


Allison is like any normal teenage girl in her kingdom. Except she's the princess of said kingdom that is also the greatest witch Empire on the entire continent. But her happy normal life suddenly comes to an abrupt end due to one creatures selfish goal to annihilate all races other than his own from the face of the planet except. See what happens to Allison as she goes through trial after trial and grow into the destined princess she was meant to be.

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Chapter One
It was the dead of night when a thunderous boom reverberated through the castle, shaking its very foundations. The earth-shattering sound left me disoriented, my ears ringing in its aftermath. Driven by curiosity and a growing sense of dread, I ventured out of my room and into the dimly lit halls. Chaos unfolded before me as guards hurriedly crisscrossed the corridors. Among them, Captain Angelo's voice cut through the mayhem, bellowing urgent commands, "Evacuate the palace! We are under attack!" Spotting me amidst the commotion, Angelo rushed towards me at lightning speed, grasping my wrist firmly. "Princess, come with me. I'll take you to your parents," he declared, his urgency palpable. Without question, I allowed myself to be led through a labyrinth of hallways and down countless staircases until we emerged outside. The scene that unfolded before my eyes was nothing short of a nightmare. Homes were engulfed in flames, and terrified people fled from an unseen horror, their screams piercing the air. My vision blurred as Angelo's hurried pace prevented me from discerning the nature of our assailant. All I could grasp was that a formidable and merciless foe had overtaken us, and we were losing. Coming to an abrupt halt near the horse stables, Angelo announced that my family awaited us. Just as we were about to enter, a blood-curdling scream shattered the air. My heart wrenched in agony as I witnessed the horrific sight within the stables. "Mom!" I screamed, propelled by an inexplicable impulse, and darted towards where my mother and older brother lay lifeless, a pool of crimson staining the ground. Tears streamed down my face as I cradled their lifeless bodies. In the corner of my eye, I glimpsed my father engaged in a desperate battle with a monstrous creature, its eyes ablaze with malevolence, claws gleaming like shards of steel, and fangs reflecting the meager lamplight. Despite my father's prowess as the kingdom's mightiest warlock, his spells proved futile against the creature. To my horror, I noticed my father favoring a side drenched in blood, a wound inflicted by that very fiend. Desperate to aid him, I lunged forward, but Angelo's unyielding grip prevented me from reaching my father's side. I fought against him, pleading to be released, but his determination held firm. Tears streamed down my face once more, my cries for my father blending with the cacophony of battle. "No! Let me go! Daddy!" My pleas fell on deaf ears as Angelo, heeding my father's command, scooped me up effortlessly and placed me on the nearest horse. Mounting the steed with agility, he spurred it forward, carrying us through the flaming city. The nightmarish scene unfolded in a blur as we evaded attacks from the monsters lurking in the shadows, their grotesque forms momentarily vanquished by Angelo's expertise in the saddle. Through the burning streets and amidst the mountains of lifeless bodies, our desperate flight continued. It was a relentless m******e. Only when we had distanced ourselves enough to silence the screams did I dare to steal a glance back. The remnants of our once-great empire lay before me, ravaged and destroyed. We rode for what seemed an eternity, the sun gradually peeking over the horizon, casting its gentle glow upon the weary land. As the afternoon sun bathed a clearing in the forest where we sought refuge, Angelo dismounted and tied the horse to a nearby tree. Following suit, I settled on a small boulder, my mind clouded with thoughts. Angelo retrieved pots and pans from his dimensional pocket, skillfully unpacking sleeping bags and provisions for a stew. Kindly, he shared an apple with our faithful steed. Stripping off his armor, piece by piece, he revealed a chiseled, god-like physique that would normally leave me flustered. But amidst the turmoil in my mind, his presence merely offered a reassuring anchor. "I'll gather some firewood. Stay here, and if anything goes awry, scream for me, alright?" Angelo's voice broke through my daze, drawing my attention. I could only manage a nod as he vanished into the woods, leaving me alone with my thoughts. As the wind whispered through the trees, strands of my blond hair danced upon my tear-stained face. The night's events replayed in my mind—an unending loop of despair and tragedy. My family, brutally taken from me; innocent lives torn asunder; a city ablaze and streets awash with blood. "Hey, why are you crying?" Angelo's voice, gentle and concerned, pulled me from my anguish. I hadn't even noticed his return or the renewed flow of tears down my cheeks. He placed the firewood on the ground, moving closer until he was at eye level. Tentatively, he extended a hand toward my knee, but I flinched involuntarily. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he withdrew his hand and simply observed me for a moment before speaking softly, "From now on, I will protect you. Don't worry." He remained in that position, our silent connection unspoken yet profound, before rising and tending to the food he had gathered, including a few rabbits he had caught. Nightfall descended upon us, and we consumed our meager meal, the weight of sorrow still heavy upon our hearts. I nestled into my sleeping bag, leaving Angelo to his watchful vigil. The sound of my silent sobs gradually subsided as sleep enveloped me. By morning, we packed our belongings, resuming our journey toward the kingdom in the west, a week-long trek ahead. As we approached the neighboring realm, we were met with a haunting sight. The once-thriving kingdom lay in ruins, buildings reduced to ash, decaying bodies scattered in their wake. Even the castle, a symbol of power and grandeur, succumbed to the ravages of destruction. Navigating the wreckage on horseback, a commotion reached our ears, a muffled disturbance echoing from a shadowy alley, accompanied by hurried footsteps on the stone streets. "Hold on tight and don't let go," Angelo whispered, his voice barely audible as he cautiously retreated, his steed following suit. Suddenly, a monster lunged from the darkness, but Angelo extended his palm, conjuring chains of lightning that ensnared the vampire, pinning it momentarily to the ground. However, the magic faltered, and the remaining creatures closed in on us. Angelo recited an incantation, imbuing the horse with a crimson glow. With a resounding snap of the reins, we surged forward, leaving our pursuers flailing in our wake, hurtling across the desolate kingdom until the castle vanished from sight.

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