned annoyingly and lowered her eyelids. That’s when she suddenly realized she was able to move her eyes now. That was huge progress. Eric noticed that too. He instantly rolled up from the floor. “Your eyes, Leo,” he said. “You can see me now, right? They are back to normal!” “I suppose so,” Leona tried to smile and answered him with an eye blink. Eric looked so happy. He quickly held her up from the floor and put her against the bed. “Can you speak or move? Do you feel any pain or discomfort?” He asked her carefully like a doctor. Leona felt nothing usual, except for being cold and dead. She tried to convey that message to him via mind-link but failed. She still couldn’t get in touch with her wolf. Eric noticed that. He quickly came up with an idea, “Alright, let’s do it this way. I am going to ask your questions. And you answer me by eye blinks. One blink for Yes, and Two blinks for No. Does that work for you?” Leona blinked her eyes. That was a “Yes”. Eric smiled. Even the breaths he breathed were tinged with happiness. “It’s a great sign, Leo,” he said. “Yesterday your eyes were … lifeless, but now you look very normal, just like all others. Gradually, you will regain control of your body. I swear. It just needs to take some time. Let’s wait together. There’s no need to be worried or scared. I will be here for you all the time. I promise.” It was cute that he thought she, the invincible Queen of the Kingdom, would be scared by such things. But it felt wrong to upset him by pointing that out. Leona blinked her eyes again. That was another “Yes”. Eric’s smile went bigger. He then went to the door and took several shopping bags to her. “I bought you all the stuff you might need,” he said, showing her what was inside those bags. “Clothes, shoes, makeup, and … underwear.” He flushed when he mentioned the last item, then looked at her with an embarrassed look. Leona blinked her eyes once again, encouraging him to carry on. Eric’s face burned red, “Please don’t think I am a freak, Leo. I am a normal person. I swear. I am just thinking, would you like me to take a bath for you? I want you to get rid of those clothes. It smelt like him, and that cat.” He surely had a strong possessiveness as an Omega wolf. Leona was amused by him, but she didn’t feel offended. It was inappropriate to have a strange male wolf bathe her at her current status, but what the hell. She wanted to get rid of Austin and Felix’s smell as badly as he wanted. And to be honest, who knew how long it would take before she could take a shower by herself. She couldn’t stay stinky like that all the time. Having blinked her eyes for one more time, Leona gave Eric her permission. Eric looked relieved-he did the right thing not to act thrilled. He went into the bathroom first to put the water in the bathtub. And then he carried her inside and put her on the floor. Slowly, he took off her jewelry and clothes piece by piece. He kept his head lowered all the time to keep Leona from seeing how red he had turned. But that burning ears of his surely gave him away. After that, he put her into the water very carefully. Starting with her hair, he cleaned every inch of her body with gentle movements, using a towel, of course. He avoided touching her skin as much as he could, acting like a perfect gentleman. When the shower was finished, he dried her with the bath towel and dressed her in the new clothes he had bought for her. It was a light blue dress with a neat cut. He had good taste in clothes. He then placed her on the chair in front of the desk and started to do makeup for her. Leona was amazed by the fact that he knew how to do makeup. Eric explained thoughtfully and with a slight embarrassment. “Please don’t think I am weird or gay,” he said. “My little sister has been handicapped since she was little. I’ve started to braid her hair since I was 7. And I learned how to do makeup for her too.” That was another piece of surprising information. He had a handicapped sister. But wolves don’t get handicapped, even Omegas. Leona couldn’t help but wonder where he came from. Swiftly and very professionally, Eric did her makeup. He took something that looked like a paintbrush and spent some extra time smearing colors on her right cheek. It took Leona some time to realize what he was doing. Before dumping her body, Felix burned a severe scar on her right cheek using that acid. The Moon Goddess’s relic must have failed to cure her from that. So how ugly had she been right now? No wonder there was no mirror in front of her. Leona’s mood went down. She could get over Austin and Felix. They were just men, after all. There were plenty of them outside. But a disfigured face even the Moon Goddess’s relic couldn’t cure. Leona wasn’t sure if she could live with it or not. She had spent her whole life being a great beauty. “Don’t worry. Just in a minute…” As if hearing her low mood, Eric whispered while tapping that paintbrush on her. After about five minutes, he finally finished his work. When he pulled away to observe her in whole, he showed that same genuine happy smile. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Leo. As always,” he commented in a shy tone. Leona felt upset. She didn’t know how he could say that kind of bullshit to a hideous monster. Just as she couldn’t understand how he could treat her like a Goddess during the past time when she looked like an ogre. The sudden awareness of her disfigurement eliminated all the pride and composure she still had. She was at the point of breakdown. Eric must have noticed the aggrievement and anger in her eyes. He put aside his smile and then picked up a handheld mirror from the desk. When he placed that mirror in front of her, Leona saw this stunning beauty inside it. She had a head of long white hair like the snow. And on her right cheek, there was a branch of red wintersweet blossoming in full. That dazzling red accompanying her white hair made her look like the Queen of the Snow. In her whole life, she had never been so beautiful before. At that moment, Leona somehow realized that that young wolf, the Omega, Eric, didn’t have a crush on her. He was truly in love with her. That’s how he could know her so well. Surprisingly, she shifted her gaze on him and he smiled back as usual. When their eyes met, Leona suddenly recalled when she had met him before.
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