
1222 Words
It was nightfall before I finally turned the last page of the ancient book Angelo had given me. The weight of the knowledge I had acquired settled upon my shoulders, mingling with the anticipation of uncovering my elemental affinity. "I'm finished reading the book," I announced to Angelo, who was engrossed in his attempt to grow a makeshift tent using nearby tree vines. He chuckled softly, seemingly amused by my proclamation. "If you say so," he responded with a hint of skepticism in his voice. "No, really," I insisted, determined to be taken seriously. "Alright," he conceded, giving up the playful banter. "Let's figure out what element affinity you have." Gesturing for me to join him on the other side of the crackling fire, he directed me to sit cross-legged. "Close your eyes and breathe slowly," Angelo instructed. "Imagine yourself in a cold, dark room. The only thing in that room is a floating orb in the center. Walk towards the orb and place both of your hands on it." I followed his guidance, visualizing the scenario in my mind. As I approached the orb, the room seemed to grow warmer, the temperature rising with each step. Tentatively, I extended my hands and placed them on the glowing surface of the orb. Unexpectedly, a surge of intense heat shot through my hands, causing me to recoil in pain. But to my surprise, I found myself frozen in place, unable to move. I stood there, mouth agape, as red and gold lines began to spread across my arms and throughout my body, resembling intricate spider webs. Agony coursed through me, as if a multitude of knives were slicing me from the inside out. Tears streamed down my face, evaporating instantly upon contact with my cheeks. The red and gold lines continued to envelop me, bathing the room in a radiant glow that reflected off the countless mirrors adorning the walls. Amidst the excruciating pain, I noticed something that astonished me. My once short brown hair had transformed into an impossible shade of bright red, cascading down my back until it reached my buttocks. Similarly, my once clear blue eyes now blazed with a captivating golden hue. Another wave of pain surged through my body, momentarily diverting my attention from the mirrors and back to the glowing orb. It seemed to intensify, its brilliance growing with each passing moment. Suddenly, as if vanishing into thin air, the pain subsided along with the orb and the room itself. In an instant, the floor disappeared beneath me, and I found myself hurtling through an abyss of darkness. Terrified, I screamed, the sound echoing into the endless void. Without warning, the darkness began to transform, gradually shifting to a soothing light blue hue. The ground rapidly approached, and with a resounding boom, I crashed onto the forest floor. Astonishingly, I emerged unscathed, albeit shaken. Crawling out of the deep crater created by my fall, I took in my surroundings. Everything seemed different. The plants surrounding me glowed with an unnatural shade of blue, and the towering trees stood as majestic sentinels of this mysterious realm. The forest itself seemed eerily silent, devoid of the usual sounds of wildlife. As I marveled at the surreal environment, an indescribable sensation compelled me to turn around. And there, in the distance, I caught sight of a magnificent golden-blond wolf, seemingly ablaze with fire. Its intense gaze fixed upon me before it broke into a sprint, charging in my direction. Driven by an inexplicable impulse, I ran toward the wolf with fervor. But as I drew nearer, my hair burst into flames, the fiery blaze growing more intense with each step I took. Just as we were about to collide, the wolf passed through me as if made of ethereal smoke. Confused and breathless, I came to an abrupt halt and turned around, only to find the majestic wolf vanished without a trace. The forest began to spin, spinning faster and faster until the colors melded into a vibrant dark blue. Then, everything faded to black. Gradually, consciousness returned, accompanied by the sound of raindrops pattering on the tent's roof. Attempting to move, I discovered that my body ached as though it had been trampled by a stampede of horses wearing iron shoes and relentlessly pounded by a colossal boulder. My initial attempt to rise was swiftly abandoned when a splitting headache washed over me. It took some time for the excruciating pain in my head to subside, allowing me to make a slower, more cautious effort to stand. Braving the pouring rain, I ventured outside the tent, my gaze scanning the camp in search of Angelo. Noticing him standing motionless amidst the downpour, seemingly impervious to the rain, I hastened toward him. He swiftly approached me, ushering me back inside the tent and settling me in the same spot where I had awakened. "How long was I asleep?" I inquired, my voice betraying a hint of weakness. "About four hours," Angelo replied, tossing a towel in my direction. I nodded, accepting the towel and beginning to dry myself off. "Why were you outside in the rain?" I asked, curiosity piqued. "After you nearly set the forest ablaze, inadvertently signaling our location to any living being nearby, I thought it would be safer to keep watch, just in case we aren't the only intelligent beings in this forest," he explained matter-of-factly. Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and relief, I muttered, "So I guess we know what my element is." "Indeed," Angelo confirmed, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I must say, I've never seen such a pure manifestation of the fire element before." "Really?" I responded, genuinely surprised. He nodded, his eyes gleaming with a sense of pride. "You should feel proud of this unique gift." Suddenly, the memory of my transformed appearance resurfaced, and I sprang up from my seated position, ignoring the protests from my weary body. Hastily, I rummaged through Angelo's spacious bag until I found a mirror. Gazing at my reflection, I was greeted by the sight of my hair, now an intense shade of crimson. "What's wrong?" Angelo inquired, observing my reaction from his seat. "My hair..." I whispered, overwhelmed by the sight before me. "What about it?" he asked casually, seemingly unfazed. "It's red," I replied, a mixture of awe and confusion coloring my words. "I can see that," he responded with mild disinterest. "Why is it like this?" I pressed, desperate for an explanation. "I don't know," he admitted, his tone tinged with a hint of mystery. Frustration and acceptance battled within me as I continued to scrutinize my transformed appearance. With a long sigh, I concluded that it was not a temporary change or a prank played by Angelo. My hair was indeed a vibrant shade of red. Yet, amidst this perplexing revelation, I found solace in the fact that my eyes still retained their familiar shade of blue. As I reflected upon the changes that had befallen me, a sense of foreboding crept into my thoughts, overshadowing the curiosity that had consumed me moments before. Little did I know that this transformation was merely the beginning of a journey that would challenge my perception of reality, unveil hidden truths, and push me beyond the boundaries of what I once believed possible.
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