Chapter 11 Heartbreak

1372 Words
Austin had never gotten such a sh/itty feeling. Right in the middle of his sleep, he was shaken and awakened from his comfy bed by the servant abruptly. First, he was told that his sole asset, his priceless trade company, had just been blown to ashes for no reason. And then, before he could process what was happening, he was dragged into the meeting room rudely and was being scolded by a bunch of pedantic old wolves. The chief wolf of the committee, the old wolf, Watler, questioned him over and over again, “Where the hell is she?!” Austin was pinned into an armchair with his silk night robe hung on his body loosely. He spaced out for a while before he realized this wasn’t a dream. “I don’t know,” he said, looking at those old wolves staring at him with a blank face, pretending he was as confused as them, “That night, before the coronation began, I went to our bedroom to look for her, but she wasn’t there, and then we searched through the whole castle, she is just nowhere to be found.” He stopped for a few seconds to observe those old wolves’ reactions before he continued, “But I bet she is alright. She always talks about travelling around the world and how tiring it is being the Queen. I am sure she is just…looking for herself outside somewhere. She will come back when she feels satisfied.” The old wolf’s face turned dark. He paced in the room anxiously. “Are you sure that is what she told you?!” After a few moments, he stopped and questioned Austin again, “Are you sure she said she was tired of being the Queen?!” “Yes,” Austin lied without blinking his eyes, “She wants to be free. She always wanted to travel. I thought you guys knew it. I mean, she is your Queen.” Walter’s face turned even darker after hearing that. He changed a look with the other five elders in the room, and then asked Austin again, “And she left you absolutely no contact?! There’s no way you can reach her right now?!” “No,” Austin said, and then added “explanation”, “She told me if she decided to leave, she would make sure no one could find her. You know how powerful she is. If she doesn’t want to be found, then she won’t be found.” Walter clenched his fists. He hated how irresponsible Leona was, but Austin’s answer had just made things much easier. “Then it’s done,” he turned his head and said to the other elders, “We must embrace that new wolf as our new king.” Austin thought he had heard it wrong. He asked before the other elders could answer, “Wait! What?! What new wolf?! Who?! I thought I was the king!” Walter cast him a hatred glance. He would rather die than admit this insolent human as his king. “No, you are not!” he growled in anger, “You are the Queen’s husband. That doesn’t make you the king!” Austin’s blood turned cold. Felix promised him as long as they got rid of Leona, he could be the king. Because the kingdom’s throne was only entitled to supreme wolves. And Leona was the only supreme wolf that existed in the world. There was no one else except for Leona and her husband could be on the throne! Felix assured him that. And that was the sole reason why he carried out his crazy murder plan! “You can’t do that!” Austin tried to argue, for himself, of course, “Only the supreme wolf can be the Queen or King. Leo is the only supreme wolf. You can’t just replace her with any other wolves! It’s illegal and unfair!” “Guess what? We’ve got another supreme wolf,” the old wolf replied, and his eyes were erupting fire, “And I believe he will be a much better leader than your wife. Once we get him back to the castle, your wife and you will be out of the game. If I were you, I would have started to pack now. Now get the hell out of here and keep your mouth shut!” Austin’s face turned purple as if he had just eaten a pile of s**t. He stood up from the chair and stormed out of the door. Once he got into the hallway, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Felix’s number. He wanted to know how there could be another supreme wolf?! Felix promised him Leona was the only one left in the family!!! He promised he would be the king once they got rid of Leona!! The phone rang once and was quickly hung up. At another end of it, on the highway near that piece of ancient city wall, Felix was in no mood to talk with anyone. He was a cat. He was immune to that wolf’s calling as Austin did. When everyone was waiting in the central square for further orders from their new supreme leader, Felix hopped onto his motorcycle and rushed to where it came from. It came from right here, where Leona’s body mysteriously disappeared. He could sense nothing resembling her around this place because she was already dead. But the air was tinged by the same stinky smell from that Omega’s wolf, Eric. Earlier tonight, when his troops were searching for that car owner who might have taken Leona’s body, he was there in the bar too. When all his soldiers came back empty-handed, Felix went upstairs and searched those rooms on his own. In one of those rooms on the third floor, he found Leona’s earrings on the desk. There were both male and female clothes in the closet. Felix checked and found those female clothes were her size. And those flowers under the windowsill and that wheelchair. It just felt like her. At that moment, Felix’s heart pounded wildly. He vaguely realized that Leona might still be alive. He wasn’t afraid. He would never be afraid of her. He loved her. But he couldn’t figure out why she stayed with another male wolf, and didn’t come back? If she were still alive, shouldn’t she feel angry right now and want to get back at him and Austin? Why did she just run and why was she staying with another male in his room for seven days?! He called the bar owner to the room and found it belonged to an Omega wolf named Eric. He was 18-year-old and he was a stowaway from the human world. Felix felt his heart shattered when he saw the picture of that Omega wolf. He was so young and handsome and vibrant and attractive. The moment Felix saw him, he knew Leona would like him. Any straight woman would like such a young man like him. But Felix couldn’t stand it. He just couldn’t stand Leona with other men. Why do you think he helped Austin and murdered her?! He just couldn’t stand the woman he loved so much was with another man… He went downstairs quietly and put a wanted warrant on that Omega wolf. That’s when he heard that howling from another supreme wolf. After he hung up Walter’s phone call, he rushed directly in the direction of that howling. His instinct told him that that howling was related to her. But she had already long gone when he arrived there. She had left with that same Omega wolf, and didn’t even bother to get back at him. He was nothing to her as always… His love, his care, his desire, his hate, and his anger, they were all nothing to her… Felix shed tears in his heart. He felt wounded more and he wanted Leona dead and suffer. After ignoring Austin’s phone call, he sent Eric’s picture to the immigration office and ordered, “Inform all the shifters kingdoms: this man is a deadly criminal on the run, and we’d appreciate it if they helped us to catch him.”
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